Report Favourites

agrē allows you to flag the reports you use most often as your favourites to make them quicker to find when you want to run them.

You can also save - and share - criteria favourites, which is very handy when you run the same report with the same settings on a regular basis.

What you'll find:

Flagging a Report as a Favourite Report

Saving Report Criteria Favourites


Flagging a Report as a Favourite Report

To flag a report as one of your favourites:

Navigate to Reports > Favourites > Manage Favourites.
The Manage Report Favourites window opens will all agrē reports grouped by module (AR, Inventory, AP, GL, etc.) and sorted alphabetically.

Check the Favourite column for each report you want listed as a favourite.
The reports are listed in Menu order.

Click Save.
The Manage Report Favourites window closes and the reports you selected will be listed under Reports > Favourites.


Saving Report Criteria Favourites

Report Criteria Favourites allow you to save the criteria you just selected so when you want to run the same report again, you can quickly select the same criteria set. Multiple criteria favourites can be saved for the same report, and one favourite can be flagged as the default. Criteria favourites are user-specific - each user sees a list of only the criteria favourites they have saved - but can be flagged as Public so others can use it (others can see and use it, but only you can manage it).

You can optionally choose to include or to exclude the date(s) as part of the saved criteria.

For example, if you run the Inventory Balances report every day for your location, you won't want to include the date - each day you run it you'll want the balance date to default to the current day.


Criteria selected under More Options will be saved as part of the Criteria Favourite, with the exception of Select Details.
Try using a Product Characteristic, Product Program, Customer Characteristic, Customer Group, or Supplier Characteristic instead.

Criteria favourites can be updated if things change, and they can be deleted once you no longer need them.

Report criteria favourites are applicable to previewing, printing, and quick printing.

Business Rules for Report Criteria Favourites

Security applies.
e.g if you had permission to View Margins on the customer sales report and checked that setting in a criteria favourite, and then later that permission is denied, you will not see any margins when you run the report using the previously-saved criteria favourite.

Location Security applies.
e.g. if Edmonton is saved as the Location in a criteria favourite and you are subsequently denied access to Edmonton, the rest of the criteria will populate normally but the location will default to <Any Location> ( which means any location you have permission to).

Report criteria favourites will override most config option defaults.
e.g. Some reports [like the Work Order and the Customer Statement] have the Printed On setting (plain paper/preprinted form/letterhead) on the report criteria form itself.

Personal defaults override company defaults.
Select Start Over to return to agrē defaults.

All More Options criteria (for customers, products, and suppliers) - except Select Details - are included as part of a criteria favourite.

Saving of dates is controlled through a separate setting (checkbox).
(Config U) If you want the date(s) included as part of the criteria favourite, Include Date Controls? must be checked before you click Save.
If Any Date is selected, the hidden dates are not saved.

With Customer/Products/Suppliers selecting a customer will disable the extra controls below, also if you use the bottom controls the Customer/Product/Supplier drop down isn’t used in the report criteria. So even if you have selected a Product, for example, but then change the Product Type, Characteristic or any of those controls, they have priority when saving a favourite over the Product itself.


To save a new report criteria favourite:
* indicates a required field

Open a report criteria window by running a report.
e.g. navigate to Inventory > Reports > Inventory Balances

Select the criteria you want to use to run the report.

Click Favourites (the gold star).
The Saved Criteria window opens.

Leave Create New selected.

Type a name* for the criteria favourite (30 characters max, spaces allowed, must be unique for that report).

(config U) Check Include Date Controls? if you want to save the date(s). Uncheck if you don't.
This setting affects only actual date fields. Fields like Any Date are not affected.

Check Public (Share with Users) if you want to allow access to other users.

Check Default to make these criteria the report defaults.
(personal defaults override public defaults)

Click Save.
The Saved Criteria window closes. The new criteria favourite is automatically added to and selected from the criteria favourites drop-down list.

Next time you want to run the report with that same criteria, select it from the criteria favourites drop-down list.

To update an existing report criteria favourite:
* indicates a required field

Open a report criteria window by running a report.
e.g. navigate to Inventory > Reports > Inventory Balances

Select the criteria favourite you want to change from the criteria favourites drop-down list.

Change the criteria to the new settings.

Click Favourites (the gold star).
The Saved Criteria window opens.

If you forgot to select a favourite criteria to update before you clicked the gold star, select it now from the list at the bottom.

Ensure Update is selected.


To create a copy of the criteria favourite, select Create New instead of Update and type a new name*.

Click Save. The favourite is updated with the criteria currently selected.
The Saved Criteria window closes.

To delete an existing report criteria favourite:

Open the report criteria window by running the report.
e.g. navigate to Inventory > Reports > Inventory Balances

Click Favourites (the gold star).
The Saved Criteria window opens.

Select the criteria favourite you want to delete.

Click Delete.
The Confirm Row Removal window opens.

Click Yes to delete the criteria favourite.
The Confirm Row Removal window closes.

The criteria favourite is deleted immediately - there's no need to save.
Click Exit to close the Saved Criteria window.