Adding & Copying Manual Journal Entries

Use the Journal Entries window to manually record single and multiple entries under the same Journal Entry. Journal entries must balance, so all the debits must equal the credits. Only postable, active accounts can be used when making journal entries.

The use of some accounts is not permitted when making manual journal entries; these accounts include non-postable, layout accounts and the following postable accounts:

Accounts Receivable (all changes are made using an AR invoice or AR adjustment)

Inventory assets (all changes are made using inventory adjustments, purchase invoices, or cost adjustments)

Accounts Payable (all changes are made using an AP invoice)

Current Earnings (a non-postable account that is only used to generate midyear balance sheets)

Accounts designated as Inventory accounts in the GL Chart of Accounts

Inactive accounts

What you'll find:

Adding Journal Entries

Copying Journal Entries


Adding Manual Journal Entries

To add a manual journal entry
* indicates a required field


If you enter the same journal entry frequently, consider using a Recurring Journal Entry, or Copy an existing journal entry, to save time.

Navigate to General Ledger > Journal Entries.
The Journal Entries window opens.

Click Add.
The Add Journal Entry window opens.

In the Posting Date* box, enter the posting date of the entry.
Posting dates must be either current or past dates; future dates are not permitted.

In the Description* box, enter a unique description for the journal entry.

In the Source* box, enter the source of the journal entry.
Only general ledger and payroll source entries can exist in journals, such as yearend adjustments, depreciation, and bank deposits.

Check the Sensitive Posting box if you want this journal entry to be viewed only by users with security access to sensitive postings.
Leaving the box unchecked allows viewing by all users with permission to view journal entries.


Sensitive Posting security applies only to the Journal Entry home form/grid. If you also want to restrict users from viewing Sensitive Postings in GL reports, restrict user access to those reports via Role security.

Check the Pending box if the journal entry should not be posted immediately (it will be checked by default if you don't have security permission to Post Transactions for journal entries).
Journal Entries saved with a status of Pending will not generate any postings and will not have Journal Number.
When you're ready to post, edit the journal entry, uncheck the Pending box, and save. The postings will be made immediately.

In the Created By box, optionally change the name of the person adding the journal entry.

In the Account column, enter an account for the entry.


To remove an entry in the table, select the entry and click Remove Transaction Detail.

You can add a new GL account on the fly by clicking Add Account.

In the Debit or Credit column, add the entry amount.

In the Description column, enter a description for the entry.
This description appears in the GL Transaction Journal reports.

(Config C) In the Location column, enter a location to attach the entry to a single location (locations aren't available for Asset (1), Liability (2), or Equity (3) accounts)
- or -
Click Location Distribution to allocate to multiple locations (the line total will be allocated as per the percentages specified).
The Location Distribution window opens.

Choose a Location Distribution from the drop-down list and click OK to distribute the expense (click Cancel to change your mind).
The line total is split between the selected locations as per the percentages specified.


(config C) At least one location may be mandatory for journal entries.

(Config C) In the Project column, enter a project to attach the entry to a project.
Project isn’t available for Asset (1), Liability (2), and Equity (3) accounts.


You can assign a default project to a GL Account, and projects can be mandatory for all or just specific GLs.

If you need to add a new project, click Add Project.

In the Fixed Asset column, enter a fixed asset to associate the entry with a fixed asset.
Fixed Asset isn’t available for Asset (1), Liability (2), and Equity (3) accounts.

Enter the remaining debit and credit entries until the balance of the journal entries is $0.00, which is shown in the Difference box.


The Save button is not available until the balance of your journal entries equals $0.00.

Click Save.


Copying Manual Journal Entries

Manual journal entries can be copied so that you can use an old entry as a "template" for a new one. The copied journal entry will have the same information as the original (GL accounts, debits, credits, descriptions, locations, projects, fixed assets, sensitive status) but all can be changed before saving.

To copy a manual journal entry


If you enter the same journal entry frequently, consider using a Recurring Journal Entry to save time.

Navigate to General Ledger > Journal Entries.
The Journal Entries window opens.

Select the journal entry to want to copy.
If it's not listed by default, click Search to change the default criteria.

Click Copy.
The Copy Journal Entry window opens.

Optionally edit the journal entry.

Click Save.
The Copy Journal Entry window closes.


The Save button is not available until the balance of your journal entries equals $0.00.