
When you add customers, you can enter a variety of information about your customers that helps to determine how agrē behaves. For example, a customer’s specified price level determines the price that the customer receives for various items. Entering detailed customer information also helps you search for customers.

You can also add customer characteristics in order to help you to classify customers.


Customers have unique reference numbers.

On the Manage Customers window, you can view the Customer Account Information window for any customer. In the Customer list, select the customer whose account you want to view and then click Customer Account.

What you'll find:

Adding Customers

Editing Customers

Customer Accounts

Associating Customers

Deactivating and Activating Customers

Deleting Customers

Looking for Customers

Customer Groups

Customer Characteristics

Customer Tillage Types

Customer Equipment

Emailing Customer Statements

Exporting a Customer Mailing List