Grain Shipments

Grain Shipments are used when the grain is loaded out (usually on railway cars but also by truck) and shipped to buyers. For shipment by rail, each car will have its own Shipping Scale Ticket (from the automated scale system) that is imported into a Grain Shipment.

Grain Shipments are a specialized Loadout Ticket and perform the same function - tracking product sent to (or taken by) customers.

Documents allow you to attach electronic files to a shipment and view them.

Excel creates a spreadsheet of the Load details (rows will be exported in the same order as shown in the grid) for use outside of agrē.

What you'll find:

Adding Grain Shipments

Grain Shipments can be added for any AR customer.

To add a shipment
* indicates a required field

Navigate to Grain > Grain Shipments.
The Grain Shipments home form window opens and all shipments created in the last month are listed.
Or open the Customer Account.

Click Add.
The Add Grain Shipment window opens.

Each grain shipment requires a unique reference number for future tracking. If the Generate Reference Automatically check box is selected, agrē assigns the next sequential grain shipment reference number to this grain shipment.
To enter a specific reference number, clear the Generate Reference Automatically check box and type a number in the Reference box.

In the Customer* box, enter the buyer’s name.
Only customers with Grain Buyer checked on their customer account can be selected.
When you enter the buyer’s name, the default billing and shipping addresses and phone number appear on the Customer and Shipping tab.

If you have Grain Shipment popup Notes specified for the customer (set up in Manage Customers > Notes tab > Loadout Ticket), a message containing the notes appears.
Click OK to continue.

In the Date* box, optionally change the effective date of the grain shipment.
Today is the default. You can change this date to a future date, or a past date (but not a past date in a closed accounting period).

(Config U) In the Location* box, enter the location providing the grain for Shipment.
Once a Load has been added the Location cannot be changed.

(optional) Add an Order No.

(optional) Select a Trucker.

In the Created By box, optionally change the name of the person identified as the creator of the grain shipment.
The name of the person logged on is entered by default.

Customer and Shipping tab

Check the customer's Billing Address and Phone Number for accuracy.
Click Manage Customer to change any information.

In the Ship to* box, optionally change the address to which the products will be delivered.
The default shipping address specified in Manage Customers is selected by default.


Click Find to search for a shipping address. Use the Filter to refine the results list or click on a column header to sort.

Click Add to add a new shipping address or click Manage This Customer to edit the customer’s information.

In the Comments box, enter comments for the printed Grain Shipment reports.
Check Include this comment on printed invoice to print the content of the Sales Contract Comments field on the related invoices as well.

Sales Contract Terms will be imported after a Load is linked to a sales contract.

Loads  tab

Importing scale tickets to create loads

Loads will typically be imported from Shipping Scale Tickets generated by an automatic scale system, but can be added manually.
A Customer (grain buyer) and a Location must be selected before any loads can be imported.

Select Import Loads.
The Import Scale Tickets window opens.

Loads are pre-filtered by the selected Location and sorted by Scale Ticket Date (and time).

Use the Filters to refine the list further by Commodity, Grade, and Scale Ticket Date.
Click Refresh List to update the grid.

Check Import next to the Scale Tickets you want imported on this Shipment.


Use the column heading filters to further refine the results list, or click on a column header to sort.
All checked rows (whether column filters allow you to see them or not) will be imported.

You can use the Select All and Deselect All shortcut buttons.

Click Use Selected Rows.
The Import Scale Tickets window closes and the selected rows are imported.

Creating loads manually

To add a load manually, select Add Load.
The Add Grain Shipment Row window opens.

Enter the ID and choose Rail car or Truck.

Select the Commodity and Grade.

Once linked to a Sales Contract, select Terms to view the contract details.

Enter the Accountable Gross Quantity in MT.
Click Details to view the Inventory Position.

Enter the Dockage in %.

Enter the Loaded Grading Factor values.

Leave the Unloaded Accountable Gross Quantity, Dockage % and Grading Factors blank for now. After the grain has been unloaded and weighed at its destination, you'll come back here and update (especially if the Sales Contract uses destination weights).

Add any Comments about the load. 

Click Update to save
The Add Grain Shipment Row window closes.

AutoLinking / Manual Linking Loads to Sales Contract

Select Auto Link to:

automatically link all loads to the Default sales contract(s) [starting with the oldest one]
- or -
automatically link all loads to a Specific Sales Contract.

both commodity and grade must match the sales contract to auto link

Select Link to Sales Contract to manually link a single load to a specific Sales Contract.

check Show All Grades to include contracts of all grades matching the commodity


Shipment rows can be linked only to priced Sales Contract rows.

Sales Contracts will be overfilled up to the specified quantity Limit on each contract.

Selecting Unlink Sales Contract allows removal of the link from the selected row, or from all rows linked to the same contract as the selected row, or from all rows linked to any contract (if the Contract is completed you may need to save the Shipment, then edit, before you can unlink)

Select Remove Load to delete a row.

Click Save to save the shipment.
(Config C, U) If you have requested to be prompted to print on save, you'll be prompted.
The Scale Ticket will be updated with the Customer name.

Creating Direct-From-Farm Shipments From Grain Receipts

For grain shipped directly to the buyer, you can open the Grain Receipt window then select Create Shipment.
Receipt and load details are copied directly from the receipt to a new shipment.

Editing Grain Shipments

Grain Shipments can be edited as long as the Customer is active

Loads can be edited as long as the Load is unbilled

To edit a shipment
* indicates a required field

Navigate to Grain > Grain Shipments.
The Grain Shipments home form window opens and all shipments created today are listed.
Or open the Customer Account.

From the Grain Shipments list, select the shipment to edit and then click Edit.
The Edit Grain Shipment window opens.


If the grain shipment you want to edit does not appear in the list, click New Search and change the criteria.


While editing, you can also add new loads to the grain shipment.

Edit the data and add, import, or link as required.

To edit a Load, select the load then click Edit Load.

Enter the Unloaded Accountable Gross Quantity, (config CDockage % and Grading Factors.

Edit other fields as needed.

When you are finished making changes, click Update


Use Multiple Loads to quickly update a limited number of values for all rows on the shipment at once.
(speed tip: use the TAB key to advance to the next field; Shift+TAB to go back)

To remove a load from the list, select the item and click Remove Load. You cannot remove rows that have been billed.

Click Save.

Deleting Grain Shipments

Grain Shipments can be deleted as long as the shipment has no billed loads

To delete a shipment
* indicates a required field

Navigate to Grain > Grain Shipments.
The Grain Shipments home form window opens and all shipments created today are listed.
Or open the Customer Account.

From the Grain Shipments list, select the shipment to delete, then click Delete.
The Delete Grain Shipment window opens.

Type the reason for the deletion. Click OK.
The Shipment is deleted immediately and the Delete Grain Shipment window closes.