Adding Invoices

The Add Invoice window allows you to create active invoices used to bill customers. Items (products, services, and blends) can be added to the invoice directly or be pulled into the invoice from existing work orders and loadout tickets.



Before creating invoices, you may want to set up your AR reference numbers,  payment data (i.e., payment types, payment type discounts, early payment discounts, and discount groups). You may also want to set up your default interest settings. However, you can set interest directly on invoices.

Click the Documents button to attach a document file to the invoice.

What you'll find:

Adding Products or Services to Invoices

Adding Blends to Invoices

Linking to Existing Work Orders on Invoices

Importing Items onto Invoices

Adding an Invoice

To add an invoice
* indicates a required field

Navigate to Accounts Receivable > Invoices. Or click the Invoices toolbar button. Or open the Customer Account.
The Invoices window opens and all invoices created today are listed.

Click Add.
The Add Invoice window opens.

To enter a specific reference number, clear the Generate Reference Automatically check box and type a number in the Reference* box.
Each invoice requires a unique reference number for future tracking. If the Generate Reference Automatically check box is selected, agrē assigns the next sequential invoice reference number to this invoice.

In the Customer* box, enter the customer’s name.
When you enter the customer’s name, the default billing and shipping addresses, phone number, and postal code appear on the Customer and Shipping tab.


Click Find to search for a specific customer or click Add to add a new customer.

Click View Credit to display a summary of the customer’s credit balances. The Customer Credit Information window opens, and the customer’s contact information and Credit Limit, Net Balance (including Prepayments, Balance (excluding Prepayments), Unbilled Loadout Tickets, and Prepayment Remaining , totals are displayed (Lines of Credit are shown for information-only and are not included in any calculations).
Click OK to return to the Add Invoice window.

Click View Prepayment Report to display a Customer Prepayment report for the customer.


If you have invoice notes specified for the customer (set up in Manage Customers), a message containing the notes appears. Click OK to continue. The notes remain on the bottom left corner of the window for future reference.

In the Invoice Date* box, today’s date is selected by default.
You can change this date to a past date, but not to one in a closed accounting period.
Future dates are not permitted. If you want to invoice the customer now for product they are picking up in the future consider using a Bill & Hold invoice.

In the Due Date* box, optionally change the date that the invoice is due.
You can change the default to any date on or after the invoice date. After this date occurs, the invoice begins accruing interest, if applicable. The default due date is set up in your interest settings.
If you change this date, the Chargeable Date will be not be updated automatically to match.
agrē will remind you to check the chargeable date on the Totals tab which can be optionally changed as well.

(Config U, U) In the Location* box, enter the location that owns the invoice.
This location may differ from the location specified for each invoice item, which is the location that will supply the item.

In the Created By box, optionally change the name of the person identified as the creator of the invoice.
The name of the person logged on is entered by default.

Customer and Shipping tab

In the Ship to box, optionally change the address to which the products will be delivered.
The default shipping address specified in Manage Customers is selected by default.


Click Find to search for a shipping address. Use the Filter to refine the results list or click on a column header to sort.

Click Add to add a new address or click Manage This Customer to edit the customer’s information.

(Config C) In Sales Rep, optionally change who should 'get credit' for this sale.
The default sales rep is specified on the Customer Account.

In the Order Number box, enter the order number used by the customer (e.g., a PO number).
(can be mandatory)

In the Carrier box, enter the company that transports the products (maximum 50 characters).

In the FOB box, enter the location that the products are delivered to without charge (maximum 50 characters).
FOB stands for Free on Board. Customers are responsible for picking up the products at the location specified. Additionally, customers are responsible for payments of shipments made to locations other than the one specified.

In the Freight Terms box, enter the terms and conditions for the payment of the transportation of the products identified on this invoice (maximum 50 characters).

In the Comments box, enter comments for the printed Invoices.

(Config I, U, L,C) Select the Offer EPD on this invoice check box if you want the customer to receive an early payment discount on this invoice.
The Offer EPD on this invoice check box is selected by default. However, this check box is not available if you do not have EPD’s set up. This setting overrides the same settings in your configuration settings.

(Config I, U, L, C) Under Apply Credit Behaviour, select the check boxes as needed.
These settings override the same settings in your configuration settings.


Each invoice may include products, services, or blends.

The products, services, and blends that you add to the invoice may be added to the invoice directly or be imported into the invoice from existing work orders and/or loadout tickets.

Add products or services to the invoice.
- or -
Add blends to the invoice.
- or -
Import products, services, or blends from work orders or loadout tickets.

Link or AutoLink to existing work orders if applicable.

Save the invoice.

Adding Products or Services to Invoices

To add a product or service to an invoice

Ensure the mandatory invoice information (and optional information, if needed) is completed on the invoice.

(Config C) On the Add Invoice window, click the Purchases tab.
If the customer you selected has active rows (items) on work orders or loadout tickets, a message appears when you click the Purchases tab asking if you want to import items from the work orders or loadout tickets. Click No.

Click Add Product Row.
The Add Invoice Purchase Row window opens.

In the Product box, enter the product or service you want to add to the invoice.
Click Find to search for a specific product or click Add to add a new product.

Product Invoice Popup Notes (if applicable) will display.
Click OK to clear the message.

In the Units box, optionally change the unit of measurement for the product or service.
The default unit, if available, is either the main units or the preferred units for the product (set up in Manage Products).

(Config U) In the Location box, optionally change the location that supplies the product or service.
The location specified on the invoice header is selected by default. Items on the invoice can be supplied from different locations.
If the product has a Shelf #, it will be displayed.


(Config C, U) Quantity Committed displays the remaining quantity committed on work orders.

Quantity on Hand displays the quantity of the product in the selected units, at the selected item location. This feature is only available for inventory products. If the Quantity on Hand is less that the quantity specified, or below the minimum quantity, a message "Check Inventory" appears as a reminder that you may not have enough in stock.


Click Details to view additional inventory details for the product (e.g. committed quantity on order). The window opens and you can view the additional inventory details. Click Show Other Locations to view the same information for all locations.

In the Quantity box, enter the quantity taken by the customer.
Negative quantities are not permitted. Use the Return Products tab to return products.


For purchases of prepaid gas (or any tax-included/gross-pricing item) you can enter a Unit Price and a Line Total and agrē will calculate the Quantity for you.

Bill and Hold - Check Bill and Hold if you will be invoicing the product now but the customer will receive it later.

I want to read the white paper on Bill and Hold.


The status of the Bill and Hold flag cannot be changed once the invoice has been saved, but the row can be removed (as long as no product has been taken) and added again without checking B&H.

The product, units, and product line location cannot be changed once product has been taken.


Run the Bill and Hold report to find out who has product remaining to be taken.

In the Unit Price box, optionally change the default price per unit of the product.
The unit price defaults to the current price of the product for the customer and the location of the item. Your security settings determine if you can override the price.


Click Pricing to view more details about prices for the product. The Pricing Info window opens.

In the Use This Price box, optionally change the price of the product. Click Reset To Current Price to reset the product price to its default value.

Click Cost Details to view additional cost details for the product (e.g., current estimated cost). The Cost Details window opens and you can view the additional cost details. You will also see the last price paid at this location, and the last price paid at another location. Click OK to return to the Pricing Info window.

Click Calculator to calculate a discounted or surcharged price for the product. The calculator window opens. Select the Calculation Type of Surcharge or Discount. In the Start with this price box, enter the starting price of the product. In the Apply discount/surcharge of box, enter a discount for the product and select whether to use a Percent or Dollar discount. Click Calculate to calculate the new price, or click Clear to start over. The Calculated Price box displays the calculated price (decimal places match Starting Price, min of 2, max of 4). Click Use Price to use the calculated price as the product price, or click Exit to close the calculator.

The Current Prices tab lists the current retail price at each location (if applicable). Double click a price to copy it to the Use This Price box.
The Sale Prices tab lists any current limited-time sale prices. Double click the sale price to bring up details about the sale - which locations it applies to, what other products are included in the sale, etc. To use a sale price, type it manually in the Use This Price box.

The Sales History tab lists the customer's prior purchases of the product: the sales date, the quantity purchased, the unit price, if it was prepaid, it was sold in a blend, and the location of the sale. It shows the running Total for just this customer below the grid. The grid can be filtered by positioning your mouse on a column header and clicking the down arrow. You can see the original sales document by clicking View Item. If you wish to use any of these prices, type it manually in the Use This Price box.

When you are finished making changes, click Update. The Pricing Info window closes and the information appears on the Add Invoice Purchase Row window.

Select the Prepay? check box to use prepayment funds for this product or service.
Unit Price must be positive if Prepay is checked (please contact your CSC if this requirement conflicts with your business process).
Selecting this box indicates that prepayment funds are to be used, and there must be enough prepayment funds for the purchase to proceed. If the customer has insufficient prepayment funds, the Prepay? check box is automatically cleared. Taxes on prepaid purchases are set to prepaid as well. You can clear the Prepay? check boxes at any time if you change your mind.


The Line Total box displays the total cost of the product or service, including taxes.

In the Line Comments box, enter comments for the printed Invoice reports.
Maximum number of characters is 300. These comments appear next to this item.

(config C) Select the Credit Reason Code if the product row creates a credit/line total is negative (can be mandatory).

(optional) Select an existing Lot Number from the drop down list. Or click the ellipsis [...] to link to multiple Lot#s or to add a new Lot# on the fly.

I want to read the white paper (with screenshots) about Lot Number Management.

(optional) In the Project box, enter the project that you want the product to be associated with.
When you associate the product with an active project, the revenue and cost of goods sold postings are also associated with the project. If the product is already associated with a default project (set up in Manage Products), then the default project is selected by default.

(optional) In the Field box, enter the farm field that you want the product to be associated with.
When you associate the product with a farm field, it will be included on the Field History report. If you are using the Agronomy module, the Product Distribution will be done automatically.

In the Override GL Account field, optionally select a different Sales GL for the posting of the revenue dollars (only applicable if the product allows an override)

In the Tax table, change the Amount or Prepay? settings for each tax.
Taxes can only be paid for using prepayment funds if the product or service is being prepaid.

Click Update.
The Add Invoice Purchase Row window closes and the product or service appears in the list on the Add Invoice window.

Messages (e.g., reminders), warnings (e.g., permits required), and associated product messages for the invoice may appear. For messages and warnings, click OK. To add the associated product to the invoice, click Yes. Or, if there are multiple associated products to choose from, select the ones you want and then click Use Selected Rows. Otherwise, click No.


To remove an item from the list, select the item and click Remove Row.

To change the order of items listed in the grid, select the item and press Control+Up Arrow or Control+Down Arrow, or use the Up/Down Arrows at the right side of the grid.
Additional products in blends must be also moved manually - they do not move with the blend - but will be removed if the blend is removed.


The Invoice Total box displays the running total of items added to the invoice.


After you’ve added items to an invoice, you may want to associate the items to an existing work order, as though you had imported the items directly from the work order. The WO Ref column indicates if there are work orders available for the items added.


If you save the blend and its non-blendable additional products on a work order, loadout ticket, or invoice, the additional products that belong to the blend are indented beneath the blend so you can easily see they are associated with the blend.

If you are done adding products to the Invoice, click Save to save it.
(Config U, L,C)A message may appear asking you if you want to preview the Invoice.
To preview and click OK. Click Cancel if you do not want to preview a document.

Adding Blends to Invoices

To add a blend to an invoice

(Config C) On the Add Invoice window, click the Purchases tab.
If the customer you selected has active rows (items) on work orders or loadout tickets, a message appears when you click the Purchases tab asking if you want to import items from the work orders or loadout tickets. Click No.

Click Add Blend Row.
The Make a Blend window opens.

Messages (e.g., reminders) and warnings (e.g., permits required) for the invoice may appear. For messages and warnings, read the text and click OK.


To remove an item from the list, select the item and click Remove Row.


The Invoice Total box displays the running total of items added to the invoice.

Click Save to save the blend on to the invoice.


Blends cannot be flagged as Bill and Hold.

If you are done adding products to the Invoice, click Save to save it.
(Config U, L,C)A message may appear asking you if you want to preview the Invoice.
To preview and click OK. Click Cancel if you do not want to preview a document.

Linking to Existing Work Orders on Invoices


The WO Ref column displays the message <WO Available> if the product, service or blend itself exists on an active WO or it displays  <Emb. WO Avail> if the blend ingredients or additional products exist on an active WO (emb. stands for "embedded" because you'll need to edit the blend row to link).


If you have enabled Location Security for Work Orders, you may see the message <WO Available> but you will be allowed to link only to Work Orders in locations you have permission to use (the list would be blank if all work orders were from restricted locations).

When you link to existing work orders from invoices, you are associating items on the invoice to those same items on the work orders. The WO Ref column indicates if there are work orders available for the items added. In order to link, the units for an item on an invoice must match the units specified for the item on the work order. (Config U,C) For blends, the configuration must be enabled and the blend history must be the same.

If you are linking to a quote, it will be automatically turned into an order and you'll be asked if you want to commit the product(s).

The prices for the items on the invoice are updated so that they match the prices quoted on the work order. If the work order does not have specified prices, the current prices are displayed on the invoice.

The prepayment flag for each item on the invoice is updated to match the prepayment flag on the work order (remaining quantity and prepayment dollars permitting).

If you are linking to a work order with a different sales rep than the invoice, agrē will let you know with a popup message. If the invoice has no sales rep specified, it will default to the sales rep on the work order.

When the invoice is saved, information on the work order and invoice is updated; the referenced work order is updated to reflect the quantity taken on the invoice. Product commitments are updated to reflect the taken committed quantity.


Use Auto Link to link multiple products to the next available work order(s).

To link to an existing work order

In the Product list, select the item you want to link to the work order item and then click Link to Work Order.
The Link To Work Order Detail Line window opens.

Check Include Expired Work Orders if you've chosen to allow linking to active expired work orders, and want to do so now.
Expired work orders are listed in red.

Check Include Work Orders from Customer Group if you want to link to another group member's work order.
The ShipTo column changes to Customer.
Orders in the customer's own name appear in black; orders in customer group member names appear in green.

If there are no active rows (items) on work orders for this product and customer, a message appears: “There are no work order rows available for linking for this product.” Click OK to go back to the Add Invoice window.

If you imported items from a work order into the invoice, the Link to Work Order button is unavailable for those items since they are already referencing a work order.


Each row in the list is an item on a work order or loadout ticket. The reference number indicates which work order or loadout ticket the item belongs to; therefore, if multiple items have the same reference number, they exist on the same work order or loadout ticket. When you link to them, the work order or loadout ticket reference numbers display in the Product list.

Additionally, items that are set to prepaid on work orders are automatically set to prepaid on invoices when they are linked to or imported (unless the customer has insufficient prepayment funds). You can, however, change the prepay settings at any time.

In the Work Order Items list, select the item to link to the invoice item and then click Use Selection.
The Link To Work Order Detail Line window closes and the Work Order Ref column is updated on the Add Invoice window.


Split Rows  If the quantity you enter for the invoice item is greater than the quantity available for the work order item, a message appears asking if you want to split the line. When agrē splits the line, it creates two lines on the invoice: one line references the work order item and contains the available quantity. The other line does not reference the work order item and contains the quantity needed to make up the difference. Click Yes to split the line, or click No to cancel linking the item.

(Config C) By default the split row gets the same price as the linked row, but you can be prompted to use the Current Price instead.

If you are done adding products to the Invoice, click Save to save it.
(Config U, L,C)A message may appear asking you if you want to preview the Invoice.
To preview and click OK. Click Cancel if you do not want to preview a document.

Importing Items onto Invoices

Items (products, services, and blends) can be pulled into invoices from existing work orders and loadout tickets.

If you are importing from a quote, it will be automatically turned into an order and you'll be asked if you want to commit the product(s).

If you are importing from a work order with a different sales rep than the invoice, agrē will let you know with a popup message. If the invoice has no sales rep specified, it will default to the sales rep on the work order.

To import an item into an invoice

(Config C) On the Add Invoice window, click the Purchases tab.
If the customer you selected has active rows (items) on work orders or loadout tickets, a message appears when you click the Purchases tab asking if you want to import items from the work orders or loadout tickets. Click Yes to open the Import Rows window automatically. Click No to continue importing items manually.

Click Import from WO/LOT.
The Import Rows window opens and active (unbilled) items on loadout tickets for this customer are listed.
Loadout tickets only are displayed by default; however, you can also view and import active items on work orders for this customer.


You can narrow the list of items by changing the criteria under Filter (product, product type, LOT or WO date) and then clicking Refresh List (or use the keyboard shortcut for Refresh List: F5).

If you invoice by Product Type, consider checking Include Associated Products. This will list all associated products (even if, for example, their product type is not the same as the main product type).

If you have items selected in the list, clicking Refresh List clears the items and replaces them with the new results. A message appears asking you whether you want to proceed. Click Yes to refresh the list and clear the lines, or click No to return to the Import Rows window and keep the selected lines (by not refreshing the list).

The list can be sorted by clicking on a column header. Click again to sort in the reverse order.

The results can also be filtered by column: mouse over the column header and click the arrow that appears at the far right of the column. Choose which items to display and click Apply. Click Clear to remove the filter.

Location information is shown by default; choose Show ShipTo (bottom right corner) to show that address instead.


Each row in the list is an item on a work order and/or loadout ticket. The reference number indicates which work order or loadout ticket the item belongs to; therefore, if multiple items have the same reference number, they exist on the same work order or loadout ticket. When you import them, the work order or loadout ticket reference numbers display in the Product list.

Additionally, items that are set to prepaid on work orders are automatically set to prepaid on invoices when they are linked to or imported (unless the customer has insufficient prepayment funds). You can, however, change the prepay settings at any time.


To quickly select and clear all the items in the list, click Select All and Deselect All.

Importing from Work Orders

By default Loadout Tickets are selected; click Work Orders.
The list will refresh automatically.

Check Include Expired Work Orders if you've chosen to allow importing from active expired work orders, and want to do so now.
Expired work orders are listed in red.

Check Include Work Orders from Customer Group if you want to import from another group member's work order.
The Location column changes to Customer.
Orders in the customer's own name appear in black; orders in customer group member names appear in green.

Select a Work Order Sub Type to if you want to import items only from a particular sub-type of work order.

Change the Filter criteria if needed to search for a particular product or product type, and date range.

In the first column of the product list (with check boxes), check the boxes of all the items from loadout tickets or work orders that you want to import onto the invoice.


Highlight a product and click Preview Item to view the source document (LOT or WO).

(Config C) The Import Quantity can default to the quantity remaining on the work order (but can be edited if the customer is not taking the entire quantity remaining)
- or -
the quantity can default to null and the user will be required to manually type in the quantity the customer is taking.


To flag the quantity as Bill and Hold, you'll need to edit the product row after it's been imported to the invoice.

Click Use Selected Rows.

If the location on the invoice is different from the location on the work order, the Change Location? window opens asks you to confirm from which location the inventory is being taken (whose inventory level should go down?).
Click Yes to take the inventory from the invoice location; click No to take the inventory from the work order location.


A BOAWO (Blend on a Work Order) can be taken only from the location on the work order.

If you need to take the blend from a different location you will need to edit the work order first.

If the Ship To address on the Customer and Shipping tab of the invoice is different from the ship to address on the work order, the Conflicting Ship To Addresses window opens to let you know.
Click OK to close the window.

The Import Rows window closes and the imported products are shown on the Add Invoice window.

If the quantity taken exceeds the quantity remaining:


When agrē splits a line, it creates two lines on the invoice: one line references the work order item and contains the remaining quantity. The other line does not reference the work order item and contains the quantity needed to make up the difference.

For straight products (i.e. not blends on a work order) the line will split automatically.

If there is quantity available on a different work order, <WO Available> will display in the WO Ref column of the split line.
Click Auto Link to WO or Link to Work Order to link.

For BOAWO (blends on a work order) the Blend Exceeded WO Limit message appears advising you to change the quantity manually.
Click OK to continue.

Edit the blend row to change the quantity to what is actually being taken and Update.

The Split Lines? message appears.
Click OK to split the line.
Save the blend.

If there is quantity available on a different work order, <WO Available> will display in the WO Ref column of the split line.
Click Link to Work Order to link.

Importing from Loadout Tickets

(optional) Check the Include LOT from Customer Group box to retrieve also unbilled loadout tickes from members their Customer Groups.

Change the Filter criteria if needed to search for a particular product or product type, and date range.

In the first column with the check boxes, check the boxes of all the items from loadout tickets that you want to import onto the invoice.

Click Use Selected Rows.
The Import Rows window closes and the selected items are shown in the Add Invoice window.


If you have chosen to use the sale price from the Loadout Ticket date, that price may be different than the current price. To check the dates of product sale prices: edit the product row, click Pricing, and view the Sale Prices tab.

Importing from either Work Orders or Loadout Tickets

Messages (e.g., reminders) and associated product messages for the invoice may appear. For messages, click OK. To add the associated product to the invoice, click Yes. Or, if there are multiple associated products to choose from, select the ones you want and then click Use Selected Rows. Otherwise, click No.

If you are done adding products to the Invoice, click Save to save it.
(Config U, L,C)A message may appear asking you if you want to preview the Invoice.
To preview and click OK. Click Cancel if you do not want to preview a document.