Managing Location Settings

The Manage Locations window consists of the following two tabs:

Main tab. Used to enter a location’s name and contact information, dangerous goods information, required on dangerous goods transportation documents, for products moving out of the selected location (e.g., 24 hour number), alternate pricing and taxes locations

Notes tab. Used to document any information you want about the location that appears on related reports.


If you want to use the same settings at all locations, select <Company> from the list; however, only the Main tab is available to edit.
If you have only one location, <Company> is hidden.

Warehouse Locations and Postings

Warehouse locations do not have pricing; therefore, each warehouse requires an associated retail location from which to pull pricing and taxes. Similarly, you can redirect a regular location to a different location for pricing and taxes, if needed. Your postings and reports may show the redirected locations rather than the actual locations.


What you'll find:

Step 1: Complete the Main Tab

Step 2: Complete the Notes Tab


To manage your location settings, there are two steps to follow; however Step 2 is optional can be completed as needed. When you are finished adding the information needed, click Save.

I want to read the white paper about Divisional & Regional Reporting (with lots of screenshots).


Step 1: Complete the Main Tab

To complete the Main tab
* indicates a required field


Location Type displays the type of location (full or warehouse). Please contact your CSC to change it.

On the File menu, point to Manage and then click Locations.
The Manage Locations window opens.

(Config U) In the Location box, enter the location that contains settings to specify.

Click Retrieve Data.
The rest of the window is available for use.

In the Name* box, enter the location’s name.
Ensure you enter a unique name for the location so that the location is easy to identify (e.g., Edmonton Warehouse).


Company Name displays your official company name that you set up with Tronia. Please contact your CSC to change it.

The following information appears in work order, loadout ticket, invoice, statement, and transportation headers.

In the Address box, enter the location’s address.

In the City box, enter the city.

In the Province box, enter the province.

In the Postal box, enter the postal code.

In the Phone box, enter the location’s main phone number.

In the Fax box, enter the location’s fax number.

in the Toll Free box, enter the location’s toll free phone number.

In the Mapping Code box, enter a  location code (used when agrē communicates with external systems).

Advanced Settings section


Location for Posting displays the location you specified for postings. Please contact your CSC to change it.

In the Location for Pricing box, enter the location that you want this location to use for pricing.
Only full locations that have not already been redirected are available to choose from. If this location is a warehouse, a location for pricing is required since warehouse locations do not have pricing. A location for pricing is optional for full locations.
Usually this is the same as the Location for Posting, but it can be different.

(Optional for warehouse locations) In the Location for Taxes box, enter the location that you want this location to use for taxes.
Only full locations that have not already been redirected are available to choose from.
Usually this is the same as the Location for Posting, but it can be different.

Select the locations's Division from the drop down menu.

Select any Location Groups.

Dangerous Goods Section

In the 24 Hour Number box, enter this location’s 24 hour emergency contact number.
All companies that transport dangerous goods must have an emergency contact number.
Transport Canada recommends this text: In the event of an emergency involving dangerous goods call CANUTEC at 1-888-CAN-UTEC (226-8832).

In the Emergency Response Plan Contact Number box, enter the location’s phone number to call when the Emergency Response Plan needs to be implemented.
All dangerous goods products require emergency response plans (i.e., the required steps to follow in case of an emergency). When you call the emergency response plan contact number, the response plan number is required.

In the AWSA No box, enter the location’s Agrichemical Warehousing Standards Association number for the dangerous goods products belonging to this location.
This used to be called the CPIC number. It must appear on transportation documents.

Step 2: Complete the Notes Tab

You can enter notes about the location that appear on printed reports (e.g., invoice notes appear on Invoice reports).

To complete the Notes tab

Click the Notes tab.

Enter notes in the applicable boxes for the location.
These notes will be displayed on the corresponding document/report.


AR Payment comments will display on both the Payment and Prepayment receipts.


If you would like to have the same note print for every location, choose Location=<Company>, type in the notes, and check On save update all locations with these notes before you Save.
If any Company notes are blank (no text entered), you'll be prompted: Do you want to empty out existing location notes?
Yes: Updates all notes for all locations including the blank notes - existing Location notes are overwritten with Company blank notes
No:  Updates all notes for all locations excluding the blank cells - existing Location notes are retained
If one location needs different notes, you can later edit the ones for just that location.

For Invoices and POS Invoice Notes only - the Current Location Notes are stored on the invoice when the invoice is saved. Even if the Locations Notes have been subsequently updated, the original Location Notes will display when reprinting the invoice at a later date (unless the invoice has been edited - at which time the original notes will be replaced with the Location Notes current at the time of the edit when it is saved).

You can use the Audit/Admin > Notes data export to double check all notes in one place.

Save your changes.