Adding Recurring Journal Entries

Use the Manage Recurring Journal Entries window to add journal entries that recur at regular intervals.


Recurring journal entries are not posted automatically but you can setup agrē to remind you that there is a recurring journal entry due to be posted.

To add a recurring journal entry
* indicates a required field, other fields are optional

On the General Ledger menu, point to Manage and then click Recurring Journal Entries.
The Manage Recurring Journal Entries window opens.

Click Add.
The Add Recurring Journal Entry window opens.

In the Description* box, enter a unique description for the journal entry.

In the Posting Frequency* box, select the posting frequency of the recurring entry.

In the Next Entry Date box, enter the posting date of the next journal entry.

Check Automate Posting? to post automatically on the Next Entry Date as dictated by the # of Postings or the Expiry Date, whichever comes first.
(optional) A message of each successful post will be sent to the Message Centre.

Automatic postings are not available for Manual and One Time frequencies.
These frequencies, and any Recurring Journal Entries not flagged as automatic, are posted manually via the menu.

Ensure the Active? check box is selected.
Active is selected by default.


Clearing the Active? check box deactivates this recurring journal entry.

In the Expiry Date box, optionally enter the date of the last posting.
Once this date has passed, the recurring journal entry will be automatically flagged as inactive.

In the # of Postings box, optionally enter the total number of times this entry will be posted.
Once the last posting is made, the recurring journal entry will be automatically flagged as inactive.


If a mistake is made when posting the recurring entry, edit the journal entry instead of deleting it to keep the # of postings count accurate.

In the Account column, enter an account for the entry.
Add a new GL Account by clicking Add Account.
To remove an entry in the table, select the entry and click Remove Transaction Detail.

In the Debit or Credit column, add the entry amount.

Enter a Description  if applicable.


If you have a long description, you may find it easier to click Edit Line Description and do your typing where you can see more characters. Update to save your changes.

In the Location column, enter a location to attach the entry to a location.
Location isn’t available for Asset (1), Liability (2), and Equity (3) accounts.

In the Project column, enter a project to attach the entry to a project.
Project isn’t available for Asset (1), Liability (2), and Equity (3) accounts.
Add a new project by clicking Add Project.

In the Fixed Asset column, enter a fixed asset to attach the entry to a fixed asset.
Fixed Asset isn’t available for Asset (1), Liability (2), and Equity (3) accounts.

Enter the remaining debit and credit entries until the balance of the journal entries is $0.00, which is shown in the Difference box.


The Save button is not available until the balance of your journal entries equals $0.00.

Click Save.