Inventory Reports




Inventory Activity Detail

Displays detailed information about products and all of the transactions that have affected their inventory balances. Used for reconciliations and audit requirements

Inventory Activity Summary

Displays a summary of products and all of the transactions that have affected their inventory balances. Used for reconciliations and audits

Inventory Balances

Displays inventory balances for products and any applicable minimum on hand values

Inventory Cost History

Displays cost history information for products. Used for inventory reconciliations

I want to read the Cost History white paper (with screen shots)

Inventory Count Sheet
(manual count sheet)

Displays a list of products used in manual counts of inventory products. Current inventory balances can be hidden or shown, products with 0 balances can be hidden or shown. Can be grouped by Product Type or Shelf. Products can be listed by Product Code or by Product Description

There is a layout that displays Lot#s - contact your CSC to have it loaded into your agrē database

Inventory Current Value

export available

Shows the value of products on hand and displays inventory subledger balances and inventory asset account balances for comparison

I want to read the Inventory Current Value white paper (with screen shots)

Inventory Forecast Position

Displays the inventory forecast position of your inventory

Included Manufactured checked: 
- Raw Products are included only in manufacturing amts
- Manufactured Products are already included in Quantity on Hand

I want to read the Inventory Forecasting example (with screen shots)

Inventory Forecast Position Details

(non-menu) Runs from links on the Inventory Forecast Position report

Displays the details of the forecasted inventory position for a particular product at either a specific location or multiple locations

Inventory Position

Displays current balance, quantity committed on work orders, quantity ordered on purchase orders, and quantity you are in the position to sell for specified locations

There is a flavour of this report for Bill and Hold with an extra column for Remaining Quantity on Hold. Please contact your CSC to have it loaded into your agrē database

Inventory Position Detail

Run from links on the Inventory Position report (not available from menu). Provides details about from where the on hand quantity came, from which suppliers the product is ordered, and for which customers the product is committed

Inventory Position - Projected
(Projected Inventory Position)

Run from links on the Inventory Position Detail report (not available from menu). Shows the Inventory Position in date groupings (days or weeks) based on Service Date of Work orders and Expected Delivery Date of Purchase Orders

If no Service Dates or Expected Delivery Dates have been entered, projections are based on the Date Ordered

Inventory Received

Lists inventory receipts and their details

Summary available when sorting by Product, Supplier, or Product Type

Note You may see a unit cost of "NaN" in some circumstances. This stands for "Not a Number" and is displayed when agrē cannot calculate a value.
- for an unbilled inventory return to supplier (agrē needs an actual cost from a PI, not just an estimated one from an InvRec)
- when net quantity = 0 (the same number was received as was returned and anything divided by 0 is infinite)

Inventory Summary by Month

Summarizes inventory movement on Invoices and Loadout tickets (including returns)

Inventory Transaction Details

Displays the details of transactions affecting the cost of a product (cost adjustments, purchase invoices)

Run from links on the following reports (not available from menu): Inventory Activity Detail report (click on the quantity), Journal Entry report, Inventory Adjustment, Inventory Cost History (click on text link Details)

Tip Use when a product's Base Cost doesn’t equal the Adjusted Cost and you want to see which purchase invoice adjusted it.

Inventory Turnover

Displays the rate of inventory turnover (product sold) in a given date range. If no units were sold during the specified date range, turnover rate = 0 (or null)

Default Formula: Inventory Turnover = Inventory Sold/Average Inventory
where Average Inventory = (Starting Balance + Ending Balance)/2

Inventory Variance

Compares the system balance to the manual count

Displays the variance, cost, and total value

Only products with a count entered can be displayed (null = not counted)

Location Transfer Transportation Documents

Displays detailed information about location transfers

Lot Number

Is run from the Lot Number home form using the Preview Item button (not available from menu)

Displays the activity (inventory receipts, adjustments, loadout tickets, invoices, etc.) associated with a particular Lot Number

Lot Number Activity

Displays all activities linked to Lot Numbers

Lot Number Balances

Shows the on-hand amount of Lot Numbers per product

Manufacturing Document

Displays manufactured products and their actual raw products and quantities

Manufacturing Instructions

Shows how to manufacture products by displaying their default raw products and quantities (their recipes)

Manufacturing Position

Displays the position of raw products used in manufacturing in either main units or units specified for manufacturing on the Units Tab

The Products search criteria is common to all inventory reports (so all products can be selected, not just manufacturing ones) but results are limited to manufactured products only. Try using Product Type to filter results

Product Allocation

Displays the entered product allocations and related position numbers used for over-ordered/over-committed products

Product List

Displays products and services

Product Price List

Displays the prices for products and services

Product Sale Prices

Shows a list of sales and their details

Product Summary
(non-menu, run from Product Price Check, you may also want to look at the Customer Sales Summary data export)

Combines details from Customer Sales, Inventory Cost History, and Inventory Position

Release Number Activity

Shows a list of release numbers and their details

Shelf Labels

Displays shelf labels (a.k.a. shelf tags) for printing or scanning

- item must have a price in order to print its shelf label.
- small labels may not have enough space to display Min/Max values if there is also a deposit

Tip prints price for Main Unit unless overridden by Default Invoice Unit 

I want to read the white paper (with lots of screenshots) about printing Shelf Labels

Transport of Dangerous Goods

Displays a list of dangerous goods and all information required by Transport Canada. Applicable to Inventory Receipts, Location Transfers

There are layouts that can display all products, not just the dangerous ones.
Contact your CSC for details