Work Order Sub Types

Work Order Sub Types allow you to further categorize quotes and work orders. Think of them like characteristics for work orders.

You can set different default Expiry Dates for each work order subtype.

What you'll find:

Adding Work Order Sub Types

Editing Work Order Sub Types

Deactivating and Activating Work Order Sub Types

Removing Work Order Sub Types


Adding work order Sub Types

To add work order sub types

Navigate to Accounts Receivable > Manage > Work Order Sub Types.

In the Description column, enter a unique name for the work order sub type.

(optional) Set a fixed Expiry Date of any future date.
The Expiry Date on all work orders created with this subtype will automatically default to that date.

Ensure the Active check box is selected.
Active is selected by default after the description has been entered.


Add all required work order sub types before clicking Save since saving also closes the window.

Click Save.

Editing Work Order Sub Types

You can edit any of your existing work order sub types at any time by changing their descriptions. You can also change the active status to activate or deactivate them.

To edit work order sub types

Navigate to Accounts Receivable > Manage > Work Order Sub Types.

Make your changes.

Click Save.

Deactivating and Activating Work Order Sub Types

When you add work order sub types, the default setting is active, but you can also reactivate work order sub types that have been deactivated.

To deactivate work order sub types

Navigate to Accounts Receivable > Manage > Work Order Sub Types.

In the Active column, clear the Active check box of the sub type you want to deactivate.

Click Save.

To activate work order sub types

Navigate to Accounts Receivable > Manage > Work Order Sub Types.

In the Active column, select the Active check box of the sub type you want to activate.

Click Save.

Removing Work Order Sub Types

You can remove a sub type as long as it has not been used on a work order. If it has been used, you can deactivate the sub type so it cannot be used again.

To remove work order sub types

Navigate to Accounts Receivable > Manage > Work Order Sub Types.

Select the sub type you want to remove.

Click Remove Sub Type.
If the button is greyed out it indicates the sub type has been used and cannot be removed; consider deactivating it instead.

Click Save.