Blend Calculation Methods

There are five ways to calculate a blend.

1. Nutrient Requirements (N-P-K)

2. Guaranteed Analysis/Blend Name

3. Blend Product Percentages

4. Blend Product Quantities

5. Blend Product Rates

1. Nutrient Requirements (N-P-K)

This method requires that you specify the quantity of each nutrient (nutrient rate per application area) you want in the final blend. The unit of measurement used (e.g., lbs/acre) depends on the blend type.

Required nutrients (as defined by the blend type) are automatically selected and other nutrients (as defined by the blend type) are available to be selected.

Default products (as defined by the blend type) are automatically selected and other products are available to be selected. Default products can also be removed. The blend formula and guaranteed analysis are calculated using the selected products.

2. Guaranteed Analysis/Blend Name

This method calculates the blend based on the nutrient ratios specified in the blend name. With this method, you enter the blend’s guaranteed analysis (or the blend name), such as “20-19-5-8”. The result is a blend with those ratios of nutrient.

Required nutrients (as defined by the blend type) are automatically selected, and the order of these nutrients determine how the blend name maps to the nutrients. Other nutrients (as defined by the blend type) are available to be selected.

Default products (as defined by the blend type) are automatically selected and other products are available to be selected. Default products can also be removed. The blend formula is calculated using the selected products.

3. Blend Product Percentages

This method calculates the blend based on the specific products and the percentage of each in the blend, equaling to 100%.

Default products (as defined by the blend type) are automatically selected and other products are available to be selected. Default products can also be removed. The blend formula and guaranteed analysis are calculated using the selected products.

4. Blend Product Quantities

This method calculates the blend based on the quantity of each product in the blend (e.g., tonnes, pounds). With this method, you can enter either the actual units or scale stops (incremental quantities) to specify the quantities.

Default products (as defined by the blend type) are automatically selected and other products are available to be selected. Default products can also be removed. The guaranteed analysis is calculated using the selected products.

5. Blend Product Rates

This method calculates the blend based on the quantity of each product per unit (application rate as defined by the blend type). For example, the product rate can be measured in lbs per acre.

Default products (as defined by the blend type) are automatically selected and other products are available to be selected. Default products can also be removed. The blend formula and guaranteed analysis are calculated using the selected products.