



The Edit toolbar button displays an “Edit” window on which you can change existing data. For example, clicking Edit for a bin on the Manage Bins window opens the Edit Bin window. The bin information is displayed and can be modified.

Also see Updating

Click the Edit toolbar button

- or -

Press ALT+E

- or -

Double-click the item

The “Edit” window opens

Some Edit buttons are specifically named (depending on the data), such as the Edit Row button on the Invoice Purchases tab. These buttons display an “Edit Row” window on which you can change existing data.

Click the Edit Row button

- or -

Double-click the row

- or -

Press the TAB key to move to the Edit Row button and then press ENTER


The “Edit Row” window opens


Updated data is not saved to the agrē database until you click Save.


You cannot edit parts of data that are in use.