Customer Groups

Customer Groups are used to classify customers into groups (usually by family or by business interests) for work order sharing and split-billing. A Customer Group must consist of at least one customer, and a customer may belong to more than one customer group.

Use the Manage Customer Groups window to add, edit, activate or deactivate, and delete customer groups.

I want to read the white paper on Split Billing (which includes screenshots of setting up a customer group).

What you'll find:

Customer Group Management

Adding Customer Groups

Editing Customer Groups

Deactivating and Activating Customer Groups

Deleting Customer Groups

Customer Group Enhanced Functionality

Prepayment Deposits - Link one Grower's PPD to Another's

LOTs and Invoices - Linking To/Importing From Customer Group Work Orders


Customer Group Management

Adding Customer Groups

You can add Customer Groups in order to classify customers into groups.

To add a customer group

Navigate to Accounts Receivable > Manage > Customer Groups.
The Manage Customer Groups window opens.

Click Add.

For the Customer Group, enter a unique description (e.g., Martin Family).

Ensure the Active box is checked.
Active is checked by default.

Click Add Customer to select the first member of the group.

Find a customer and click Use Selection to add them to the group.

Set their default Split Percentage.
Split percentage is ignored if the customer is in more than one group.

Click Add Customer to add the rest of the customers (one at a time) to the group.

Click Save.
At least one customer must be added to the group in order to save.

Editing Customer Groups

You can edit any of your existing Customer Groups at any time by changing the name and the active status.

To edit a customer group

Navigate to Accounts Receivable > Manage > Customer Groups.
The Manage Customer Groups window opens.

Select the group to modify and click Edit.

Change the name of the customer group as applicable.

Add to group membership by clicking Add Customer, or select a member and click Remove Customer.
Click Yes to confirm a removal.

Change the default Split Percentage if required.

Click Save.

Deactivating and Activating Customer Groups

When you add a Customer Group, the default setting is active, but you can also activate a customer group that has been deactivated.

When a customer group is deactivated, you can no longer use it in the database. When a customer group is reactivated, it is automatically associated with anything that it was associated with previous to being deactivated.

To deactivate or activate a customer group

Navigate to Accounts Receivable > Manage > Customer Groups.
The Manage Customer Groups window opens.

Select the group to modify and click Edit.

Clear or set the Active check box of the customer group as applicable.

Click Save.

Deleting Customer Groups

Removing Customer Groups deletes them from the database. You can delete a group that has been used but you may want to deactivate it instead (for example, last month you split-billed between the group members, but if you delete the group you would not be able to split-bill anything new in the future).

To remove a customer group

Navigate to Accounts Receivable > Manage > Customer Groups.
The Manage Customer Groups window opens.

Select the Customer Group to remove.

Click Delete.

Click Yes to confirm the removal.
The customer group is removed immediately.

Customer Group Enhanced Functionality

Customer Groups allow you to do things with customers that agrē wouldn't normally allow.

Prepayment Deposits - Link one Grower's PPD to Another's

You can link a Prepayment Deposit from one customer to a prior prepayment deposit made by another customer in their group. This allows you to setup work orders for the entire group under one customer account and deposit each member's prepayment dollars into their own accounts.

For example, all work orders for the Bean Family customer group (comprised of Bean Family Farms, Heather Bean, and Jim Bean) are setup under a single account: Bean Family Farms. For a particular work order, Bean Family Farms will be depositing 50% of the product value and his daughter Heather will be prepaying for the other 50%.

I want to read the white paper on Split Billing (which includes screenshots of accepting prepayment deposits for customer groups).

To link one customer's prepayment deposit to another group member's prior one

Follow the usual steps for accepting a prepayment deposit for the customer whose name is on the work order, in this example: Bean Family Farms.
This adds prepayment dollars to the Bean Family Farms customer account.

Create a new prepayment deposit for the other group member, for example Heather Bean.
This will add Heather's prepayment dollars to her own account.

Check Use Work Orders from:
The Include Customer Group window opens.

Click Yes to include deposits made by others in their customer group in the drop-down list.
The Include Customer Group window closes.

When the down-arrow is clicked, from the list of prior prepayment deposits (which now includes those made by other growers in their customer group) select the appropriate one.
In this case, select the one from Bean Family Farms.

Complete the prepayment deposit as usual.

LOTs and Invoices - Linking To/Importing From Customer Group Work Orders

A customer group member can draw down from any work order of any member in the group. For example, both Heather and Jim can draw down off a Bean Family Farms work order.

I want to read the white paper on Split Billing (which includes screenshots of linking to/importing from customer group work orders).

To link to or import from a customer group work order

Follow the usual steps for adding a loadout ticket or invoice for the customer who is taking the product.

To import from a customer group work order or loadout ticket

Click Import from WO/LOT.
The Import Rows window opens.

Check Include WO from Customer Group.or Include LOT from Customer Group.
Products for the customer's group(s) are listed.

Select the product(s) and continue on as usual.

To link to a customer group work order


Linking to a customer group work order must be done manually. AutoLink will link to the customer's own work orders only, not to any group work orders.

Add the product(s) to the LOT or Invoice as you normally would.

Click Link to Work Order.
The Link to Work Order Detail Line window opens.

Check Include WO from Customer Group.
Products on work orders for the customer's group(s) are listed.

Select the work order you want to link to and check Use Selection.
The Link to Work Order Detail Line window closes.

Continue on as usual.


On the Products tab, hover over the WO Ref number with your mouse to see the customer name on the WO.


Grower Central - Common Login for Multiple Grower Accounts

You can use Customer Groups to allow the same email/password to login to many Grower Central accounts.

I want to read the white paper on Grower Central (which includes screenshots of setting up customer group Grower Central access).