Accepting Immediate Payments for Invoices

You can record a customer’s payment for products, services, or blends directly on an invoice as you are creating the invoice and accept an immediate payment before saving it. If the invoice has been saved but is still editable, you can accept an immediate payment by editing the invoice. Customers can use one or more payment types.

There are also several other ways that a customer can pay for items (e.g., depositing a lump sum payment).

To accept an immediate payment for an invoice
* indicates a required field (other fields are optional)

Navigate to Accounts Receivable > Invoices. Or click the Invoices toolbar button.
The Invoices window opens and all invoices created today are listed.

Click Add.
- or -
From the Invoice list, select the invoice to be paid and then click Edit.
The Add Invoice or Edit Invoice window opens.

Ensure the mandatory information (and optional information, if needed) is completed on the invoice.

Add, edit, import, or link to products, services, or blends as needed.

Click the Immediate Payment tab.

Check Automatically Apply Unapplied Credits if you want to apply them to this invoice. The amount of unapplied credits available appears on the same line.
The default is set in Company Config Options.

(Config L) Select the Make a payment now check box.
The Payment grid is available.


In the Payment Type column, a default payment type may be automatically selected if it has been set up in your configuration settings (a default payment type can be specified at the company, location, or user level) or on the customer account.
To remove the payment type (so that you can use a different payment type) select the payment type to remove and then click Remove Payment Row.

In the Payment Type* column, select the method of payment from the list.


You can use more than one payment type to pay for the invoice by adding multiple rows to the Payment list.
For example, a customer may want to pay for the invoice using a combination of credit card and cash. The amount owing for the second (and subsequent) payment type will be automatically calculated upon selection of the payment type.

Depending on the payment type selected, cash rounding may occur.

In the Amount* column, optionally change the amount the customer is paying for the payment type selected.
The remaining invoice total is entered by default.

In the Pmt Type Discount column, optionally change the payment type discount amount.
The default payment type discount amount is entered automatically.

In the Early Pmt Discount column, optionally change the early payment discount amount.
The default early payment discount amount is entered automatically.


The Total Amount column displays the total amount for the row (including discounts).

Pay This Amount displays the total amount the customer is paying for all rows (including discounts).

Click Tracking/Cheque# to record a customer cheque number or EFT tracking/reference number (can be mandatory).
The Enter Tracking/Cheque # window opens. Enter the reference number and click Update. The tracking/cheque # appears next to the payment on printed payment receipts (base flavour).

Click Edit Payment Comment to enter a comment.
The Enter Comment For window opens. Enter the comment and click Update. The comment appears next to the payment on printed payment receipts.


To remove a payment type from the list, select the row and click Remove Payment Row.

Click Save.
The payment is applied and the customer’s account is updated accordingly. You can no longer edit the invoice.
(Config U, L,C) If you accepted an immediate payment from a new invoice, a message appears asking you which document(s) to preview.

Select the document(s) that you want to preview and then click OK. Click Cancel if you do not want to preview a document.