AR Release Numbers


AR Release Numbers were designed to assist you with managing large fertilizer orders from customers, but you can use them to help track orders of any product or blend. They work very similar to inventory/AP release numbers except that you are the supplier and you assign them to your customers.

[Config C] You can have agrē automatically generate default reference numbers in sequence (optionally using a common prefix) or you can specify a unique prefix/release number combination for each work order, customer, or product. If you have allocated specific inventory loads to certain customers, you may also decide to use the same release numbers that your suppliers gave to you (and that you recorded on a PO).

What you'll find:

I want to read the white paper (with lots of screenshots) on AR Release Numbers.


Configuring agrē to Use AR Release Numbers (one time tasks)

Company Config Options

Before you can start assigning AR Release Numbers to customer work orders, the configuration option must be turned on to activate the release number menu options and buttons.

To use AR Release Numbers:

Navigate to File > Config Options > Company.
The Company Level Settings window opens.

On the Accounts Receivable tab / AR Release Numbers sub-tab, check the box next to Use AR Release Numbers.

Leave Automatically Generate Reference Number checked if you want agrē to automatically assign sequential AR release numbers.
Uncheck if you'll be assigning manual AR release numbers.

Select the Default Status (Pending or Assigned) of new release numbers.

Save your changes.
The Company Level Settings window closes.

Managing Default AR Release Reference Numbers

Each AR Release Number prefix+number combination must be unique. If you want agrē to auto-number the release numbers, specify the starting number and the prefix (optional) for each location. You can always override the defaults when adding the release numbers to products on work orders.

To manage AR Release Number references:

Navigate to File > Manage > Reference Numbers > Accounts Receivable.
The Manage Accounts Receivable Reference Numbers window opens.

(Config U) In the Location box, enter the location that contains reference numbers to edit.

Click Retrieve Reference Numbers.
The rest of the window is available for use.

Select Release.

(optional) In the Prefix column, specify the prefix (9 characters max) you want to use for release numbers from that location.
e.g. RELE (Release numbers from Edmonton)

In the Starting Number column, specify the starting number (6 characters max) for the first release number from that location.
e.g. 001.

Starting numbers represent the next sequential reference number to use for various items, and they appear after the specified prefixes. When the starting number is used for a release number, the next consecutive number appears in the Starting Number column for that item automatically. For example, if the starting number for release numbers is 001, then the reference number for the first release number created for that location (according to the prefix specified) is RELE001, where RELE is the prefix and 001 is the starting number. The Starting Number column would then display 002 as the new starting number since 001 has been used.


You cannot have duplicate reference numbers. If you change the starting number to a number that already exists, agrē allows you to save your changes; however, agrē then automatically updates the starting number to be the next consecutive number so that duplicate reference numbers do not exist.

Click Save.
Changes made affect future reference numbers only.


You will need to edit the appropriate role(s) to allow user permission to AR Release Numbers.

User Configuration Option (optional)

If you have a default location specified, you may also want to check AR Release Number Search if you'd like agrē to default to searching for release numbers from only your location (you can choose another location or <All Locations> on the fly when you need to search elsewhere).

Adding AR Release Numbers to Products on Work Orders

Once AR Release Numbers has been turned on, you can start adding them to products on customer work orders.

To add release numbers to products on work orders:
* indicates a required field; other fields are optional

Add a new work order or Edit an existing one.
The Add or Edit Work Order window is opened.

if you select a customer  Ship To address, this will be carried over to any Loadout Tickets created from a release number

If you haven't already done so, add the product for which you want to add release numbers.
You can add release numbers to multiple products on a work order.

Select the product and click Release Numbers.
The Edit Product Release Numbers window opens.

To add a single release number:

[Config C] Check the box in the Auto column. This tells agrē to auto-generate using the next available number.
- or -
Leave the box in the Auto column unchecked and manually enter the release number that you want to use*.
You can use almost any combination of letters, punctuation (dashes, periods), and numbers up to a max of 15 characters.

Enter the Target Quantity*.
This can be any amount, but is usually capped at the quantity limit.

Select the Status.
Pending indicates that you have correlated a release number to product on the work order.
Assigned indicates that the release number has been given to the customer picking up the product.
Filled indicates that the product associated with the release number has already been picked up by the customer.
If you're not ready to assign a release number yet, you can leave it as pending and assign it later.

Choose a Scheduled Date (when the product will be picked up) if applicable at this time.

Add a Comment.
An existing Comment can be copied to another cell using CTRL+C (for copy) and CTRL+V (for paste).

To add multiple release numbers:

Click Add Multiple Rows.
The Add Multiple Numbers window opens.

Leave the box next to Auto-generate Release Numbers checked. This tells agrē to auto-generate using the next available numbers.
(Increments of is not available when using Auto-gen)
- or -
Uncheck the box next to Auto-generate Release Numbers.
In the Starting Release Number field, use the first box for the Prefix (9 characters max), and the second box* for the starting number (6 characters max).
You can use almost any combination of letters, punctuation (dashes, periods), and numbers (maximum of 15 characters).
eg. the first box could be a product prefix and a dash (like "4600-") and the second box could be "001". The complete first AR Release Number would be "4600-001". Subsequent release numbers will be autogenerated and for this product row would be "4600-002" then "4600-003" etc.


When you are specifying manual references, remember that each AR Reference Number must be unique.

Enter the Number of Release Numbers* to be added.

(optional) Change the Increments of value.
e.g. type 10 if the release numbers should increment by 10; type 100 if the release numbers should increase by 100
(increment cannot be changed if Auto-generate is checked)

Enter the Target Quantity of each Release Number*.
The total quantity you enter would usually add up to the quantity ordered (or limit) of the product.

Select the Status of the release numbers.

Add a common Comment to all release numbers created.

Click OK.
The Add Multiple Numbers window closes.


To remove multiple release numbers at once, click Remove Multiple.
Check which release numbers to remove.
Click Remove Rows.

Use keyboard commands Copy (CTRL+C) and Paste (CTRL+V) to copy data from one cell to another.

To paste release numbers from a Purchase Order:
cached release number details are pasted to the work order

Select Paste from PO.
The Release Numbers, Target Quantity, Status, Pickup Date, and Comments from the purchase order are pasted from the memory cache.
All unique release numbers flagged as Open or Assigned on the PO will be pasted.
The cache can be pasted only once.

For all release numbers:

Click Update.
The Edit Product Release Numbers window closes. You won't see any indication of the added release numbers, but don't worry; they're there and will be displayed on the printed work order.

Continue adding AR Release Numbers to other products as required.

When you're done, Save the work order.

Assigning and Editing AR Release Numbers

When you're ready to assign release numbers, you could edit each work order product and change the status and add a scheduled date, but there's a quicker way to find all unfilled AR Release Numbers and manage them. You can also use this window to create loadout tickets already linked to a release number when your customers arrive to pickup their product.

Summary of Allowed Edits

Pending/Assigned Rows: 

add new but not with the status of Filled

edit (except Actual Quantity)


Filled Rows:

cannot add/edit/remove

EXCEPT Comments - can add/edit/remove anytime

To assign and edit release numbers:

Navigate to File >  Accounts Receivable > AR Release Numbers.
The AR Release Number Search window opens.

Click Search to list all unfilled AR Release Numbers (that would be all with a status of Pending or Assigned).
- or -
Change the search criteria if you want to narrow down or expand (by unchecking Show Active WO only?) the list of results.


Click on a column header to sort the grid by that field. Click again to sort the other way.

Click on a column filter drop down arrow to specify criteria.

Reference Number is based on when the inventory moved. If it moved on a LOT, the LOT number is listed (even if the LOT was subsequently billed). If it moved on an invoice, the invoice number is shown.

Select the appropriate row and click Edit to change existing data.
For example, to edit the Status from Pending to Assigned, or to add a Scheduled Date or Comment.

Save your changes.

Creating Loadout Tickets from AR Release Numbers

Once AR Release Numbers have been Assigned, you can start using them to create loadout tickets.

Using a Loadout Ticket is optional. You could create an invoice and import the release number directly from the work order.

To create loadout tickets:

Navigate to File >  Accounts Receivable > AR Release Numbers.
The AR Release Number Search window opens.

Click Search to list all unfilled AR Release Numbers (that would be all with a status of Pending or Assigned).
Change the search criteria if you want to narrow down the list.


If you're not getting the search results you expected, try unchecking Show Active WO Only? The release number you want may be on a work order that's expired or closed. You'll need to edit the WO and change the expiry date before you can create a loadout ticket from it, but you can edit the comment right from here.

Select an assigned release number and click Create Loadout Ticket.
The Add Loadout Ticket window opens, with the customer selected, the product added and already linked to the release number on the work order.


You could also create a Loadout Ticket in the usual manner, and then either Import from WO; or add the product and link back to the work order by selecting the appropriate release number.

Add any additional required information to the loadout ticket and Save your changes.

The AR Release Number will be flagged as Filled, and the quantity will be drawn down from the work order.

Reports for AR Release Numbers

The work order will display the AR Release Numbers when printed.

On loadout tickets that display a work order reference number, the AR Release Numbers will be listed when printed.

The AR Release Numbers report can optionally be filtered by customer, product, status, etc.