Step 1: Complete the Blend Setup Tab

To complete the Blend Setup tab

On the Blending menu, click Make a Blend. Or click the Make a Blend toolbar button.
The Make a Blend window opens.

Click the Blend Setup tab.
The Blend Setup tab is selected by default.

In the Customer box, enter the customer’s name .
If you have blend notes specified for the customer (set up in Manage Customers), a message containing the notes appears. Click OK to continue.
- or -
Select the Calculator Only check box to calculate a blend price without specifying a customer.
You can specify a Customer later if you change your mind before saving.


Click Find to search for a specific customer or click Add to add a new customer.


Once you specify a customer, you can click Blend History to retrieve a previous blend, if applicable.

(Config U) In the Location box, enter the location that will make the blend (i.e. whose inventory is going down?).
The blend products are taken from the selected location’s inventory, and the location determines pricing and taxes. You cannot create a blend from a warehouse. You cannot change the location of the blend after it is saved on a work order, loadout ticket, or invoice.

(Config C,U) In the Calculation Method box, enter the calculation method that you want to use for the blend.

(Config U) In the Blend Type box, enter the blend type that you want to use for the blend.
If Filter Blend Types By Location is turned on, only blend types for the location you have selected will be available.


After the Customer, Calculation Method and the Blend Type are entered, pressing the TAB key moves the insertion point from the Blend Setup tab to the Calculation tab.

Proceed to Step 2 Begin the Calculation tab