Grain Reports & Exports

What you'll find:


Grain Reports

Reports for Grain Purchases and Sales.


Report Purpose
Commodity Position by Crop Year (menu) shows commodity position for selected commodity by crop year

for accurate hedge reporting, a Crop Year must be specified
Condo Storage (menu) shows grain received against producer condo storage
Contract Activity Tracking  (menu) displays new and modified purchase contracts and sales contracts The data shows individual changes to the net cash position (eg. new contracts); used to reconcile against the CRIB report.
Contract Averages (Purchases) (menu) displays weighted-average grain prices from purchase contracts for individual commodities; converts foreign currency to home currency
Contract Averages (Sales) (menu) displays weighted-average grain prices from sales contracts for individual commodities; converts foreign currency to home currency
Gain/Loss on Hedges (menu) displays open hedge contracts (and hedges lifted during the selected date range)  to allow users to reconcile/match the monthly commodity statement provided by the broker
Gain/Loss on Open Contracts (menu) displays gain and losses of undelivered, open contracts (both Purchase Contracts and Sales Contracts)   Fixed Contracts: ignores Date Priced
Grain Account Activity (menu) shows grain activity for producer(s) from a selected date (menu, non-menu)

grain activity consists of: settlements, payments, and transfers (menu only)
Grain Inventory CGC (menu) inventory levels and activity per commodity columns 1-4 include the quantity in Condo Storage for the selected location
Grain Inventory Position (menu) shows current balance, quantity remaining on purchase contracts, quantity remaining on sales contracts, and quantity you are in the position to sell very similar to the regular inventory position report, but specialized for grain
Grain Invoice (menu/batch, non-menu) provides a visual or hard copy of a grain invoice
Grain Invoice Activity (menu) list of grain invoices
Grain Payment (non-menu) provides visual or hard copy of a payment to a grain producer similar to the settlement report but includes the cheque portion at the bottom
Grain Payment Activity (menu, non-menu) displays a list of grain payments to grain producers
Grain Position by FOB

Grain Position Detail by FOB
(menu) position of selected commodity by FOB (Pricing Point)

(non-menu) hyperlinked from: Grain Position by FOB
Grain Receipt (menu/batch, non-menu) provides visual or hard copy of a grain receipt
Grain Receipt Activity (menu) shows details of grain receipts, can be filtered by storage type for a single or all customers
Grain Sales Contract (Customer Account, non-menu) provides a visual or hard copy of a given sales contract; is printed or sent electronically to customer/grain buyer for authorization (signature).
Grain Shipment (non-menu) provides visual or hard copy of a shipment to a grain buyer
Grain Shipment Activity (menu) displays details of grain shipments; can be used to show what is unbilled
Grain Storage Receipt (menu) grain producer storage receipts
Grain Transfer Balance (non-menu) displays grain transfer amount
Monthly Liability (CGC)
(previously known as  ES700)

(menu) shows liabilities to producers (run monthly) used in conjunction with License Period

  • US$ converted at spot rate
On-Hand and Owned Inventory (menu) displays on-hand and owned inventory by grade and commodity
  • Qty On Hand = OnHandAmt + Condo Storage Qty
  • Qty Owned = OnHandAmt (which is the same as Inventory Balance)
Outstanding Sales Contracts (menu) displays sales contracts with quantity remaining to be shipped
Producer Balances (menu) balances with or without details
Producer Liability CGC (menu) displays totals for Net Quantity and Value of:
  • receipts that are not paid (CGC class B3A) and are 90 days old or less at as-of date (which is usually a month-end)
    • includes condo storage
  • receipts that have been paid (CGC class B3C) which are both:
    • 90 days old or less AND
    • paid in the preceding 30 days or less
  • US$ converted at spot rate
Producer Summary (menu, non-menu) summary displays:
- commodities in storage
- delivered equity against unpriced contract
- undelivered contracts
Purchase Contract (menu/batch, non-menu) provides visual or hard copy of a purchase contract; document will be printed or sent electronically to producer for authorization (eSignature)
Purchase Contract Activity (menu, non-menu) shows what has been contracted for purchase, for particular delivery dates and what has been received; contracts per commodity and/or grain producer are shown; can be run to show only unpriced  (non-menu only) option to Show Grain Receipt details
Sales Contract Activity (menu) shows what has been contracted for sale, for particular delivery dates and what has been shipped; contracts per commodity and/or customer/buyer are shown; can be run to show only unpriced
Settlement (menu/batch, non-menu) provides a visual or hard copy of a settlement similar to the payment report , but provides more receipt details (e.g. grading factors) and of course does not display the cheque portion at the bottom
Settlement Activity (menu) shows what has been settled (paid, unpaid, or both), for particular settlement dates
Unrealized Gain/Loss on Exchange (multicurrency) (menu) portion of Gain/Loss on Grain Exchange that is unrealized
Unsettled Grain Receipts (menu, non-menu) displays the unsettled portion of receipts for a specified customer; option to include receipt detail line breakdown; number of unsettled receipts listed in () next to Total for each commodity
Work Order Activity (for Sellers) ( non-menu) sales contracts are included
(menu) sales contracts are excluded


Grain Exports

Export Purpose
Grain Invoice Summary summary of grain invoices dated between the given start and end dates

if an invoice includes more than one type  of Commodity and/or Grade, will display as <Multiple>
Grain Receipt Details details of grain receipts
Grain Receipt Summary summary of grain receipts
Grain Shipment Details details of grain shipments
Grain Shipment Summary summary of grain shipments
Levies Collected levies collected on settlements (including $0), date range is based on the settlement date (if the settlement has not been paid) or the payment date (if the settlement has been paid)
PO Expense Accrual purchase order expenses (non-inventory)* linked to Grain Sales Contracts
used to show accrued freight and inspection costs for yet-to-be-paid expenses

* header status = Ordered, line status = Active

Purchase Contract Details details from purchase contracts
Purchase Contract Summary summary of purchase contracts
Sales Contract Details details from sales contracts
Sales Contract Summary summary of sales contracts
Scale Tickets scale ticket details
Settlement Details details of grain settlements
Settlement Summary summary of grain settlements
Target Contracts list of active (all not closed) target contracts (grain purchase contracts flagged as targets)
Grain Audit/Admin
Deleted Grain Adjustments grain adjustments deleted between the dates provided
Deleted Grain Invoice Details grain invoice details deleted between the dates provided
Deleted Grain Invoices grain invoices deleted between the dates provided
Deleted Grain Payments grain payments deleted between the dates provided
Deleted Grain Purchase Contracts grain purchase contracts deleted between the dates provided
Deleted Grain Receipts grain receipts deleted between the dates provided
Deleted Sales Contract Details grain sales contract details deleted between the dates provided
Deleted Sales Contracts grain sales contracts deleted between the dates provided
Deleted Grain Scale Tickets grain scale tickets deleted between the date provided
Deleted Grain Settlement Details grain settlement details deleted between the dates provided
Deleted Grain Settlements grain settlements deleted between the dates provided
Deleted Grain Shipment Details grain shipment details deleted between the dates provided
Deleted Grain Shipments grain shipments deleted between the dates provided