Location Profiles

For information on how location profiles work in agrē, see Location Profiles Overview.
A location profile tells agrē if it should check the locations the user has permission to for each action listed. Each user that you create must be assigned to a location profile.

For information on users, see Users.

What you'll find:

Adding Location Profiles

Editing Location Profiles

Deleting Location Profiles

Adding Location Profiles

You can specify the location profiles needed for your users.

To add a location profile

Navigate to File > Security > Manage Location Profiles.
The Manage Location Profiles window opens.

Click Add.
The Add Location Profile window opens.

In the Location Profile Description box, enter a unique description for the location profile.
For example, Check All, Check None, Check All But GL. This description appears anywhere that you select or view a location profile and in all related reports.

In the Check Location Security? column, select the Check Location Security? check boxes for the actions (i.e., Security Items) that you want the user’s permitted locations checked.
If the check box is selected, then only the locations the user has permission to are available to the user for that action. If the check box is cleared, then the user has permission to all locations for that action (agrē does not check the user’s permitted locations).
For information on location profiles, see Location Profiles Overview.
For information on security settings, see Security Settings Overview.


To quickly select and clear all the items in the Check Location Security? column, click Select All and Deselect All.

Click Save.

Editing Location Profiles

You can edit any of your existing location profiles at any time.

To edit a location profile

Navigate to File > Security > Manage Location Profiles.
The Manage Location Profiles window opens.

In the Location Profile list, select the location profile to edit and then click Edit.
The Edit Location Profile window opens.

In the Location Profile Description box, change the description of the location profile.

Select the Check Location Security? check boxes for the actions (i.e., Security Items) that you want the user’s permitted locations checked.
- or -
Clear the Check Location Security? check boxes for the actions (i.e., Security Items) that you want the user’s permitted locations checked.
For information on location profiles, see Location Profiles Overview.
For information on security settings, see Security Settings Overview.


To quickly select and clear all the items in the Check Location Security? column, click Select All and Deselect All.

Deleting Location Profiles

Use the Manage Location Profiles window to delete location profiles from the database. Once you delete a location profile, it cannot be undone. You cannot delete location profiles that are assigned to users.

To delete a location profile

Navigate to File > Security > Manage Location Profiles.
The Manage Location Profiles window opens.

In the Location Profile list, select the location profile to delete and then click Delete.


If the Delete button is not available, the location profile you selected cannot be deleted.

Click Yes to confirm the deletion.
The location profile is deleted.