Tillage Types

Customers use different Tillage TypesSpecifying a customer's tillage type is optional, but before you can associate a tillage type with a customer, you must first add it to the list.

Examples of tillage types include: Conventional, Direct Seeder, Fall Banding, Spring Banding.

What you'll find:

Adding Tillage Types

Editing Tillage Types

Deactivating and Activating Tillage types


Add or Edit all tillage types before clicking Save since saving also closes the window.

Adding Tillage Types

To add a tillage type

Navigate to Accounts Receivable > Manage > Tillage Types.
The Manage Tillage window opens.

In the Description column, enter a unique name for the tillage type.

Ensure the Active check box is selected.
Active is selected by default after the description has been entered.

Click Save.

Editing Tillage Types

You can edit any of your existing tillage types at any time by changing their descriptions. You can also change the active status.

To edit a tillage type

Navigate to Accounts Receivable > Manage > Tillage Types.
The Manage Tillage window opens.

In the Description column, change the spelling of the tillage type.

Click Save.

Deactivating and Activating Tillage Types

When you add a tillage type the default setting is active, but you can also activate a tillage type that has been deactivated.

To deactivate or activate a tillage type

Navigate to Accounts Receivable > Manage > Tillage Types.
The Manage Tillage window opens.

In the Active column, clear or set the Active check box of the tillage type as applicable.

Click Save.