Editing Work Orders

Use the Edit Work Order window to change existing work orders. If the work order is closed, you must reopen it before you can edit it.

Limits to editing work orders are as follows:

The Customer on the work order cannot be changed if:

you are editing the work order from the Customer Account
(name changes are done by editing from the home form: Accounts Receivable > Work Orders)

any product row is referenced on a prepayment deposit, loadout ticket or invoice

any product row includes a Farm Field or an embedded link to another work order

A product row on the work order can be edited:

if no product has been taken, the quantity can be increased or decreased

if some quantity has been taken, the quantity can be increased, or decreased to a minimum of the amount already taken
(in which case you'll be prompted to flag the row as Completed).

A product row on the work order cannot be edited if:

the line has been Completed


To view the audit trail of changes to a work order, click History. The Work Order History window appears.

The Created By box displays when and who added the work order to the database.
The Updated By box displays when and who updated the work order last.
To view the detailed Audit report for the work order, click Show Audit Trail.

To edit a work order

Navigate to Accounts Receivable > Work Orders. Or click the Work Order toolbar button.
The Work Orders home form window opens and all work orders created today are listed.

In the Work Order list, select the work order to edit and then click Edit.
The Edit Work Order window opens.


If the work order you want to edit does not appear in the list, click New Search and expand the criteria range.


You can edit the information on the work order, including work order items. While editing, you can also add new items to the work order.

Edit the data, and add products, services, and/or blends to the work order as needed.

To change the type (order or quote) use the Work Order Type radio button.

If changing from an Order to a Quote:

the expiry date changes to the default expiry date for Quotes

the Authorization Date, Authorized By, Service Date, and Committed fields are hidden (and any data entered is cleared).
These fields become visible again when you switch from Quote to Work Order.

If changing from a Quote to an Order:

you'll be asked whether the inventory products of the work order should be flagged as committed

the expiry date changes to the default expiry date for Orders

if the quote expiry date is greater than the default order date, you'll be asked if you want to keep the quoted expiry date
(e.g. if Quote expiry date is July 1 and default WO expiry date is June 15; you would be prompted to keep the July 1 expiry date)

To change the status of the work order select it from the Status box.

To edit items in the Product list, select the product, service, or blend to edit and then click Edit Row.

When you are finished making changes, click Update.
The product or blend window closes and the updated item appears in the list on the Edit Work Order window.


To remove an item from the list, select the item and click Remove Row.
You can remove only items that have a taken value of zero.

You can assign AR Reference Numbers to an inventory product or blend.


The Total (before tax) box displays the running total of items added to the work order.

Click Save.