Scale Tickets

Scale Tickets record the weight of grain received and shipped. When grain is shipped or received, the reading taken by the scale system is reported automatically to agrē to create a scale ticket. Scale Tickets may include measurements of Grading Factors. They can be viewed and deleted but cannot be edited.

Grain Receipts can be created from Scale Tickets.

What you'll find:

Viewing Scale Tickets

Scale Tickets are created automatically from data exported from the automated scale system for both grain received and grain shipped. They are viewed on the Scale Tickets window.

To view a scale ticket
* indicates a required field

Navigate to Grain > Scale Tickets.
The Scale Tickets home form window opens and all Receiving scale tickets created in the last week are listed by default.

If the scale ticket you want to view is not listed, click New Search.
Modify the search criteria to include the scale ticket you want to see.
Click Search.

Creating a Grain Receipt on the Fly from a Receiving Scale Ticket

Grain Receipts can be created on the fly directly from the Scale Tickets window.

To create a grain receipt from a scale ticket
* indicates a required field

Navigate to Grain > Scale Tickets.
The Scale Tickets home form window opens and all Receiving scale tickets created in the last week are listed by default.

If the scale ticket for which you want to create a receipt is not listed, click New Search.
Modify the search criteria to include the scale ticket you need.
Click Search.

Select a Receiving Scale Ticket and click Create Grain Receipt.
The Add Grain Receipt window opens and the information from the scale ticket is automatically imported into a new receipt.

Optionally click Override (next to the Scale Ticket #) to change the following:



Grading Factors (config C)



Override is disabled when the receipt:

is linked to a contract

has condo storage

line is settled

Complete the Grain Receipt as you normally would (link to contract, etc.)

Save the Receipt.

Importing a Scale Ticket to a Shipment

Shipping Scale Tickets are imported into a Grain Shipment.

Head over to Grain Shipments to find out how.

Deleting Scale Tickets

Scale Tickets that have not been imported into a Receipt or a Shipment can be deleted.