AR Payment Types

Use the Manage AR Payment Types window to add, edit, deactivate, and delete the payment types that customers can use to purchase products, services, and/or blends.

Payment types are set up for each location in your company. For example, one location may accept MasterCard and Visa, while another location may accept Visa only.

If your company has multiple locations, you can choose to use separate GL accounts for each payment type and location or choose to use the same GL account for all locations that have the same payment types.

After you set up your payments types, you can then optionally set up payment type discounts for any payment type.

What you'll find:

Adding AR Payment Types

Editing AR Payment Types

Deactivating AR Payment Types

Deleting AR Payment Types


Adding AR Payment Types

You can add payment types that customers can use to purchase products, services, and/or blends (e.g., Visa).

To add an AR payment type
* indicates a required field (other fields are optional)

Navigate to Accounts Receivable > Manage > AR Payment Types.
The Manage AR Payment Types window opens.

Click Add.
The Add AR Payment Type window opens.

In the Description* box, enter a unique description for the payment type.
For example, Visa. This description appears anywhere that you select or view a payment type and in all related reports.

Enter an External Code (if applicable).
External Codes are required when interfacing with software external to your agrē database.


Select the Show on Bank Deposits? check box if you to include payments of this type on Bank Deposits. The Show on Bank Deposits? check box is selected by default.
Clear the check box if you do not want to include the payment type on bank deposits.


Exercise caution if changing the GL account once a payment type has already been used, especially from/to a bank account GL.

If you have a payment type posting directly to a bank GL account, and then change it to a non-bank GL account (like a Clearing Account) in the middle of a deposit cycle, you run the risk of "double depositing" payments that were already posted directly to the bank.

Select the Refundable? check box if you want the payment type to be refundable. The Refundable? check box is selected by default. When payment types are specified as refundable, you can return payments to customers in the same form. For example, Visa payments are refundable to Visa cards.
Clear the Refundable? check box if you do not want the payment type to be refundable.


Cheque AR payment types should be Refundable only if postings will be made directly to a bank account GL.

If postings for the Cheque payment type (used when accepting cheques as payment from customers) are made to a clearing account GL and then subsequently posted to the bank account GL through bank deposits or manual journal entries, we recommend setting up a second payment type called AR Refund Cheques (or similar) and select a bank account GL for the postings.

Check Show Amount Tendered/Change Due if you want to tell agrē how much money the customer gave you, then have agrē tell you how much change they should get back.
Because the Change Due will be in the same payment type as the Amount Tendered, this feature is intended and designed for cash payment types only.
Applies to Prepayments, Paying for Selected Items, and Immediate Payments on invoices.

Select the Print Cheque checkbox if you want to refund the payment type with an AP Cheque payment type.

From the drop-down list, select which AP Cheque payment type to use when printing refund cheques for customers.

Check Tracking/Cheque # is mandatory if you don't want a payment saved without one.

POS Invoice Options

I want to read the white paper about the setup for POS Invoices (with lots of screenshots).

Check the Show on POS Invoice box if this payment type can be tendered for payment of Point of Sale invoices.

Check Print Merchant Copy if you want a second copy of the POS Invoice report printed automatically at the same time you print one for the customer.

If the merchant copy needs to be printed only When amount exceeds a specific POS Invoice total, fill in the dollar value.
If the amount is $0.00 a merchant copy will always print.

Check Print Merchant Signature Line if the merchant copy needs to be signed by the customer.

Check Open Cash Drawer if the cash drawer should open automatically when accepting payments of this type.

Penny Rounding

Check Round to nearest 5¢ to apply rounding behaviour.
If checked, rounding will be applied to Immediate Payments, and Paying for Selected Items, but not to Lump Sum Payments or Prepayments.
If not checked, no rounding will be applied.

From the drop-down list, select to which GL account* the rounding difference will post.
This can be the same GL as the locations are using, or a special "penny rounding" GL.

GL Accounts by Location

In the GL Account column, select GL accounts for the locations that offer the payment type.
The early payment discount funds are drawn from the selected GL accounts.


For locations that do not accept that particular payment type, leave the GL Account column blank.

Only Payment Types with GL Accounts selected for ALL Locations can be should be selected for online Payments.


Click Add Account to add a new GL account.

Click Save.

Editing AR Payment Types

You can edit any of your existing AR payment types at any time.

To edit an AR payment type

Navigate to Accounts Receivable > Manage > AR Payment Types.
The Manage AR Payment Types window opens.

In the Payment Type list, select the payment type to edit and then click Edit.
The Edit AR Payment Type window opens.

Make your changes.


Exercise caution if changing the GL account once a payment type has already been used, especially from/to a bank account GL.

If you have a payment type posting directly to a bank GL account, and then change it to a non-bank GL account (like a Clearing Account) in the middle of a deposit cycle, you run the risk of "double depositing" payments that were already posted directly to the bank.

Click Save.

Deactivating AR Payment Types

A payment type can be deactivated if you no longer accept payments of that type. A deactivated payment type is no longer available at any location. To prevent a location from accepting a particular payment type, remove the GL account for that payment type and location.

The Prepayment Adjustment Payment Type cannot be deactivated.

To deactivate an AR payment type

Navigate to Accounts Receivable > Manage > AR Payment Types.
The Manage AR Payment Types window opens.

In the Payment Type list, select the payment type to deactivate and then click Edit.

Uncheck the Active check box.

Save the change.
The payment type is deactivated immediately.

Deleting AR Payment Types

A payment type cannot be deleted if it has been used on an invoice or a customer payment, but it can be deactivated. When you delete a payment type, it is no longer available at any location.

To delete an AR payment type

Navigate to Accounts Receivable > Manage > AR Payment Types.
The Manage AR Payment Types window opens.

In the Payment Type list, select the payment type to delete and then click Delete.


If the Delete button is not available, the payment type you selected has been used and cannot be deleted.

Click Yes to confirm the deletion.
The payment type is deleted.