Configuring Grower Central

Once you've been granted permission, you can specify which documents your growers are allowed to view, which reports they are allowed to run, and whether documents should be shared with growers by default.

I want to read the white paper (with lots of screenshots) about configuring Grower Central.


Run: File > Exports > Data > Audit/Admin > Notes (Loc, Cust, Prod) data export to double check all notes in one place.

To configure Grower Central:

Navigate to File > Config Options > Grower Central.
The Grower Central Options window opens.

General tab


The Display Balance defaults to Net Balance (including Prepayments), but can be changed to Balance (excluding Prepayments).
Either way, the balance will always include unapplied credits.

Unchecking Work Orders - Show Prices? affects base Work Order Reports only.
Please contact your CSC to have it added to your custom layout.


Check the permission boxes next to the Activity that you want available to your growers.
By default, all boxes will be checked.


Entries Per Page is the default number of entries to show on all pages except for the Products page (which can have its own setting).
Default number of entries = 10, minimum = 0.

Privacy Policy URL

Privacy Policy URL is a link to your company's privacy policy.


optional If you would like to display a message on the Activity page, type a Heading and the Body text.
The message will be displayed to all growers when they log in.


optional agrē can automatically send a customised email to Grower Central users when a new account is created or a password is reset.


The Subject field supports the variable [REFNO] (the square brackets [ ] are required).
It will be replaced with the actual Work Order Reference Number.

The Body field supports basic HTML text formatting codes - like <strong> </br> <h4>.
(using <br /> is optional; you can also hit the ENTER key)

Enter the email Subject.
e.g. TSL Custom Agro Grower Central - Login Credentials.

If left blank, the default subject text will be used: Grower Central Temporary Password.

Enter the email Body.
e.g. This email contains a link to the TSL Custom Agro account login page and your temporary Grower Central password . <br />After you login for the first time you will be required to personalize your password. <h4>Your new password must be a minimum of six characters and contain at least one number.</h4>

If left blank, the default body text will be used: A temporary password has been generated for you to sign into your Grower Central Account.

(recommended) In the Login URL box, enter the address of your Grower Central login page. (don't forget the 's' in https!)
If left blank, no reference to a login page will be included in the email sent to your grower.

Reports tab

Check the permission boxes next to the account Reports that you want available to your growers.
By default, all boxes will be checked.

If all report boxes are unchecked, the Reports tab will be hidden in Grower Central.

Documents tab

Check Documents Tab enabled to display the Documents tab.
If not checked, this tab will be hidden in Grower Central.

Check Manually Uploaded if you usually want newly uploaded documents to be shared with their growers (you can always uncheck it on the fly when you're adding a document you don't want shared, and vice versa).
Documents already uploaded are not affected by this setting.
By default, this box is checked.

Agronomy tab

If you have the Agronomy module active, check which documents you want to share with your growers.
These document types will be visible on the Agronomy page of Grower Central.
By default, no boxes are checked.

If no boxes are checked, the Agronomy tab will be hidden in Grower Central.

Grain tab

If you have the Grain module active, check which documents you want to share with your producers.
These document types will be visible on the Accounts page of Grower Central (there is no separate Grain page).
By default, all boxes are checked.

If no boxes are checked, the Grain tab will be hidden in Grower Central.

Online Payments tab
* if using, indicates a required field  

If you have the online payments module active, check Enable Online Payments* to display the payments tab.
If not checked, this tab will be hidden in Grower Central.I

Select your Payment Gateway*.

Enter the API Login ID*, Transaction Key*, and Client Key* as provided by your payment gateway.

Enter the Maximum Payment Amount*.
This limits the amount of outstanding charges that can be paid at one time.

Check Offer Early Payment Discounts if they should be applied to online payments.

Only the Payment Types you accept online are listed. Choose a corresponding AR Payment Type* for each.

Each AR payment type must have GL Accounts selected for ALL locations.

Products tab
* if using, indicates a required field  

Enable Products List* activates checkboxes on this tab to control the information displayed to customers.
If not checked, this tab will be hidden in Grower Central.

Show Product Code.

Include SDS Links.

Show Primary UPC Code.

Show Current Price based on customer location and price level.
(can be overridden at the product level)

Show Quantity On Handdisplays a stock indicator based on customer location.
(can be overridden at the product level)

Show Supplier.

Limit Products based on Supplier (WO -> PO) applicable to the Work Order to Purchase Process only.


Select the default Details View Type*.

Entries Per Page is the default number of products to show on the Products page.
(overrides Entries Per Page on General tab)

Include These Product Types

Check Include? next to the Product Types that can be ordered online.
(at least one type must be checked; individual products of any type can be excluded or included)

Quotes/Orders tab
*if using, indicates a required field  

If you have the online payments module active, check Enable Online Ordering* to display the orders tab.
If not checked, this tab will be hidden in Grower Central.
Checking this box also checks Enable Products List on the Products tab.

Select the Work Order Type created by online orders (default is Order).

(optional) Select an Online Order Sub Type.

Check to Commit Inventory.
Uncheck to leave products uncommitted.


Select an Email From the list of active users
Overwrites the company default.
All online order emails will be sent from this address, and this is also the default 'Reply To' address.

Type Subject and Body text to override the automated email defaults.


In the Subject field, the variable [RefNo] (the square brackets [ ] are required) will be replaced with the actual Work order reference number.

The Body field supports basic HTML text formatting codes like <strong> <h1>.
(hit the ENTER key to add line breaks) 

Check Send all email notifications to send to Customer Sales Rep to send a copy or all emails to the customer's sales rep

Check Send all email notifications to Grower Central Users to send an email to the address of the logged in grower.

Save your changes.
Changes are effective immediately.