Grain Reference Numbers

References numbers are used to identify and track various items in Grain, such as purchase contracts. Reference numbers are location-specific, and you can use them to search for various items.

Use the Manage Grain Reference Numbers window to setup reference number prefixes and starting numbers.

You can optionally change reference number default prefixes and starting numbers. Prefixes are optional to have but starting numbers are required. When you tell agrē you want it to generate Grain reference numbers automatically, such as on a grain receipt, the default settings apply. If you enter reference numbers manually, the default settings do not apply.

Any changes that you make to reference number settings affect future reference numbers only; past reference numbers (already created in the system) are not affected.


Starting numbers represent the next sequential reference number to use for various items, and they appear after the specified prefixes. When the starting number is used for an item (such as on purchase contract), the next consecutive number appears in the Number column for that item automatically. For example, if the starting number for a purchase contract is 001, then the reference number for the first purchase contract created in Edmonton (according to the prefix specified) is PCE001, where PCE is the prefix and 001 is the starting number. The Number column would then display 002 as the new starting number since 001 has been used.

You cannot have duplicate reference numbers. If you change the starting number to a number that already exists for an item, such as a sales contract in St Albert, agrē allows you to save your changes; however, agrē then automatically updates the starting number to be the next consecutive number so that duplicate reference numbers do not exist.

To edit an Grain reference number

Navigate to File > Manage > Reference Numbers > Grain.
The Manage Grain Reference Numbers window opens.

Location-Specific grain reference numbers

The Location-Specific tab is selected by default.

(Config U) In the Location box, select the location that contains reference numbers to edit.

Click Retrieve Reference Numbers.
The rest of the window is available for use.

In the Prefix boxes, change the prefixes for the various items displayed in the first column, such as Purchase Contract.
The prefixes appear on all reference numbers. Each location in your company can have unique prefixes. For example, you may use the same prefix letters but unique abbreviations to identify the locations. For example  the prefix for purchase contracts in Edmonton might be PCE (for Purchase Contract Edmonton), or EPC (Edmonton Purchase Contract). The prefix for purchase contracts in Calgary might be PCC or CPC, and so on for each location.


If you'd like all transactions to be numbered sequentially no matter which location they are created from, use the same Prefix (prefix is optional) and the same Starting Number for each location.

In the Number boxes, change the starting numbers for the various items.

Company Wide grain reference numbers

Select the Company Wide tab.

For Grain EFT Payments, type a Batch Prefix and a starting Batch Number.

Click Save.
Changes made affect future reference numbers only; no existing reference numbers will be changed.