Product Price Check

Don't let the name fool you! Product Price Check does give you all set prices and sale prices for each location and price level, but it also gives you product costs, inventory position, Invoice and Work Order popup notes, and on the Recent Activity tab a list of "lasts" (last sold, last purchased, etc.) all in one window. You'll also find links to the Product Summary report which displays similar information in a printable format. There's also shortcuts to the Price History and Cost History reports.


If you check a lot of products, you might find it handy to add the Product Price Check shortcut button to your toolbar.

Comparing Values on the Costing & Inventory Position Tabs

Quantity Remaining refers to the number of units remaining that have cost history.

Quantity on Hand refers to the number of actual units remaining in inventory - whether they have an associated cost history or not.


Why Quantity Remaining may not match Quantity On Hand

Selling into the Negatives (Quantity Remaining = 0 and Quantity on Hand < 0)
Selling more than the number of units in stock completely depletes cost history (so there are 0 units with a cost remaining) but the quantity on hand is -5 (for example).

Bill and Hold (Quantity Remaining < Quantity on Hand)
B&H invoices use up cost history right away, but don't affect the quantity on hand (that happens later when the units are taken).

Estimated Cost Rows have not been filled by Cost History (Quantity Remaining > Quantity On Hand)
This can happen when you have units on hand that came from a location transfer or from manufacturing (because of the possibility of an "endless loop" cost history isn't automatically allocated for those transactions).

Price History

active only on the Pricing tab

if a product has multiple unit types, select the type before you click

View Item

available only on the Recent Activity tab

To run a Product Price Check

Navigate to Inventory > Product Price Check
The Product Price Check window opens.

In the Product field, type a Product Code and press TAB.
- or - click Find to look for a product.

(config C, U) after at least 1 product is listed, click Price & QoH (or press F7) to see Pricing, and Quantities on Hand, on Order, and Committed

click on a column header to sort (click again to sort the other way)

Location can be changed

check Suppress Zero on Hand to hide out of stock items


To see results for a different product, type the new product code and press TAB.

Default Location is listed first on the Costing and Inventory Position tabs.

Product Price Check can also be run from the Manage Products window (Inventory > Manage > Products).

Click Exit to close the Product Price Check window.