agrē Release Notes 2.23.02 -  July 6, 2023 

Last updated: July 19, 2023

Top 5 Highlights from this Release


What's New & Improved in agrē 2.23.02:


This symbol security icon indicates that your Local Company Security Administrator needs to make a security permission change to allow user access to the new feature.

Configuration Options

This symbol config icon indicates a new feature integrates with a Configuration Option (at either the Company, Location, or User level).


Release Notes highlight the best new features and improvements from each release of agrē. In case you missed a prior version, Release Notes for the last two years are available from the online Help Release Note archives.

Accounts Receivable

Customer Account  

To improve performance for customers with lots of activity, the number of transactions displayed is limited (deployed July 11).
(the Customer Account Activity Report includes all transactions, even if they are not displayed here)


Accounts Receivable > Customer Accounts

Loadout Tickets & Invoices: Import Rows Window 

Column Width 

You'll see more Product characters when importing from Work Orders, Loadout Tickets, and Bill and Hold invoices. If you'd like to see even more, or want to change the width of any column, position the cursor between the columns until the double arrow appears, then click and drag.


e.g. Loadout Ticket > Import from Work Order

Prepayment Deposits

Attach Documents   

Customer prepayment deposits can have Documents attached.


Accounts Receivable > Prepayment Deposits

Customer Prepayment Report

Paid in Full?  

Paid refers to the work order Paid In Full checkbox - is it checked? (Y/N)


Accounts Receivable > Reports  /  Accounts Receivable > Work Orders

Calculate Interest - Single Customer  Updates to Security  

Calculate interest for just one customer from the Customer Account.


Accounts Receivable > Customer Accounts


Lot Number Management  

Lot Numbers can be edited* on the fly when selecting on inventory receipts, loadout tickets, etc.
*Edit security permission required


e.g. Inventory > Inventory Receipts > Add Product Row

Import Pricing

Auto Calculate Secondary Unit Types  

Auto calculate uses the price of the main unit and the conversion factor to calculate prices for alternate units on import.


Inventory > Manage > Pricing > Retail Prices Import

Accounts Payable

Purchase Orders 

Products Tab

Columns can be sorted and filtered.


Accounts Payable > Purchase Orders

Purchase Invoices   

Active Non-Inventory PO blinky 

If active Purchase Order lines exist for the supplier, a blinky appears next to the Import PO button.


Accounts Payable > Purchase Invoices

Non-Inventory Purchase Line Comments 

Add Line Comments for non-inventory products (line comments from imported Purchase Order rows will be carried through).


Accounts Payable > Purchase Invoices


Purchase Invoice report

EFT Payments / Batches   

EFT Payments can be made from Grain  to pay producers, and from Shares to pay shareholders. Functionality is very similar to AP.

I want to read the white paper (with screen shots) on how to setup and make EFT Payments to refresh my memory on how they work.


Search has been added to the EFT Payments home form. The last month of payment batches is retrieved by default.


Accounts Payable > EFT Payments

Edit EFT Batches Updates to Security 

EFT Batches can be edited and payments removed.

Deleted batches and removed payments are tracked with new data exports.


Accounts Payable > EFT Payments

General Ledger

Close Fiscal Year  

Not quite sure what cost to use for those Unbilled Inventory Receipts, or how to fill up those Estimated Cost Rows?
Do those loadout tickets need to be billed or not?
There's a link to the GL Year-end Process right handy to guide you through closing a fiscal year step by step.


General Ledger > Close a Fiscal Year > Prepare Year End



Grading Factor Discounts  Updates to Security

Setup multiple grading factordiscount schedules for a commodity, choose a default, activate and deactivate as needed.


Grain > Manage > Commodities   - or -   Grain > Manage > Grading Factors


Grain Producer Centre  

The home for producers has: 

new name

documents column

Grain > Grain Producer Centre

Shortcut buttons to the Grain Producer Centre were added to Customer Account, Manage Customers, and Agronomy Centre.   

Accounts Receivable > Customer Accounts  - and -
    Accounts Receivable > Manage > Customers  - and -
          Agronomy > Agronomy Customer Centre 

Purchase Contracts

Grading Factor has a new name: Discount Schedule

Grain > Purchase Contracts

Scale Tickets 

Scale Tickets include Shrink %


Grain > Scale Ticket > View


Grain > Scale Ticket > Preview

Grain Receipt Search  

Search for grain receipts by Storage Type.

Grain > Grain Receipts

Shrink %  

Shrink % can be added to manual receipts, overridden New Grain Config Options on receipts created from scale tickets, and displays on the Grain Receipt report.


Scale Tickets > Create Grain Receipt | Override


Grain > Grain Receipts > Preview

Grain Advance Process (basis contracts only)

The Grain Advance Process allows unpriced purchase contracts to be fully or partially settled.

Allow Link to Unpriced Contracts Updates to Config Options  

When screenshot is checked, Receipts can be linked manually to unpriced Purchase Contracts.


Grain > Grain Receipts

Settle Unpriced Contracts New Config Options  

When screenshot is checked, Receipts linked to unpriced Purchase Contracts can be imported to Settlements and an advance can be paid.

The reports indicate the payment is an Advance
(see Updates to Current Reports for a complete list)

screenshot: Grain Advance

e.g. Grain Settlement/Payment Report


Grain Invoices   

When linking grain invoices, Preview Item displays the selected Purchase Contract.

Grain > Invoices > Link to Sales Contract

Buyer Payments      

The payments window can be opened from the Grain menu.

Grain > AR Payments

Reports & Exports


Security settings are managed by your local company security administrators. As with all new features, we don’t presume to know who should have access to new Exports and Reports and who should not so we leave that up to them.

New Reports Updates to Security

Report Name Description
GR Grain Invoice Activity   list of Grain Invoices
GR Transfer Balance  Grain transfer details

Updates to Current Reports

Report Name What's New?
AP Purchase Invoice (Base)   data: Line Comment
AR Customer Prepayment  data: Paid (is WO Paid in Full checked?) 
AR Customer Sales  criteria: Project (from AR invoice product row)
AR Invoice Activity  data: label change: "Total GST/HST"
AR Work Order Activity  criteria: Sort By [Sales Rep]
(sales rep on work order)
GL Unrealized Gain/Loss on Exchange  data: Grain 
GR Grain Payment Activity
GR Grain Shipment Activity
GR Outstanding Sales Contract
GR Purchase Contract Activity (menu only)
GR Sales Contract Activity
GR Settlement Activity
criteria: Location 
GR Gain and Loss on Open Contracts 

data: Crop Year (Extended layout only) 

raw data: Origin, Pricing Point
(affects column order, deployed March 2023) 

GR Grain Receipt  data: Shrink %
GR Grain Receipt Activity

criteria: Location  
raw data: Trucker 

GR Scale Ticket  data: Shrink % (receiving only)
GR Shipment  data: Grading Factors - moved under Loaded/Unloaded
(deployed March 2023)
GR Unsettled Grain Receipts 

criteria: Location (menu only) 
data: Premiums/Discounts 

Updates to Grain Reports re: settling unpriced contracts 

Purchase Contract Activity


Payment/Cash Ticket

Grain Inventory Position / Detail

Grain Gain/Loss on Open Contracts

Inventory Position by FOB / Detail

New Exports  Updates to Security
Export Name Description
AR Customers Without Sales  customers with no sales in date range
AP Payment Summary  summary of AP Payments and to which Purchase Invoices applied
AP Suggested Payment Details  matches Suggested Payments report
INV Product Types   Product Type details
A/A Deleted AP EFT Batch Payments  supplier payments removed from EFT batches; and deleted EFT batches with AP payments
A/A Deleted Share Dividend EFT Batch Payments  dividend payments removed from EFT batches; and deleted EFT batches with dividend payments
GR A/A Deleted Grain EFT Batch Payments   grain payments removed from EFT batches; and deleted EFT batches with grain payments

Updates to Current Exports

Export Name What's New?
AR Customer List  data: Exclude from External Reporting?
(column order has changed)
AR Customer Sales  data: LOT Reference Number, WO Reference Number
(column order has changed)
GR Purchase Contract Details Report  data: includes receipts linked to unpriced

Configuration Options


Company Configuration Options are managed by your local company agrē administrators. As with all new features, we don’t presume to know if your administrator would enable a new Config Item or not so we leave that up to them.

New config options are released OFF unless they are replacing/enhancing existing items, in which case we do our best to match existing functionality. Any exceptions would be noted.

Company Config Options

Tab | Subtab Config Item Description
AR | Work Order | Service Dates  Service Start Date is mandatory (Quotes Only)
Service End Date is mandatory (Quotes only)
require services dates on quotes
GL   Journal Entry: Location is mandatory for Income Statement Accounts  now applies to Subledger Balancing too
GL  Shares EFT Payments
- BCC Email Notifications
- Email Notifications Note
used when sending EFT payment notifications to shareholders
Grain  Purchases -> Receipts Allow link to unpriced Contract
Grain  Purchases -> Receipts Override Scale Ticket: Shrink %
Grain  Purchases -> Settlements Allow unpriced Contracts to be settled
Grain  EFT Payments
- BCC Email Notifications
- Email Notifications Note
used when sending EFT payment notifications to producers
Reports Offer to Print on Save Shares EFT
Grain EFT

User Config Options

Update: Default Export Path  

Your existing default Export Path ...


File > Config Options > User

... now applies to Export as PDF too.


any report

Grower Central Config Options

Tab | Subtab Config Item Description
Grain  Show: Payment Report display payment receipts



Security settings are managed by your local company security administrators. As with all new features, we don’t presume to know who should have security permission and who should not so we leave that up to them.

New security permissions are released UNCHECKED unless they are enhancing existing permissions, in which case we do our best to match existing functionality. Any exceptions would be noted.

Role Permissions

Tab Item Action(s)
Accounts Receivable Customer Accounts Calculate Interest  
Accounts Payable EFT Payments Remove from Batch 
General Ledger Share Dividends EFT Payments 

Add, Edit, Delete, Enable on menu, Approve, Remove from Batch


Grain EFT Payments

Manage Grading Factor Discounts

Report - Grain Account Activity

Report - Grain Invoice Activity

Report - Grain Transfer Balance

Remove from Batch 

Add, Edit, Delete 




Administration  Export Data

Customers Without Sales 

Deleted AP EFT Batch Payments 

Deleted Grain EFT Batch Payments 

Deleted Share Dividend EFT  

Payment Summary 

Product Types 

Suggested Payment Details