Making a Blend

I'm looking for how to Make a Blend - The Fast Way using only the keyboard and setting defaults for blending

I'm looking for illustrated examples of how to Make a Blend

The Make a Blend window consists of the following six tabs:

Blend Setup tab. Used to select a customer or the calculator mode, the location the blend is being made, the calculation method, and the blend type.

Calculation tab. Used to calculate and recalculate the blend and to define pricing.

Additional Products tab. Used to add additional products, such as seed or chemicals, and to define their quantity and price in the blend. You cannot add additional products (the tab is blank) until the blend has been calculated.

Blend Notes tab. Used to document any information you want about the blend that optionally appears and prints on the Blend Price Sheet and Blend Batch Sheet reports. For example, you may want to write a message regarding the transportation of the blend or specific instructions from the customer.

Price Sheet tab. Used to select the criteria for the Blend Price Sheet report and run it.

Batch Sheet tab. Used to select the criteria for the Blend Batch Sheet report and run it.

There are 7 steps to follow when Making a Blend, however not all steps are required and some can be completed only as/when needed.

Step 1: Complete the Blend Setup Tab

Step 2: Begin the Calculation Tab

Step 3: Complete the Calculation Tab

Step 4: (Optional) Complete the Additional Products Tab

Step 5: (Optional) Complete the Blend Notes Tab

Step 6: (Optional) Complete the Price Sheet Tab

Step 7: Complete the Batch Sheet Tab

When you are finished calculating the blend, you can save it or discard it.


You can make a blend for a specific customer or you can use the blending module as a calculator just to get a blend price or print a batch sheet.

Customer Blends. Blends that are made for a customer can be saved as a blend or as individual blend products  on work orders (where they can then be pulled into loadout tickets and invoices), or as a blend template only that can be retrieved when needed. Blends can also be saved directly to loadout tickets and invoices when a customer takes a blend.

Calculator Only Blends. If you need to calculate a blend price, perhaps for an inquiry over the telephone, you can make a blend without specifying a customer using the calculator mode. You can view reports (batch sheets and price sheets) for these blends; however, they cannot be saved and therefore are not available later to create work orders, loadout tickets, or invoices.