Accounts Receivable Reports





Displays a single account or interest adjustment for a customer.

Adjustment Receipts Batch

Displays all account and interest adjustments for specified customers.

Aged Receivables

Displays a detailed list of customer account balances, outstanding payments, and payment amounts. Shows the amount of days payments are overdue. Select the number and days of aging buckets.

Applied Credits

Shows the transactions that credits were applied to for a specific customer during a specified date range.

AR Invoice Activity

Displays what has been invoiced for particular dates, locations, customers, and products.

AR Release Numbers

Lists the AR release numbers for selected date ranges and products. Often used to provide a snapshot of what is happening per scheduled day (to allow for planning).

Tip Ordered From is the work order line location; Shipped From is the LOT or INV line location.

AR Taxes

Shows all the applicable AR sales taxes, including tax exceptions and override rates.

Bill & Hold

Shows bill and hold information grouped by customer or by product.

Cash Out

Displays the AR Activity of Payments and Invoices by location. Includes optional Cash Worksheet to assist with bank deposits.

Comparative Customer Sales

Displays a comparison of sales between sales per product and per customer.

Credit Info

Displays customer current balances, prepayments, warning limits, interest rates, current credit limits, and optionally bank information.

Customer Account Activity

Displays a selected customer’s current balances and all of the account activities that affect the current balances.

Customer Balances

Displays a selected customer’s charge, credit, prepayment, and net balances.

Customer List

Displays all selected customers and their contact information.

(defaults to Active - Yes
click More Options to change)

Customer Position

Displays the position of prepaid committed products to be shipped to customers.

Customer Prepayment

Displays a selected customer’s prepayment deposits, plans, and activities.

Paid - refers to status of Work Order Paid In Full checkbox

Customer Prepayment Position

Shows customers’ total prepayment amounts remaining and compares them to their prepayment plans.

CRM Activity Summary

Lists CRM activities by Customer.

Customer Sales

Use the Product List data export to identify products flagged as Omit from Sales Reports.

To display Permit information, Group Sales By: Customer and Product and check the Show Permits box.

Lists all the invoices and invoice details for selected customers.

Sales Rep - Sales Rep under Select Customers is sales rep on customer account; Sales Rep next to Location of Sale is sales rep on Invoice (which may have been changed from default sales rep on customer account).

Manufacturer - Manufacturer under Select Products is manufacturer on product now; Manufacturer of Sale is manufacturer on product at time of sale.

Group by Supplier - from Supplier Product Code Mappings (if multiple, looks at top row only). 

Customer Sales - Single Customer

Use the Product List data export to identify products flagged as Omit from Sales Reports.

Run from the Customer Account, lists all the invoices and invoice details for that customer.

Note View Margins permission is inherited from Customer Sales.

Customer Statement

Displays a selected customer’s account activity, debits, credits, and balances during a specified date range. Used to send to customers for billing.

Can include a dynamic "special comment" text line that will display on each statement in this run only, or a more permanent comment for each location that will appear on every statement run until it is changed or removed.

Customer Summary Statement

Displays a summary of Purchases, Returns, Adjustments, Interest, Payments, Prepay Deposits, Prepay Purchases, Prepay Transfers, and details of purchases and Taxes.

Discount Groups

Displays all discount groups and their details.

Interest Charges Applied

Displays a selected customer’s interest charges and interest adjustments.


Displays purchase date and due date, purchased products,  and prices.

Invoice Activity

Provides an overview of invoices in the system. Shows what has been invoiced: for particular invoice dates, entry dates, locations, customers, and/or products.

Invoice Batch

Displays all invoices for specified customers to be printed and sent to customers for billing.

Payment Type refers to Immediate Payments only.

Loadout Ticket

Displays products/services on Loadout Ticket; provided to customer on receipt of goods (customers may refer to it as a bill of lading or delivery slip).

Loadout Ticket Activity

Displays all loadout tickets and their details, including products, dates, and locations.

Loadout Ticket Batch

Displays all loadout tickets for specified customers to be printed and sent to customers.

Payment Activity

Displays payments received from customers of various payment types. Used for reconciliation and to assist with bank deposits.

Show Undeposited Funds Only - transactions that will not display:
- funds that have been deposited 
- funds received/paid out when payment type is flagged to not show on Bank Deposits

Payment Receipt

Displays receipt for payments and prepayments received to be printed.

Payment Receipts Batch

Displays all payment receipts for payments and prepayments received.

Suggested Interest Charges

Displays the suggested interest charges on or before a certain date.

Note  Calculation Method defaults to Balance Forward; remember to change to Daily if that is the method your company is using, then save as a Report Favourite.

Suggested Receipts

Shows the outstanding receivables as of a given date. Useful for predicting the dollar value of expected payments (based on invoice due dates).

Tip  Sort by Date, then when viewing the results think of the Due Date column (on the far left) as the "future date". If you want to know how much you can expect in customer payments by August 31, scan down the Due Date column until you get to August 31. If you want to know how much to expect by the end of the year, scan a few more pages until you get to December 31.

Transport of Dangerous Goods

Displays a list of dangerous goods and all information required by Transport Canada. Applicable to LOTs, Invoices.

There are layouts that can display all products, not just the dangerous ones. Contact your CSC for details.

Work Order

Displays products and pricing details of a given work order/quote; intended for the customer.

Work Order Activity

Displays all work orders and their details, including dates, prices, and any committed, ordered, prepaid, and/or taken products.

Sort By: Sales Rep is sales rep on work order.

If Show Totals is checked, average unit price (per product, weighted by Quantity Ordered) is displayed in totals section.

Work Order Batch

Displays all work orders for specified customers.

WO and PO Activity Combined

displays Purchase Orders and the Work Orders that created them (PO quantities converted to work order units; PO prices converted to home currency)