Location Distribution

Location Distribution allows you to setup percentage "shortcuts" for distributing income statement postings between multiple locations on Purchase Invoices (non-inventory tab) and Journal Entries.

For example, you get one phone bill every month from SaskTel and you want to distribute the total expense between all Saskatchewan locations the same way every time. Set up a Location Distribution default (specify the percentage to allocate to each location) so when you create a PI or a JE you can allocate the correct amount to each location quickly by selecting the Location Distribution from the drop-down list.

Because Location Distribution defaults are available to multiple modules they are managed under the File menu.

What you'll find:

Adding Location Distribution defaults

To add a Location Distribution default
* indicates a required field (other fields are optional)

Navigate to File > Manage > Location Distribution.
The Location Distributions window opens.

Select Add.
The Add Location Distribution window opens.

Type a unique Distribution Name*.

Leave the Active box checked.
(all new location distributions are active by default)

From the Location drop-down list, select the first retail location.

In the Percentage column, type the allocation percentage for the location.

Add additional locations and percentages as needed.

Save the Location Distribution.
The Add Location Distribution window closes.

The added location distribution is listed on the Location Distribution window.

If you're done managing Location Distributions select Exit to close the window.

Editing Location Distribution defaults

To edit a Location Distribution default
* indicates a required field (other fields are optional)

Navigate to File > Manage > Location Distribution.
The Location Distributions window opens.

Select a Location Distribution and click Edit.
The Edit Location Distribution window opens.

Make changes to the Distribution Name*, Locations, or Percentages.
Click Remove Location to clear a location row.

Save the updated Location Distribution.
The Edit Location Distribution window closes.

Deactivating or Reactivating Location Distribution defaults

To change the status of a Location Distribution default

Navigate to File > Manage > Location Distribution.
The Location Distributions window opens.

Select a Location Distribution and click Edit.
The Edit Location Distribution window opens.

Clear the Active box to deactivate.

Check the Active box to reactivate.

Save the updated Location Distribution.
The Edit Location Distribution window closes.