Auto Linking Invoices to Work Orders

Auto Linking is a quick way to link straight products or blends back to Work Orders so that quantity commitments and dollars can be drawn down.


AutoLink works great when you import multiple Anhydrous loadout tickets onto an invoice and want to link them to a Work Order to get special pricing. One click links all!

What you'll find:

What is Auto Linking?

How does Auto Link find the Next Available Work Order?

Auto Linking Blends

What if there isn't enough Product or Prepay Money left on the Grower's Plan?

What if I want to link to a different work order than Auto Link does?

What is Auto Linking?

When you click the Auto Link button, you are in essence saying that you trust agrē to find the next available work order and link to it.


agrē will automatically link to a customer's own work orders only.

Linking to Customer Group work orders must be done manually.

How does Auto Link find the Next Available Work Order?

Auto Link considers Work Orders in the following order:

Prepaid Work Orders take priority over Non-Prepaid Work Orders

Older Work Orders take priority over Newer Work Orders

Auto Link will link to the oldest Prepaid Work Order first, then the next oldest prepaid one, until all prepaid work orders are completed. Then it will move on to the oldest non-prepaid one, then the next oldest, and finally link to the newest Non-prepaid Work Order last.

Auto Linking Blends

To link blend products

Edit the blend row then click the Auto Link button on the Make a Blend window.
The products in the blend that have available work order rows are linked.

The Blend Unit Price (e.g. price/MT) can be changed:

if all products are prepaid, price of each product is changed

if not all products are prepaid, price of non-prepaid product(s) changed

if no products prepaid, price of each product is changed

The limitations are:

no line splits allowed
(if a product is partially linked, or linked to two different work orders, or has two different prices, the unit price can’t be changed)

price of any product can’t be less than $0
(prices of other products will reduce to accommodate if unit price is that low)

Additional Products are linked manually from their own tab!
If there are any additional products in the blend that are on the grower’s prepayment plan, click Link to Work Order from the Additional Products tab.

What if there isn’t enough product or prepay money left in the grower’s plan?

If there are insufficient prepayment funds available for the entire dollar amount, you’ll have the chance to use what’s left using the Use Remaining Prepayment button.


If you run out of quantity or prepaid dollars, the price for the “remainder” will default either to the current price, or to the Work Order price, as determined by the way your agrē system is set up)
(to check your setup: File -> Config Options -> Company -> Accounts Receivable tab -> Work Order section)

If there is insufficient quantity left on Work Orders to cover the amount taken, the product row(s) would automatically split in the same way as if you had manually clicked Link to Work Order.

there would be rows that use up whatever quantity remains on work orders, at work order prices

there would be a row for the remaining quantity (see Note above regarding default price for remaining quantity)


Use caution when using Work Orders without quantity limits in order prevent splitting the line!

(config c) Work Orders without limits will never be flagged as complete, so AutoLink will just keep drawing down from those work orders until they expire.

(config c) If there is no quantity limit and no expiry date, AutoLink will keep drawing down from those work orders forever!

What if I want to link to a different work order than Auto Link does?

You can still do the linking manually. Auto Link is always optional!

If you know in advance that you want to choose specific work orders, use Link to Work Order for just those product rows, then click Auto Link to take care of the rest.

If you want to change links after the fact, you’ll need to remove the product row and add it again, then link it manually with the Link to Work Order button.


If there are a lot of product rows you need to change, it may be less work to Exit without saving and start again.