Step 2: Begin the Calculation Tab

Steps 2 and 3 both occur on the Calculation tab.

The information that first displays on the Calculation tab depends on which calculation method you chose to use in the Calculation Method box. Based on the specified method, some information (such as nutrients and products) is set up before the blend is calculated.

After the calculation occurs, what is displayed on the Calculation tab changes to allow you to provide additional information (e.g., Field Size and Blend Quantity). Regardless of the calculation method used, the Calculation tab looks the same once the calculation is completed.


When calculating blends, the nutrient order is determined by the blend type (when the order is not controlled in the actual calculation). For nutrient requirements and blend name blend types, the order that you that you choose is used. For blend product percentages, blend product quantities, and blend product rates, the blend type and not the product order determines the order (if the blend type has a specified order).


When calculating a blend, any blend products not needed by the nutrients listed are dropped from the calculation. (Config C) agrē may ask you to make a decision regarding how you want the blend calculated (e.g., most expensive or least expensive blend).

Depending on the calculation method you selected on the Blend Setup tab, refer to one of the following substeps to continue with making your blend:

Step 2a: Nutrient Requirements (NPK)

Step 2b: Blend Name

Step 2c: Blend Product Percentages

Step 2d: Blend Product Quantities

Step 2e: Blend Product Rates

Step 2a: Nutrient Requirements (NPK)

I want to see an example with screen shots.

To begin the Calculation tab for Nutrient Requirements (NPK)

Click the Calculation tab.

Under Nutrient Requirements, in the Nutrient column, enter additional nutrients that you need for the blend. Click on the blank line below the last nutrient in the list, then click the down arrow to select another nutrient.

You can add as many nutrients as you need. Required nutrients (as defined by the blend type) are selected by default. Optional nutrients (as defined by the blend type) are available to be selected.


If the nutrient you want to add to the blend isn't in the drop down list, you'll need to create it and then associate it with a product before you can blend with it.


Click Remove Nutrient to remove a nutrient from the list.

In the quantity column, enter the minimum quantity of nutrient per field measurement (e.g., lbs per acre, as set up in Manage Blend Types) for each nutrient.


The order of the nutrients determines the default blend name. Click the Move Up or Move Down buttons to change the order of the additional nutrients (and therefore the blend name). You cannot move required nutrients as defined by the blend type or move additional nutrients above or between required nutrients. The blend type determines the order of the required nutrients and the default order of the additional nutrients.

If nutrient maximums are allowed, check the Limit box next to any nutrient maximums.

If this is a liquid blend type using suspensions:

In the Suspension Percent for box, enter the percentage of suspension to use relative to the total blend (i.e., what percentage of the total blend is made up of the suspension?).
The Suspension Percent for box is only displayed if suspensions are defined by the liquid blend type.

In the Susp. Product box, enter the suspension product.
The suspension product cannot be a nutrient or an existing product in the blend.

Under Products in Blend, in the Product column, enter any additional products that you need for the blend.

Default products (as defined by the blend type) for each blend nutrient are automatically added, but other products are available to be selected if you want to use a different product.


If the products you enter have nutrients that are not defined by the blend type, the nutrients are automatically added to the nutrient table and to the blend (you’ll receive a warning message unless you are retrieving the blend from history).


Click Remove Product to remove a product from the list.


Click the Move Up or Move Down buttons to change the order of the products. Changing the order of the products in the blend affects the “preference” for including that product to meet the blend requirements.


Only the Nutrient Requirements (N-P-K) and Blend Name calculation methods allow for split sources.

Check the Use Split Sources? check box if you want a particular nutrient requirement to be met by more than one product.
For example, you may want to use two different nitrogen products (a slow release product and a quick release product) to make the blend.


Split sources allows for many combinations. You can:
    split a nutrient across more than one product
    choose to split more than one nutrient
    use the same product for more than one nutrient

Nutrients and products added to the Split Sources table are also added to the Nutrient Requirements and Products in Blend tables.

In the Nutrient box, enter the nutrient that you want to split.
If you select a nutrient that is not already specified for this blend, the nutrient is added to the Nutrient Requirements table.

In the Product box, enter the product that contains the nutrient.
If you select a product that is not already specified for this blend, the product is added to the Products in Blend table.

In the Split Percent box, enter the percentage of the total nutrient in the blend that should come from this product.
The percentage refers to the total amount of that nutrient in the blend, not the product. The value must be between 0 and 100.


If you enter 40% Nitrogen that means you want 40% of the total nitrogen in the blend to come from ESN, NOT that the blend will contain 40% ESN.


Click the Remove Split Source button to remove a line from the table, or if you’ve only entered the nutrient and you want to remove it, change the nutrient back to the “blank” value at the beginning of the drop-down list.


Be careful: the more complicated the split, the less likely it is that agrē will be able to solve the blend as requested. agrē cannot solve splits that total to 100%.

To remove the Split Sources table, clear the Use Split Sources? check box.

Click Calculate Blend to calculate the blend that you’ve defined.

agrē determines how to make the blend using the nutrient requirements and products that you specified using equations that solve the product proportions (prorated to add up to 1 or 100%). Based on this calculation process, the following may occur:

If more than one solution is possible, a message appears asking if you want to make the most expensive or least expensive blend. Click Yes to make the most expensive blend, or click No to make the least expensive blend.

If specific nutrients will be exceeded, a message appears asking if this is acceptable. agrē may list the specific nutrients, depending on the calculation process.

The blend name is calculated based on the sum of all products of the product makeup for the nutrient multiplied by the product percentage. The final results, including product percentages and prices for the customer (or current default prices if current pricing is being used), are displayed.


If the blend type for this blend includes suspensions, the percentage is calculated separately; the suspension nutrient is removed from the calculation and added back at the end.

Proceed to Step 3: Complete the Calculation Tab.

Step 2b: Guaranteed Analysis/Blend Name

To begin the Calculation tab for Guaranteed Analysis/Blend Name

Click the Calculation tab.

In the Blend Name box, enter the name of the blend to calculate using the standard format “00-00-00”.

Under Nutrient Requirements, in the Nutrient column, enter any additional nutrients that you need for the blend.

You can add as many nutrients as needed. Required nutrients (as defined by the blend type) are listed by default. Other nutrients (as defined by the blend type) are available to be selected. You must specify the same number of nutrients in the blend name.


If the nutrient you want to add to the blend isn't in the drop down list, you'll need to create it and then associate it with a product before you can blend with it.


Click Remove Nutrient to remove a nutrient from the list.


The order of the nutrients determines the default blend name. Click the Move Up or Move Down buttons to change the order of the additional nutrients (and therefore the blend name). You cannot move required nutrients as defined by the blend type or move additional nutrients above or between required nutrients. The blend type determines the order of the required nutrients and the default order of the additional nutrients.

Under Products in Blend, in the Product column, enter any additional products that you need for the blend.

Default products (as defined by the blend type) are automatically listed and other products are available to be selected.


If the products you enter have nutrients that are not defined by the blend type, the nutrients are automatically added to the nutrient table and to the blend (you’ll receive a warning message unless you are retrieving the blend from history).


Click Remove Product to remove a product from the list.


Click the Move Up or Move Down buttons to change the order of the products. Changing the order of the products in the blend affects the “preference” for including that product to meet the blend requirements.


Only the Nutrient Requirements (N-P-K) and Blend Name calculation methods allow for split sources.

Select the Use Split Sources? check box if you want a particular nutrient requirement to be met by more than one product.
For example, you may want to use two different nitrogen products (a slow release product and a quick release product) to make the blend.


Split sources allows for many combinations. You can:
    split a nutrient across more than one product
    choose to split more than one nutrient
    use the same product for more than one nutrient

Nutrients and products added to the Split Sources table are also added to the Nutrient Requirements and Products in Blend tables.

In the Nutrient box, enter the nutrient that you want to split.
If you select a nutrient that is not already specified for this blend, the nutrient is added to the Nutrient Requirements table.

In the Product box, enter the product that contains the nutrient.
If you select a product that is not already specified for this blend, the product is added to the Products in Blend table.

In the Split Percent box, enter the percentage of the total nutrient in the blend that should come from this product.
The percentage refers to the total amount of that nutrient in the blend, not the product. The value must be between 0 and 100.


If you enter 40% Nitrogen that means you want 40% of the total nitrogen in the blend to come from ESN, NOT that the blend will contain 40% ESN.


Click the Remove Split Source button to remove a line from the table, or if you’ve only entered the nutrient and you want to remove it, change the nutrient back to the “blank” value at the beginning of the drop-down list.


Be careful: the more complicated the split, the less likely it is that agrē will be able to solve the blend as requested. agrē cannot solve splits that total to 100%.

To remove the Split Sources table, clear the Use Split Sources? check box.

Click Calculate Blend to calculate the blend that you’ve defined.

The calculation process begins. agrē determines how to meet the requirements using the blend name parts (i.e., guaranteed analysis) and products that you specified to create equations that solve the product proportions (prorated to add to 1 or 100%). Based on this calculation process, the following may occur:

If the guaranteed analysis cannot be met, agrē makes the closest blend name possible. For example, if you asked for “34-17-0” and this could not be met with the specified products, agrē makes the closest blend keeping the ratios constant, such as “22-11-0”.

If more than one solution is possible, a message appears asking if you want to make the most expensive or least expensive blend. Click Yes to make the most expensive blend, or click No to make the least expensive blend.

If specific nutrients will be exceeded, a message appears asking if you want to add a filler product or have agrē use the closest blend name possible. Click Yes to use a filler product, or click No to use the closest blend name possible. If you add a filler product, the Choose a Filler Product window opens. In the Product box, enter the filler product and then click Use Selection. If the selected filler product contains additional nutrients, these nutrients are included in the blend.


For more detailed information about blending with Filler Product, please refer to the Blend Type Setup white paper.

The final results, including the detailed blend name, product percentages, and prices for the customer (or current default prices if current pricing is being used) are displayed.


If the blend type for this blend includes suspensions, the percentage is calculated separately; the suspension nutrient is removed from the calculation and added back at the end.

Proceed to Step 3: Complete the Calculation Tab.

Step 2c: Blend Product Percentages

To begin the Calculation tab for Blend Product Percentages

Click the Calculation tab.

Under Products in Blend, in the Product column, enter any additional products that you need for the blend.

Default products (as defined by the blend type) are automatically listed and other products are available to be selected.


If the products you enter have nutrients that are not defined by the blend type, the nutrients are automatically added to the nutrient table and to the blend (you’ll receive a warning message unless you are retrieving the blend from history).


Click Remove Product to remove a product from the list.

In the Percent column, enter the percentage for each product.

The combined percentages must add up to 100%.


Click the Move Up or Move Down buttons to change the order of the products. Changing the order of the products in the blend affects the “preference” for including that product to meet the blend requirements.

Click Calculate Blend to calculate the blend that you’ve defined.

agrē calculates the blend name and nutrient rates that result from blending the requested products at the specified ratios/quantities.

The blend name and detailed blend name are calculated based on the product makeup multiplied by the product percentage summed over all the products. The Nutrient Requirements table appears, showing all nutrients provided by the blend, including any required nutrients (as defined by the blend type).


If the blend type for this blend includes suspensions, the percentage is calculated separately; the suspension nutrient is removed from the calculation and added back at the end.

The final results, including prices for the customer (or current default prices if current pricing is being used) are displayed.

Proceed to Step 3: Complete the Calculation Tab.

Step 2d: Blend Product Quantities

To begin the Calculation tab for Blend Product Quantities

Click the Calculation tab.

Select Actuals or Scale Stops to define how the products in the blend are measured.

Select Actuals to measure according to the actual amount of each product to be blended, or select Scale Stops to measure cumulatively as the products enter the blender. For example, the first scale stop is the amount of your first product, and the second scale stop is the sum of the weight of the first product added to the second.

Under Products in Blend, in the Product column, enter any additional products that you need for the blend.

Default products (as defined by the blend type) are automatically selected and other products are available to be selected.


If the products you enter have nutrients that are not defined by the blend type, the nutrients are automatically listed in the nutrient table and added to the blend (you’ll receive a warning message unless you are retrieving the blend from history).


Click Remove Product to remove a product from the list.

In the Units column, enter the quantity (in MT or as defined in the  Blend Type) for each product.


Click the Move Up or Move Down buttons to change the order of the products. Changing the order of the products in the blend affects the “preference” for including that product to meet the blend requirements.

Click Calculate Blend to calculate the blend that you’ve defined.

The calculation process begins. agrē calculates the blend name and nutrient rates that result from blending the requested products in the specified ratios/quantities.
The blend name and detailed blend name are calculated by converting the amounts into percentages and then multiplying the product makeup by the product percentage summed over all the products. The Nutrient Requirements table appears, showing all nutrients provided by the blend, including any required nutrients (as defined by the blend type).

The final results, including product percentages and prices for the customer (or current default prices if current pricing is being used) are displayed.


If the blend type for this blend includes suspensions, the percentage is calculated separately; the suspension nutrient is removed from the calculation and added back at the end.

Proceed to Step 3: Complete the Calculation Tab.

Step 2e: Blend Product Rates

To begin the Calculation tab for Blend Product Rates

Click the Calculation tab.

Under Products in Blend, in the Product column, enter additional products that you need for the blend.

Default products (as defined by the blend type) are automatically selected and other products are available to be selected.


 If the products you enter have nutrients that are not defined by the blend type, the nutrients are automatically added to the nutrient table and to the blend (you’ll receive a warning message unless you are retrieving the blend from history).


Click Remove Product to remove a product from the list.

In the Rate column, enter the rate of product application (e.g., lbs per acre, set up in Manage Blend Types) for each product.


Click the Move Up or Move Down buttons to change the order of the products. Changing the order of the products in the blend affects the “preference” for including that product to meet the blend requirements.

Click Calculate Blend to calculate the blend that you’ve defined.

The calculation process begins. agrē calculates the blend name and nutrient rates that result from blending the requested products in the specified ratios/quantities.

If more than one solution is possible, a message appears asking if you want to make the most expensive or least expensive blend. Click Yes to make the most expensive blend, or click No to make the least expensive blend.

The blend name and detailed blend name are calculated by converting the amounts into percentages and then multiplying the product makeup by the product percentage summed over all the products. Nutrient rates can also be calculated based on the sum of all products of the product rate multiplied by the product makeup. The Nutrient Requirements table appears, showing all nutrients provided by the blend, including any required nutrients (as defined by the blend type).

The final results, including product percentages and prices for the customer (or current default prices if current pricing is being used) are displayed.


If the blend type for this blend includes suspensions, the percentage is calculated separately; the suspension nutrient is removed from the calculation and added back at the end.

Proceed to Step 3 Complete the Calculation tab