Grain Receipts

Grain Receipts are used to track grain delivered to your terminal by producers.

Grain Receipts affect Inventory Position.

What you'll find:

Grain Receipt Overview

After a commodity has been delivered by the producer, a Grain Receipt is created (typically within a day) from the information on the receiving scale ticket generated by the automated scale system.


An electronic copy of the automated system's scale ticket can be attached to the receipt by clicking Documents.

Use the Unsettled Grain Receipts report to identify grain receipts that have not yet been settled.


Receipts without a purchase contract can be handled as Open Storage or as Condo Storage (if you have a condo location).

Open Storage

receipted but storage state

affects inventory position

can be associated/linked to a purchase contract, but it is not mandatory

Condo / Producer Storage

virtual warehouses used for condo and producer storage

indicated at time of receipt, also indicated by the receipt location

does not affect inventory position (as commodity ownership is retained by the producer);
all postings are $0


From the Purchase Contract

Discounts from a purchase contract are imported automatically when a receipt is linked.

Default Discounts for Open Storage

The Grading Factor Discounts defined for each commodity will be applied automatically to a receipt in Open Storage.

Grade Discounts/Premiums

If the receipt grade is lower than the grade on the purchase contract a discount is applied.
If the receipt grade is higher than the grade on the purchase contract a premium is applied.


Adjustment are imported from a purchase contract and/or can be added manually.

Split Receipts

There are two different types of Grain Receipt Splits:


Overfill splits occur automatically when a receipt line is linked to a contract and the contract quantity, plus any allowed overfill, has been exceeded.
The first receipt line has the quantity of the contract remaining and the split receipt line has the remaining/overfill quantity. The split receipt line can then be linked to the next contract (if available).
(Config C) If purchase contract overfills are allowed and the quantity of the split line falls within the threshold, it can be linked to the same contract.
If no contract is available, the remaining quantity defaults to Open Storage but can be changed.

quantity on purchase contract can be increased to reflect the overfill amount

overfill quantity can be linked to a different purchase contract (including those from producers in the same customer group)

(Config C) overfills can be linked to the same purchase contract

overage can be settled for that day (Split Receipt)

Manual Splits

Split Receipt Line will split a line based on tonnage or percent (for example, a producer may want to split off 25% of the quantity received for their landlord, or link half to a contract and put half in storage).
Receipt lines can be split as many times as needed.
Unlinked receipt lines that have not been settled can be split manually.

Adding Grain Receipts

Grain Receipts are normally created on the fly from Receiving Scale Tickets but can be added manually.

To add a grain receipt manually
* indicates a required field

Navigate to Grain > Receipts.
The Grain Receipts home form window opens and all grain receipts created today are listed by default.

Click Add.
The Add Grain Receipt window opens.

Each grain receipt requires a unique Receipt Number* for future tracking.

(config C) If Generate Receipt Number Automatically is checked, agrē assigns the next sequential grain receipt reference number to this grain receipt.
To enter a specific reference number, clear the check box and type a number in the Receipt Number box.

(config C) If the Receipt Number - Copy from Scale Ticket config option is selected, agrē matches the Receipt Number to the Elevator Receipt Number from the Scale Ticket.
This number can be changed, or Generate Receipt Reference Number Automatically can be checked to use the next sequential reference number.

In the Customer* box, enter the customer’s name.
Only customers with a Grain [GL] Account on their customer account can be selected.

In the Receipt Date * boxes, optionally change the effective date & time of the grain receipt.
Today’s date and the current time are selected by default. You can change this to a date/time in the past date, but future dates/times are not permitted.

(Config U) In the Location* box, enter the location that received the grain (this can also be set as a default).

From Commodity* select a commodity.

From Grade* select a grade.


Grain Receipts reference a Commodity and Grade combination, not a specific product.
Head over to Grade to associate an inventory product with a Commodity/Grade combination.

Totals will be calculated based on the Scale Ticket values.
These values can be entered manually if there is no scale ticket.
All quantities are recorded in MT.

Enter the Gross Quantity value.

Enter the Tare.
agrē will calculate the Acct. Gross Qty (Accountable Gross Quantity).

Enter the Dockage percentage.
agrē will calculate the Dockage Qty and the Net Qty of the Receipt.

Enter the Shrink percentage.
agrē will calculate the Shrink Qty and the Net Qty of the Receipt.

(optional) agre can calculate the Shrink % based on grading factor value.

Receipt tab

Check the producer's Billing Address and Phone Number for accuracy.
Click Manage Customer to permanently change any information.

Enter the Customer Bin if applicable.

Click Override (next to the Scale Ticket #) to change the Receipt Number, Customer, Commodity, Grade, Gross Quantity, Tare, Dockage %, Shrink %, or Grading Factor values.
An Override Reason is required before saving.
(override is applicable only if the receipt was created on the fly from a scale ticket, has no linked contracts, and is not settled)


The Grain Receipt's Scale Ticket # is the Scale Ticket's Elevator Receipt No.

(optional) Add an Order No.

(optional) Select a Trucker.

(optional) Add any Comments pertaining to this Receipt.

Update any applicable Grading Factors Values.

Details tab

Linking Detail Lines to Contracts

(Config C) Detail Lines can be linked only to priced purchase contracts.

The Receipt Details grid may show one or multiple rows. The most common reason for multiple rows is the Receipt has been linked to a Purchase Contract and the contract Price row quantity has been exceeded, but receipt lines can also be split manually.

To link a Receipt to a Purchase Contract: you can either manually Link to Contract or Auto Link.

Link to Contract
Select Link to Contract to associate this Receipt to a specific Purchase Contract (overfills are easier to link using this method).
The Link to Contract window opens.

Optionally check Include Contracts from Customer Group to list open purchase contracts from other producers in the same customer group.
The Customer name on Purchase Contracts for others in the group will be displayed in green text.

(Config C) Optionally check Include Unpriced Contracts to list display unpriced purchase contracts in the list.

Select a Purchase Contract price row and click Use Selection.

(Config C) If there is an overfill and overfills are allowed and the quantity of the split line falls within the threshold, the Overfill window opens warning you the contract quantity has been exceeded.

Select Yes to link the overfill quantity to the same purchase contract.
Select No to split the line.
Any quantity not linked to a contract is held in Open Storage.
The Receipt can be edited later and the split line can be linked to the same purchase contract even if it's closed (as long as at least one other row one the receipt is linked to the same contract) or it can be linked to any other available purchase contract.
The Overfill window closes.

If overfills are not allowed the remainder can be linked to a different purchase contract or left in Open Storage.

(Config C) If the Delivery Start Date of the linked purchase contract is after the Receipt Date, the Warning: Contract Delivery Date is in the future window opens.

Select Yes to continue linking to the future dated delivery row.
Select No to link to a different contract row.
The Warning: Contract Delivery Date is in the future window closes.

The Link to Contract window closes.

Auto Link
Select AutoLink to automatically link this receipt to the first available priced Purchase Contract and any remainder to subsequent contracts.
AutoLink will skip unpriced purchase contracts (including targets), and does not calculate storage fees. 

If there's an overfill, the row will split automatically and the remaining quantity will not be linked to any purchase contract.

(Config C) If overfills are allowed and the quantity of the split line falls within the threshold, the overfill quantity can be linked to the same contract.

Auto Link, Save, Link to Contract

Save the Receipt, leaving the overfill quantity in Open Storage.

Edit the Receipt, select the overfill line, and Link to Contract to link it to the same purchase contract.
(at this stage it could actually be linked to any available purchase contract)

If overfills are not allowed the remainder can be linked to a different purchase contract or left in Open Storage.

Edit Details

Edit Details allows you to update the receipt details.

Storage Type

Open Storage  The default storage type.


To link a receipt to a Purchase Contract, select Link to Contract and follow the instructions above.

To unlink a Receipt, click Unlink.
Unlinked quantities must be in Open Storage, or Condo / Producer Storage.

Condo Storage  If the producer has more than one condo storage option (e.g. they have their own condo storage as well as permission to use another producer's condo storage) you'll need to select whose condo to use.

Producer Storage  Storage fees may apply.
(Storage End Date and Storage Days will be calculated when transferred to open storage or linked to a contract)

Edit the Comments.

Discount Schedule
Grain Receipts can have no, one, or multiple grading factors and/or adjustments applied at the Receipt Detail level (condo storage cannot have discounts). Any Purchase Contract Discounts/Premiums, and/or Adjustments are automatically imported when the Receipt is Linked to Contract. More can be added.


Default Grading Factor Discounts (for open storage) and discounts/premiums from a linked Purchase Contract cannot be added or changed.
(currency is based on producer)

Select the Discount/Adjustment and set the Rate.
agrē does the math for you.

Update to save your changes.

Click Save to save the grain receipt.

(optional) Split Receipt Line

A receipt line can be split manually as long as it is not linked to a purchase contract and has not been settled (not even partially).
For example, a producer may want to split off 25% of the quantity for their landlord.

Select a receipt line. Click Split Receipt Line.
The Split Grain Receipt Detail Line window opens.

Enter the new Quantity (in MT) or Percentage of the Original detail line (example: 75%).
The remainder will be split off onto a New Line. Press Tab to view the calculated quantity/% of the split.

Click OK.
The Split Grain Receipt Detail Line window closes and a new detail line is created.

Direct From Farm: Creating Shipments From Grain Receipts

For Direct From Farm shipments, select Create Shipment to add a shipment. Receipt and load details are copied directly to the shipment.

screenshot of Create Shipment button

The receipt :

must be Open Storage (unlinked to purchase contract)

was not been used previously to create a shipment

Editing Grain Receipts

Grain Receipts can be edited if  the receipt is in an open accounting period.

Receipt lines cannot be edited if fully or partially settled.

Deleting Grain Receipts

Grain Receipts cannot be deleted once they have been settled or if the receipt date is in a closed accounting period.

You will be prompted to provide a reason for the delete.


The delete details are available from the Deleted Grain Receipts data export.

Storage Transfers - Condo / Producer to Open

Condo / Producer Storage Transfers move inventory from condo / producer storage to open storage.
screenshot of Create Shipment button

Discounts are calculated for each updated grain receipt line as open storage has discounts whereas condo / producer storage does not.
Only grading factors that were stored at the time of saving the original grain receipt will apply.

Producer Storage Fees (if applicable) are calculated on transfer.

To move multiple receipts from condo / producer storage to open storage
* indicates a required field

Navigate to Grain > Receipts.
The Grain Receipts home form window opens and all grain receipts created today are listed by default.

Click Storage Transfer.
The Storage Transfer window opens.

Select a Customer* (producer), Commodity*, and Grade, then click Retrieve Receipts.
All condo and producer storage receipts are listed (returns excluded).

Enter Quantity to transfer to Open Storage.
Quantity from the oldest receipts are transferred first. This may cause rows on receipts to split.

The Storage End Date defaults to Today, but can be changed.

Select Update.
The Storage Transfer window closes.
Receipts are updated immediately.


Storage Returns  - Condo / Producer

Wtih Condo / Producer Storage Returns, inventory is shipped from storage back to the producer, then an invoice is created to 'bill' the shipment.

The producer must also be flagged as a Grain Buyer in order to be selected on Shipments and Invoices.

Producer Storage Fees (if applicable) are calculated on return.

To return condo / producer storage to the producer
* indicates a required field

Producer must also be a Buyer

Navigate to Accounts Receivable > Manage > Customers.
Find the producer retrieving their grain from condo storage. Click Edit.

Navigate to the Grain tab.
Check the box next to Grain Buyer.
Save the customer.

Create a Shipment

Add a Shipment for the producer.

(optional) Use a manual Reference number to indicate a storage return.

Match the storage Location (condo or producer).

(optional) Add Comments (for your audit trail) on the Customer and Shipping tab,
and optionally check Include this comment on printed invoice.

Import Loads from the scale or Add Load manually.

(optional) Use a manual Load ID to indicate a return.

Match the Commodity* and Grade* to what is in condo / producer storage.

Enter the Acct. Gross Quantity* (and dockage % and grading factors if applicable) returned.
The quantity cannot be greater than the amount in condo / producer storage, but can be less (this will cause the row on the receipt to split).

Select a Load row and click Return Storage.

The Return Storage window opens

Check Import next to the receipt(s) being returned, then click Use Selected Rows.
The Return Storage window closes.

The Grain Receipt No is shown in the grid.
(if you change your mind, click Remove Storage)

The Grain Buyer Centre, the Grain Receipt Activity Report and the Grain Shipment Activity Report include the return shipment.

Bill the Shipment 

Add a grain Invoice for the producer.

(optional) Use a manual Reference number to indicate a condo / producer storage return.

Click Import Grain Shipments

Check the box next to the return shipment(s), then select Use Selected Rows.
The Shipment No is shown in the grid.

Price defaults to $0 (but can be changed).

The Grain Buyer Centre, the Customer Account Activity Report and the Grain Invoice Activity Report include the return invoice.