Step 3: Complete the Calculation Tab

When the calculate blend function is complete, the blend name and detailed blend name are displayed. The detailed blend name represents the guaranteed analysis.


Next to Blend Name, click the button with the ellipsis ( the ... button) to change between the regular and detailed blend name.


The precision (number of decimal places) is defined by the blend type, and blend name values are always rounded down.

What you'll find:

Complete the Calculation tab

Optional: Recalculating Blends

Optional: Linking Blend Products to Work Orders

Optional: Pricing Blend Products


To complete the Calculation tab

Under Products in Blend, in the Price column, optionally change the default price per unit of each product.
The unit price defaults to the current price of the product for the customer and the location of the product. The prices entered are reflected in the Blend Unit Price.


If you view a blend that has been saved on a loadout ticket, all pricing text boxes will be hidden. Loadout tickets do not display any pricing information.

(Config C12) Click Auto Link if your customer has prepurchased or ordered products in this blend and you want agrē to automatically link to the work orders containing those products. If there is no remaining product available on any work orders, .agrē will let you know and the price will remain unchanged.


You can manually link to a specific work order if you don't want to Auto Link.

After clicking Auto Link, all work orders available for the products (from oldest to most recent) in this blend for this customer are linked. The prepaid work orders are checked first (from oldest to newest) and then the non-prepaid work orders. Prepayment dollars are used if the work orders were specified as prepaid. The prices are automatically updated to those quoted on the work orders. agrē updates how much quantity remains on work orders that are being referenced.

Depending on your configuration settings, the prices quoted on the work orders may be used for the full quantity requested, regardless of prepayment dollars available.

If you want to change the specific product prices, click Pricing.


If you do not have a quantity limit on a work order for a product (or for the blend, if you put blends on work orders), agrē continues to draw from it and will ignore any other work orders for the same product. A warning message appears if this is the case. If no other work orders for the product exist, you do not receive a message.


On a loadout ticket or an invoice, if you have linked any products to work orders in the blend, the phrase “Embedded links” is shown on the invoice to indicate that you already have linked products in the blend.


Click Reset Prices to reset all the product prices to current values. A message appears indicating that if you proceed, all work order links are removed, all price splits are consolidated, and any products selected to be prepaid are no longer selected. Click Yes to reset all the product prices, or click No to return to the Make a Blend window.

Select the Prepay Blend check box to use prepayment funds for the entire blend.

Additional products added to the blend are not automatically included in the prepayment funds; you can select whether to prepay for each additional product.
Selecting the Prepay box indicates that prepayment funds are to be used for the entire blend; however, the customer does not need to have prepayment funds in place until invoice time. You cannot edit the blend product prices when this check box is selected.

Clear the Committed? check box if you do not want to commit the quantity of all products in the blend (excluding additional products) in inventory. The Committed flag is relevant only when you save the blend on a Work Order.


If you are viewing the blend on a loadout ticket or an invoice, the Project box appears.

Optional In the Project box, you can enter a project that you want the blend to be associated with.
When you associate the blend with an active project, the revenue and cost of goods sold postings are also associated with the project.

Optional, but a good idea In the Blend Description box, you can enter a unique description for the blend.
For example, “Hayfield 2008”. This description appears anywhere that you select or view a blend and in some related reports.
The blend description can be unique for each use (instance) of the blend. For example, if you change the blend description of a blend on a loadout ticket, only that blend instance is renamed.


Whenever you enter a value in two of the three (or four) measurement boxes (Field Size, Application Rate, Blend Quantity, Volume Blend Quantity) and press the TAB key, agrē automatically calculates the other measurements. Note that Volume Blend Quantity displays only if the blend type selected has volume units (for a liquid blend). Some values may already display in the measurement boxes depending on the blend type information.

Select the Farm Field(s) the blend will be spread on.
This does the Product Distribution on the fly.


Select a single field from the drop down list.
Select multiple fields by clicking [...]. The Select the Fields window opens. Select the fields and click Update.

If you haven't selected a specific field, in the Field Size box, enter the size of the customer’s field.
The field units are determined by the blend type.

In the Application Rate box, optionally change the broadcast rate for the blend.

In the Blend Quantity box, optionally change the quantity of the blend.
The blend quantity units are determined by the blend type.

In the Quantity Limit box, enter the maximum quantity of the blend that can be sold at the specified price.
This only applies to blends that are saved on Work Orders (BOAWO).


If no quantity limit is specified, the customer can take an unlimited amount at the work order price.
(config c) The product row (and thus the work order itself) will never be flagged as "Complete" even if all quantity requested has been taken, and (config c) the work order must be closed manually.

An alternative is to pad the limit a little either manually or (config c) by default - to prevent splitting the line if a little extra gets loaded out - but still (config c) flag the line as complete once all the quantity requested has been taken even if the quantity limit has not been reached.

If you selected volume units in the blend type, in the Volume Blend Quantity box, optionally change the quantity of the blend in the volume units (e.g., litres).


The Density box displays the density of the blend; this is calculated accurately if all of the products used in the blend (including additional products) have a density specified on the Blending tab of the Manage Products window.

In the Blend Charges box, optionally change the price of the blend charges.
This box appears only if the blend type selected has associated blend charges and specifies that they appear on this window. The price is reflected in the following values: Blend Total Price, Subtotal, Total, and Cost per acre.


If the blend type selected specifies that the blend charges be hidden (or if you want to edit the blend charge and  its prepayment setting), click the Edit Charges button. The Edit Blend Charge window opens. In the Blend Charge box, optionally change the price of the blend charges. Select the Prepay? check box to use prepayment funds for this blend charge.

Select the Keep prepayment setting regardless of other blend charges? check box to specify that the blend charges always use prepayment funds (if the Prepay? check box is selected) or never use prepayment funds (if the Prepay? check box is clear) regardless of any other blend settings or charges. Click Update. Any changes made to the blend charges are updated on the Calculation tab.

In the Blend Unit Price box, optionally change the unit price of the blend.
This box appears only if the blend type selected has associated blend charges. The price is reflected in the following values: prices in the Price column under Products in Blend, Blend Total Price, Subtotal, Total, and Cost per acre.

In the Blend Total Price box, optionally change the unit price of the blend.
This box is available to edit only if the blend type selected does not have associated blend charges. This box displays the total cost of the blend product prices multiplied by their percentages in the blend. If the blend type selected has associated blend charges, they are added to the total. The price is reflected in the following values: prices in the Price column under Products in Blend, Subtotal, Total, and Cost per acre.


The Subtotal box displays the total cost of the blend before the cost of any additional products and their taxes is added to the total.


The Add’l Prod. Total box displays the total cost of any additional products added to the blend and the Add’l Prod Taxes box displays the total cost of their taxes.


The Total box displays the running total cost of the blend and any additional products and their taxes.

In the Cost per acre box, optionally change the cost of the blend per acre.
The price is reflected in the following values: nutrient quantities under Nutrient Requirements, product quantities under Products in Blend, Broadcast Rate, Blend Quantity, Volume Blend Quantity (if applicable), Subtotal, and Total.

Proceed to Step 4: Complete the Additional Products Tab
- or -
If you want to make changes to nutrient values or blend products, click the Recalculate button and repeat steps 1-11.

Recalculating Blends

After the blend has been calculated, you can recalculate the blend to adjust the nutrient values or blend products. You don't need to recalculate the blend if you want to change blend quantity, acres, or broadcast rate, or to change pricing.

The method used to recalculate varies:

For new blends, if the nutrient rates are known (which can be determined from the Broadcast Rate if not explicitly stated), agrē uses the Nutrient Requirements (N-P-K) calculation method to recalculate regardless of the calculation method used originally.

For new blends, if the nutrient rates are not known, agrē uses the last calculation method to recalculate.

For retrieved blends, agrē always uses the Nutrient Requirements (N-P-K) calculation method to recalculate.

You will be offered return to the original Nutrients Requirements and/or add back any dropped Products for the next calculation when applicable.

To recalculate a blend

Click Recalculate Blend.
The Calculation tab returns to the look of when the tab was first opened.


Depending on the calculation method that you chose and the blend you are trying to make, sometimes when you click Recalculate Blend the calculation method will change. If the calculation method changes, go back to the Blend Setup tab and change it to the method you want.

Edit the data as needed.

Click Calculate Blend.
You can recalculate the blend as many times as needed.

Proceed to Step 4: Complete the Additional Products Tab
- or -
Recalculate the blend again.

Linking Blend Products to Work Orders

If you do not want to use the Auto Link function, you can manually link each product in the blend to as many available products on work orders as available when completing the Calculation tab.

You cannot link until a product amount is entered in the Blend Quantity box. Note that Volume Blend Quantity displays only if the blend type you selected has volume units (for a liquid blend). If the customer is prepaying for the entire blend as a whole, you cannot link individual blend products.

When you link to existing work orders from a blend, you are associating products on the blend to those same products on the work orders. In order to link, the products and units on the work orders must match the products and units on the blend. If you have the same product on a work order, but different units, you won't be able to link.

The prices for the products on the blend are updated so that they match the prices quoted on the work orders. If the work orders do not have specified prices, the current prices are displayed on the blend. The linked work order price is reflected in the blend total price.

When the blend is saved, information on the work orders is updated: the referenced work orders are updated to reflect the quantities taken on the blend.

To link a blend product to a work order

In the Products in Blend table, select the product you want to link to work orders and then click Pricing.

In the Prices table, select the product price row to link to a work order and then click Link to WO.
If the customer has no active product row on a work order for this product and customer, a message appears: “There are no work order rows available for linking this product.” Click OK to go back to the Edit Product Pricing window.


Each row in the list is a product from a work order. The reference number indicates which work order the product belongs to; therefore, if multiple products have the same reference number, they exist on the same work order. When you link to them, the work order reference numbers display in the Prices table.

Products that are set to prepaid on work orders are automatically set to prepaid on the blend when they are linked, but you can change the prepay settings at any time.

From the Work Order list, select the product to link to the blend product and then click Use Selection.
The Link To Work Order Line window closes and the product and Work Order Ref column is updated on the Edit Product Pricing window.


If the quantity you enter for the blend product is greater than the quantity available for the work order product, a message appears asking if you want to split the line. When agrē splits the line, it creates two lines on the Edit Product Pricing window: one line references the work order product and contains the price and available quantity. The other line does not reference the work order product and contains the quantity needed to make up the difference. Click Yes to split the line, or click No to cancel linking the product.

Alternatively, select Edit Work Order and modify the quantity on the work order (straight products only.


You can add multiple product price rows, each linking to a different work order row, if you want different prices for specific quantities of the product.


Click Remove Row to remove a product price row from the table.


All of the product quantities in the Prices table must add up to the Total Quantity in Blend. To change the product quantity in the blend, you must recalculate.

Click Update.
The Edit Product Pricing window closes and the updated information appears in the Products in Blend table on the Calculation tab.


Click Reset Prices to reset all the product prices to their current values. A message appears indicating that if you proceed, all work order links are removed, all price splits are consolidated, and any products selected to be prepaid are no longer selected. Click Yes to reset all the product prices, or click No to return to the Make a Blend window.

Pricing Blend Products

While completing the Calculation tab, you can specify the quantities, prices, and prepayment status for each product in the blend. The prices are reflected in the blend total price.

You cannot edit prices until a product amount is entered in the Blend Quantity box. Note that Volume Blend Quantity displays only if the blend type selected has volume units (for a liquid blend). If you have checked off the Prepay blend box (prepaying for the entire blend as a whole instead of as individual products), the Pricing button is unavailable.

To edit the price of a blend product

Click Pricing.
The Edit Product Pricing window opens.

In the Price per Unit column, change the default price per unit of the product.

In the Prepay? column, select the Prepay? check box to use prepayment funds for this product.
Selecting this box indicates that prepayment funds are to be used for the quantity of this particular product at this price; however, the customer does not need to have prepayment funds in place until invoice time
A blend that is fully or partially prepaid displays as prepaid on work orders, loadout tickets, or invoices; however, only the products (and charges) selected to be prepaid use prepayment funds at invoice time.


The Work Order Ref column displays the work order reference number if the product is linked to a work order.


You can add multiple product price rows in the Prices table if you want different prices for specific quantities of the product.

Click the Pricing button.
The Pricing Info window opens and additional information about the product’s price is displayed (e.g., price levels, prices in other locations, any sale prices available, and the last price the customer paid for this product).

In the Use This Price box, change the price per unit of the product.
- or -
Under Current prices, select the location, price level, and retail price you want to use for the product and then click Use Selected Price.


Click Reset To Current Price to reset the product price to its current value.


Click Use Calculator to calculate a discounted price for the product. Under Calculate, in the Start with this price box, enter the starting price of the product. In the Apply discount of box, enter a discount for the product and select whether to use a Percent or Dollar discount. Click Calculate to calculate the discounted price, or click Clear to start over. The Calculated Price box displays the calculated price. Click Use Price to use the calculated price as the product price, or click Exit to hide the calculator.


Click Cost Details (it will be greyed out if you don't have security access to use it) to view additional cost details for the product (e.g., current estimated cost). The Cost Details window opens and you can view the additional cost details. Click OK to return to the Pricing Info window.

Click Update.
The Pricing Info window closes and the updated information appears in the Prices table on the Edit Product Pricing window.


Click Remove Row to remove a product price row from the table.


All of the product quantities in the Prices table must add up to the Total Quantity in Blend. To change the product quantity in the blend, you must recalculate.

Click Update.
The Edit Product Pricing window closes and the updated information appears in the Products in Blend table on the Calculation tab.


Click Reset Prices to reset all the product prices to their default values. A message appears indicating that if you proceed, all work order links are removed, all price splits are consolidated, and any products selected to be prepaid are no longer selected. Click Yes to reset all the product prices, or click No to return to the Make a Blend window.

Proceed to Step 4: Complete the Additional Products tab