Customer Equipment

The Customer Equipment field allows you to store information about the type of equipment that your customers use. The choices in the dropdown list are created by you. Examples of customer equipment may include: GPS, Harvest Monitor, High Clearance, John Deere, NH3 tank, NH3 tank and kit.

I'm looking for my equipment, not my customer's equipment

What you'll find:

Adding Customer Equipment

Editing Customer Equipment

Deactivating and Activating Customer Equipment

Adding Customer Equipment

To add customer equipment

On the Accounts Receivable menu, point to Manage and then click Customer Equipment.

In the Description column, enter a unique name for the customer equipment.

Ensure the Active check box is selected.
Active is selected by default after the description has been entered.


Add all customer equipment before clicking Save since saving also closes the window.

Click Save.

Editing Customer Equipment

You can edit any of your existing customer equipment at any time by changing their descriptions. You can also change the active status.

To edit customer equipment

On the Accounts Receivable menu, point to Manage and then click Customer Equipment.

In the Description column, change the spelling of the customer equipment.

Click Save.

Deactivating and Activating Customer Equipment

When you add customer equipment, the default setting is active, but you can also activate customer equipment that has been deactivated.

To deactivate customer equipment

On the Accounts Receivable menu, point to Manage and then click Customer Equipment.

In the Active column, clear the Active check box of the custom equipment you want to deactivate.

Click Save.

To activate customer equipment

On the Accounts Receivable menu, point to Manage and then click Customer Equipment.

In the Active column, select the Active check box of the custom equipment you want to activate.

Click Save.