Emailing Customer Statements

You can email statements to multiple customers in a batch.

Before You Email Statements for the First Time

Prior to emailing customer statements, you must first define customer email invoice settings and email addresses.

The default email subject line and body text is setup in Company Config Options on the Accounts Receivable tab/Statement/Invoice Emailer subtab.
Your company may restrict editing these fields on the fly.

You can have agrē (optionally) send a message to the users in a Security Role after the statement emails are sent.
If you choose a security role, it must have at least one user in it - you will receive an error message if the role has no users.

To email customer statements:


Entering criteria on the Customer Statement Emailer window to refine your search is optional. However, the more specific your criteria, the more specific the search results. You can specify one or many pieces of information for which to search. If you click Send without entering any criteria, no statements are sent.

Navigate to Accounts Receivable > Email Reports > Customer Statements.
The Customer Statement Emailer window opens.

Select the customer(s) whose statements you want to email.


Click Find to search for a specific customer.

Click More Options to display additional options under Select Customers. Click Fewer Options to display the default criteria options.

In the Show Activity From box, enter the date that you want the customers’ account activity to start from.

In the Statement Balance Date box, enter the date that you want the customer’s account activity to end (i.e., the final balance).
Today’s date is selected by default.

In the Zero Balances box, enter whether to suppress customers with zero balances, show customers with zero balances if there is activity, or include customers who have zero balances.

Select the Suppress Credit Balances? check box to suppress credit balances.

In the Special Comments box, enter comments about the statements for your own use.
These comments are printed on Customer Statement reports.

Select the Combine Similar Products check box if you want similar products to be combined.

Select the Show Available Discounts check box if you want discounts to be shown.
If selected, the If Paid By box is available. Optionally change the date that statements must be paid by in order for discounts to show.

In the Send Email From box, enter the email address that you want the statements to be sent from (e.g., your email address).
The default address is set in Company Config Options, but can be overridden with a User Config Option.

In the Message Subject box, optionally change the subject of the email.
The default subject is set in Company Config Options.

In the Body Text box, optionally change the body of the email.
The default text is set in Company Config Options.

Click Send ...
The Selected for Statement Emailer window opens listing the recipient names and email addresses.
As no emails have been sent - yet - the Status column is blank.

[optional] Clear the checkmark from the Email column for any customers that should not receive an email.
All customers meeting the criteria are checked by default.

Click Send to send the emails to the listed recipients.
agrē starts processing the information. This may take some time depending on the information you entered. 

When finished, the statements are emailed (if there are no errors).

If there are errors (e.g., there is no email address specified for a customer), the errors display at the bottom of the window and a message appears indicating that there are errors. You cannot close the window until you view the error report or the process is completed successfully.

The View Report? window opens.
Click OK to view the Customer Statement Error Messages report.


Click View Errors to view the Customer Statement Error Messages report.

If there are no errors, the Process Completed window opens when the statements have been generated and sent and displays how many emails were sent.

The View Report window opens and prompts you to print the Customer Statement Email Batch report (the list of recipients).
Click Yes to view the report. Click No to skip it.

Exit the report if you chose to view it.

Back at the Selected for Statement Emailer window, the Status changes to Sent.
If you want to view the Customer Statement Email Batch report again, click View Report.


This is your last chance to view/print/email/PDF the recipient report! Once you close the Selected for Statement Emailer window, you wont' be able to see the report again.


You can configure agrē to automatically send you a message with same information as the report (you can use the message as a backup in case the report wasn't printed or gets misplaced).

Exit the Selected for Statement Emailer window.

Exit the Customer Statement Emailer window.

Related Topics:

Emailing Customer Invoices

Auto Emailing Reports

Adding Customers

Company Configuration Options