Associating Customers

You may want to use Associated Customers if ...

you want to report the combined sales of multiple customer accounts to AgCollect
(not applicable to other manufacturer reporting)

for example, you want to combine the sales of all family members so that they qualify for a manufacturer's rebate

Associated Customers have no other effect (i.e. their sales would not be combined on the Customer Sales Report).

Associated Customers are optional.

What you'll find:

Associated Customer Rules

Setting up Associated Customers

Double Checking Associated Customers

Results of Associated Customers

Associated Customer Rules

a "child" account can be associated with only one "parent" account

"parent" accounts can have multiple "child" accounts

an account can be a "child" account or a "parent" account, but not both

Setting up Associated Customers

Associated Customers are setup from the "child" account.

To associate customer accounts

Navigate to Accounts Receivable > Manage > Customers.
The Customer Search window is available.

Find the customer(s) using the various search criteria.
The Manage Customer window opens.


If the customer you want to edit does not appear in the list, click New Search and change your criteria. Check your Location if you have more than one.

Select a"child" account from the grid and Edit it.
The Edit Customer window opens.

Click Associations.
The Associations window opens.

Choose the "parent" account for AgCollect, or for the Sales Export, or for both.
Click Find if typing the name doesn't populate the account in the drop down list.

Click Save to save the associations.

You cannot associate an account that is already flagged as a "child" (an account can't be both a "child" and a "parent").

Click OK and choose a different "parent" account.

Click Save to save the "child" customer account.

Repeat for all "child" accounts.

If you were to edit a "parent" account and click Associations, you would see all the "child" accounts listed.

Double Checking Associated Customers

Use the Customer List data export to confirm that the associations have been setup correctly.

To double check Associated Customers

Navigate to File > Exports > Data.
The Export Data window opens.

Click Customer List.

Preview or export the data and use the results to double check your Associated Customers setup;
each "child" account identifies its "parent" account by CustID in the Associate AgCollect and Associate Sales columns.

Results of Associated Customers

When running the AgCollect Export:

the sales for each "child" account will be combined with the sales of the "parent" account

the combined sales will be listed under the "parent" account

"child" accounts will not be listed

When running the Sales Export:

both "child" and "parent" accounts are listed

each "child" account identifies its "parent" account in the AssocSalesCustID column