Looking for Products

agrē provides the option of either searching for a list of products or finding one particular product.


When you search for or find products, any text boxes left blank are ignored.


By default, agrē searches by product code. 

You may find yourself searching for/finding products often if your product codes have no phonetical relationship with your product descriptions (for example your product code for InVigor is 7204589). If the search window supports it, use the Quick Search field to find products as it searches multiple fields.

There is a company config option that tells agrē to look at the product description instead of the code if you’d rather type “invigor” instead of “7204589” when adding products to invoices, inventory receipts, purchase orders, etc.

Preference for searching by code or by description can be set also at the user level.

What you'll find:

Using the Product Search Window

Using the Find Product Window

Using the UPC Scan Window

Using the Product Search Window



The Search toolbar button retrieves multiple products. When you search for products, agrē retrieves a list of products from which you can select one, if needed.

Click the Search toolbar button

- or -

Press ALT+S

Type criteria and Press ENTER

The New Search toolbar button provides a quick way to start a new search. The search criteria defaults to the values you last entered.

Click the New Search toolbar button

- or -

Press ALT+S

To search for a product

Open the Product Search window (for example: navigate to Inventory > Manage > Products)..
The Product Search window can be opened from many different menus and windows in agrē. Depending on where you opened the Product Search window from, some criteria may be unavailable to edit (e.g., the active status).


Entering Product Search criteria to refine your search is optional. However, the more specific your criteria, the more specific the search results. You can specify one or many pieces of information for which to search. If you click Search without entering any criteria, all active products are listed. Depending on your inventory and configuration settings the search could result in a list of hundreds or thousands of products. If too many products are found, agrē asks you to narrow your search. Try selecting products from just one product type.

Quick Search is available on select inventory searches.
In the Quick Search box, enter any portion of the: 

product code

product description

short description

alternate product description

UPC code

manufacturer product code

supplier product code

supplier alternate product code

(config C) list of raw ingredients

In the Product Code (any portion) box, enter any portion of the product’s code.

In the Product Description (any portion) box, enter any portion of the product’s description.

In the UPC Code box, enter the product’s UPC code.


With the cursor in the UPC Code box, you can use a bar code scanner to select an item.

In the Supplier/Manufacturer Product Code box, enter any portion of the product’s code used by the product’s supplier or manufacturer.

In the Product Type box, optionally change the product type or search for all product types.

In the Product Group box, optionally change the product group or search for all groups.

In the Product Characteristic box, optionally change the product characteristic or search for all characteristics.

In the Manufacturer box, optionally change the manufacturer or search for all manufacturers.

In the Supplier box, optionally change the supplier or search for all suppliers.

In the Project box, optionally change the project or search for all projects.

In the Inventory Item? box, optionally change whether to search for inventory products.
Either” is selected by default and searches for inventory and non-inventory products.

In the Active? box, optionally change whether to search for active products.
Yes” is selected by default. “Either” searches for active and inactive products.

In the Dangerous Goods? box, optionally change whether to search for dangerous good products.
Either” is selected by default and searches for dangerous good and non-dangerous good products.

In the Blend Product? box, optionally change whether to search for blend products.
Either” is selected by default and searches for blend products and non-blend products.

In the EPD? box, optionally change whether to search for products with applicable Early Payment Discounts.
Either” is selected by default and searches for discountable products and non-discountable products.

In the Manufactured? box, optionally change whether to search for Manufactured products.
Either” is selected by default and searches for manufactured products and non-manufactured products.

Click Search or press ENTER.
The search results are shown.

Using the Find Product Window



The Find toolbar button retrieves multiple products from which you can select only one product.

Click the Find toolbar button

- or -

Press ALT+N

After using the Find button, the Use Selection toolbar button uses the selected product in the Product List to display data on another window. The Use Selection button also closes the Find Product window.

Select a product from the Product List and then click Use Selection

- or -

Select a product from the Product List and then press ALT+S

- or -


After a Use Selection, the Previous Search toolbar button executes another search using the last criteria selected.

Find a product and Use Selection.
Select Find again.

Click Previous Search
- or -
Press ALT+P
to execute a search using your previous criteria to bring up the same items in the Product List

Price displays only on Invoice
(Config C, U - can display by default) After the Product List displays and a Location is selected, QoH or Price & QoH toolbar buttons (keyboard shortcut for both: F7) add extra columns to the Product List

Find at least one product.

Click Price & Quantity on Hand
- or -
Press F7
to display Unit Price, Quantity on Hand (current balance), Ordered amount (on Purchase Orders), and Committed amount (on Work Orders).

To find a product

Open the Find Product window.
The Find Product window can be opened from many different menus and windows in agrē. Depending on where you opened the Find Product window from, some criteria may be unavailable to edit (e.g., the active status).


Entering Find Product criteria to refine your search is optional. However, the more specific your criteria, the more specific the search results. You can specify one or many pieces of information for which to search. If you click Find without entering any criteria, all active products are listed. Depending on your inventory and configuration settings the search could result in a list of hundreds or thousands of products. If too many products are found, agrē asks you to narrow your search. Try selecting products from just one product type.

In the Quick Search box, enter any portion of the: 

product code

product description

short description

UPC code

manufacturer product code

supplier product code

supplier alternate product code

or (config C) list of raw ingredients

Quick Search is available on select inventory searches.

In the Product Code (any portion) box, enter any portion of the product’s code.

In the Product Description (any portion) box, enter any portion of the product’s description.

In the UPC Code box, enter the product’s UPC code.

In the Supplier/Manuf. Product Code box, enter any portion of the product’s code used by the product’s supplier or manufacturer.

In the Product Type box, optionally change the product type or search for all product types.

In the Product Group box, optionally change the product group or search for all groups.

In the Project box, optionally change the project or search for all projects.

In the Product Characteristic box, optionally change the product characteristic or search for all characteristics.

In the Manufacturer box, optionally change the manufacturer or search for all manufacturers.

In the Supplier box, optionally change the supplier or search for all suppliers.

In the Dangerous Goods? box, optionally change whether to search for dangerous good products.
Either” is selected by default and searches for dangerous good and non-dangerous good products.

In the Inventory Item? box, optionally change whether to search for inventory products.
Either” is selected by default and searches for inventory and non-inventory products.

In the Active? box, optionally change whether to search for active products.
Yes” is selected by default. “Either” searches for active and inactive products.

Click Find.
The search results are shown in the Product List on the Find Product window.


To view the Prices and the Quantities on Hand, select a Location from the drop-down list in the lower right corner then click Show Price and QoH. Prices and Quantities are shown for the first 100 products listed.

In the Product List, select the product and then click Use Selection or press ENTER.
The selected product is displayed.

Previous Search becomes active after Use Selection and searches using the last criteria selection.

Price and QoH (Quantity on Hand) becomes active after at least one product is found.

Using the UPC Scan Window



UPC button
The UPC toolbar button allows you to scan (or manually enter)  multiple UPC codes  from which you can select all products.

Click the UPC toolbar button

- or -

Press ALT+U

Use Items button
After scanning one or more items (or manually entering UPC code[s]), the Use Items toolbar button uses the selected products in the Product List to display data on another window. The Use Items button also closes the UPC Scan window.

Scan one or more items (or manually enter UPC code[s]) then:

click Use Items

- or -

press ALT+I

To select products by scanning UPC code

Open the UPC Scan window.
The UPC Scan window can be opened from many different inventory report criteria windows in agrē (eg. Shelf Labels, Count Sheet).

Scan an item
- or -
In the UPC box, manually enter a UPC code and click Add.

Scan or manually add additional items as needed.
To remove an item from the list, select it and click Remove, or click Remove All to remove all items.

When the list of items is complete, click Use Items.
The UPC Scan window closes.

In the Select Products, section of the report criteria, Scanned Items Selected is displayed.

If you want to clear one or more scanned items, click UPC again, select the item and click Remove, click Remove All to clear them all, then click Use Items (even if there aren't any listed).