

The agrē Grain module tracks the purchases and sales of grain.


Grain is a premium module.
Please contact your CSC about adding Grain to your agrē database.

The agrē Grain module contains the following components:


Grain Producer Centre
Just like the Customer Account, only for Grain Producers.
From here you can manage grain purchase transactions, transfer AR balances, edit the producer's account, and apply/unapply credits.

Purchase Contracts
Record trading agreements with producers.

Scale Tickets
Scale ticket details from the integrated scale system are imported automatically and used to create grain Receipts.

Track how much grain is delivered by producers, and draw down quantities from Purchase Contracts.

Determine the value of grain received that will be paid to producers/customers.

Record payments to producers for grain Settlements.

Grain Transfers (Transferring Producer Chargeable Balance from Accounts Receivables to Grain Payables)
If a producer has outstanding AR items, you can apply what would normally be paid for grain received against their chargeable balance.

Reports & Exports
Reports and Exports specific to grain purchase transactions.

Document Manager
Grain integrates with the Document Manager to attach files and photos to Purchase Contracts and Receipts.


Sales Contracts
Record trading agreements with grain buyers.

Scale Tickets
Scale ticket details from the integrated scale system are imported automatically then added to grain Shipments.

Track shipments of grain by rail or road.

Bill grain buyers for shipments received.

Record payments from buyers for grain shipped and invoiced.

Reports & Exports
Reports and Exports for grain sales transactions.

Integration with Grower Central Give your grain buyers the ability to view their account information online anytime, via your website.


Grain White Papers and Examples

EFT Payments (white paper)

Multicurrency (white paper)