AutoEmailing Reports

If you usually email individual invoices, loadout tickets, work orders, or payment receipts to your customers, you can setup autoEmail to streamline the process.

Once you indicate which documents you'd like to autoEmail, when you save those corresponding transactions agrē will ask you if you'd like to email the report automatically. Say yes, and if you have all the information entered that agrē needs to send an autoEmail, the report will be emailed immediately. If any information is missing (like the customer's email address, or a return email address for you) you'll be prompted to fill it in. Once agrē has all the details, you'll click send and off it goes.

What you'll find:

Setting Up agrē to AutoEmail Reports

How autoEmail Works


Setting Up agrē to autoEmail Reports (one-time tasks)

There's a few setup tasks that need to be completed before you get started with autoEmailing reports. These tasks need to be done only once.

3 Things agrē Needs to Know before it can AutoEmail a Report

which reports are autoEmailed?

who is sending the email - you or your company?

who is it going to?

To specify which reports you want autoEmailed:

Reports are selected per user (so you can always email invoices, but your colleagues don't have to) and agrē will offer to autoEmail only the reports you select.

Edit your User Config Options.

Click the Reports tab, then click the Report Options sub-tab.

Under the Auto Email column, select Yes from the drop-down menus next to the reports you want autoEmailed.
(not all reports can be autoEmailed)

Save your changes - or move on to the next step and verify your return email address.


To specify a personal From and CC/BCC email address, and customize the email body:

This step is optional if a return address has already been setup at the Company level, but you may prefer to send with your own email details instead of the company's.

If no return address is setup at either the company or the user level, the autoEmail process will be halted, the Send Email window will open, you'll need to type a return address (it won't be saved, so you'd have to enter it every time) and click Send.

Click on the Email tab of User Config Options.

In the Email address box, optionally enter your own email address to use as the sending address.

Optionally check CC or BCC if you'd like agrē to also send a copy or blind copy of every email to your Email (if specified, or the Company email address if not).

Enter any additional text in the Email Body Default for Attachments .
For example, you may want to include some kind of generic message, your name and company name, and some contact information so the recipient knows how to get in touch if they have any questions.

Select your preferred Attached Filename Default naming convention (this controls the file name of the PDF attachment included with the email).

Save your changes.


To specify a customer auto-email address:

This step is not optional - if there is no auto email address specified on the customer account, reports can't be auto emailed.

Edit the customer's account.

On the Customer tab:

Check either Email Statements? or Email Invoices? to activate the Email Address(es) box.

Enter the customer's email address in the Email Address(es) box.
This email address will be used as the customer's default for all autoEmailed reports (as well as for batch emailing of statements and invoices).


If reports should be sent to more than one email address, use a comma to separate the addresses.

After you've entered the address, you can uncheck Email Statements? (if left checked, this customer would be included in batch emailing of statements - if that is part of your AR process).

Ensure Email Invoices? is checked if you want invoices to be autoEmailed (if left checked, this customer would also be included in batch emailing of invoices - if that's part of your AR process).
If this box is not checked, autoEmailing of invoices (to this customer) will be ignored.


autoEmail sends one invoice at a time (save an invoice, send an invoice).
If you want to email multiple invoices at the same time, take a look at the batch Invoice Emailer.

Save the customer account.

if no Email Address(es) is specified

If the customer doesn't have an Email Address(es) specified on their account, the autoEmail process will be halted and the Send Email window will open.

If there is a Company Email specified on the customer account, or a Contact has an email address, the To: field will default to this address.
If there is more than one email address (a company email and a contact email, or multiple contact emails) the To: field will be blank. Click To: to display a list of all email addresses associated with the customer account and select one.

If there are no email addresses associated with the customer account, or the email address you want is not listed, you'll need to type one.

Click Send.
You'll be prompted save the address in the To: field to the customer's account as the Email Address(es) if the customer has no email address associated with their account and you have security permission [AR tab / Customer / Add Email].
You will not be prompted to save addresses typed in the CC: or BCC: fields.


How autoEmail Works

Saving a transaction (like a loadout ticket or a payment) for the first time is what triggers the autoEmail process.

If you say Yes to autoEmail when prompted, agrē will email the report and bypass the usual reporting config options (there will be no prompt to print).
If you usually need to both print and email at the time of the transaction, you probably won't want to turn on autoEmail for that report.

If you say No, agrē will follow the other reporting config options: do you want to preview the report? do you want to see the criteria first?

For example, Loadout Tickets are flagged for autoEmail.

After you save the LOT for the first time, a message box pops up asking if you'd like to email LOT1234 to Martin, Lyle.

click Yes to continue the autoEmail process

at this point, agrē checks to make sure all the info it needs to know is available
if it's all there, the email is sent automatically and a message box pops up letting you know it's on its way

if it's not all there, agrē brings up the usual Send Email window pre-populated with as much information as it knows

once the missing information has been added, click Send to send the email