Grain Payments and Advance Payments to Producers

A Grain Payment is the entity that pays a producer's Settlement for grain received. Payments can consist of one or multiple settlements.

Grain payment cheques can be printed when a settlement is saved, or batch printed from the menu (Grain > Print Cheques).
The process is very similar to batch printing supplier payment cheques.

An Advance Payment is a producer payment not linked to a settlement, for grain which may or may not be received.

Grain Payments can made from 3 places:

Grain Payment Window

Immediate Payment from the Settlement

Grain Producer Centre

Advances can be made from the Grain Producer Centre only.

Grain Payments can be made by cheque or by EFT (which is then added to an EFT Payment Batch), and post to the grain payables GL account and to the payment type GL account.
Advances are made one at time and are not usually batched.

Grain Payments linked to settlements are governed by CGC and a printed/hard copy of the payment is required.
Advances are not.

Payments can be Edited but not all fields can be updated.
Payments included in Bank Reconciliations (pending or completed) have further editing restrictions.

Payments can also be Cancelled or Deleted. The difference is that a cancelled payment remains visible on the producer's account and therefore shows a payment was made at one point. A deleted payment is removed from the producer's account and looks like it never happened.

Payments can be in home or foreign currency, depending on the Grain Payables account of the Producer and the Payment Type selected.

I want to read the white paper (with lots of screenshots) on Multicurrency.

What you'll find:

Adding Grain Payments

Payments can be added only for customers with a Grain [GL] Account saved on their customer account.

To add a grain payment
* indicates a required field

Navigate to Grain > Payments.
The Payments home form window opens and all payments created today are listed by default.

Click Add.
The Add Grain Payment window opens.

Each payment requires a unique Reference* number for future tracking.
If the Generate Reference Automatically check box is selected, agrē assigns the next sequential grain payment reference number to this payment.
To enter a specific reference number, clear the Generate Contract No Automatically check box and type a number in the Reference box.

In the Customer* box, enter the customer’s name (use the Find button if you need to).
Only customers with a Grain [GL] Account on their customer account can be selected.

In the Payment Date * box, optionally change the effective date of the payment.
Today’s date is selected by default. You can change this date to a past date, or create a deferred payment by entering a future date.
Once a payment has been saved with a future date, it cannot be edited and backdated before Today.

The Transaction Date defaults to today and cannot be changed.

(Config U) In the Location* box, enter the location that owns the payment (this can also be set as a default).

In the Payment Type* box, enter the method of payment.
Only payment types flagged as Grain Payments are available.

for cheques

In the Cheque No box leave the auto-generated cheque number (calculated after Location and Payment Type are selected)
- or -
enter a manual cheque/ reference number.

for EFT

Leave the Confirmation No blank - agrē will fill that in for you after you've generated and uploaded the EFT Payment File to your bank.

In the Comments box, enter any internal comments (will not be displayed on the payment receipt report).


All the producer's unpaid Settlements are listed automatically.

Check Apply for each Settlement you want to pay (you can use the Select All/Deselect All shortcuts).
Optionally click View Item to preview the Settlement Report.

Click Save to save the payment.
(Config C, U) The Preview Grain Payment window opens.

Click Yes to preview the Grain Payment Report (looks like the Settlement Report with a cheque at the bottom).

Print the Grain Payment Report/Cheque.

Exit the report.
The Cheque Print Confirmation window opens.

Click Yes if the cheque printed successfully.
The next available cheque number will be incremented.

Click No if the cheque did not print successfully.
Any automatically generated cheque number will be removed from the payment and the next available cheque number will NOT be incremented.

Click No to suppress the preview.


If the cheque was not printed successfully on the initial save, you'll need to Edit the payment and add a manual Cheque/Tracking Number before trying to reprint.

Or you can Delete and recreate the payment, accepting the next automatically generated number.

Paying Advances

Advances are subject to the same rules as Payments, except they are not linked to settlements.

To pay an advance
* indicates a required field

Navigate to the Grain Producer Centre.

Selelct Pay Advance.
screenshot of Pay Advance button
The Add Grain Payment window opens.

Fill in the data fields as you would when adding a grain payment.

Add the Advance Amount*.

Click Save.

Editing Grain Payments

Grain Payments can be Edited but not all fields can be updated.

To edit a grain payment

Navigate to Grain > Payments.
The Payments home form window opens and all payments created today are listed by default.


If the payment you want to edit does not appear in the list, click New Search and change the criteria.

Select the payment and click Edit.
The Edit Payment window opens.

Make your changes.

Click Save.

Cancelling Grain Payments

A cancelled Grain Payment remains part of the producer's grain history and is visible only on the Grain Producer Centre and in Activity reports.
Cancelled payments cannot be retrieved from the Grain Payments window.

Grain Payments can be cancelled if:

the payment is in an open or closed accounting period (to Delete a payment it must be in an open period)

the customer is still active

the payment is not included in a Grain EFT Batch

the payment is not included in bank reconciliation (pending or complete)

a reason is provided

To cancel a grain payment
* indicates a required field

Navigate to Grain > Payments.
The Payments home form window opens and all payments created today are listed by default.


If the payment you want to cancel does not appear in the list, click New Search and change the criteria.

Select the payment and click Cancel.
The Cancel Grain Payment window opens.

Type the reason* for the cancellation.

Click OK to cancel the payment.
The Cancel Grain Payment window closes and the grain payment is flagged as cancelled immediately.

Click Cancel to halt the deletion.
The Cancel Grain Payment window closes.

Deleting Grain Payments

A deleted Grain Payment is like it never happened - the payment activity will be removed from the producer's grain history and be absent from activity reports (the entries in the GL remain as ledger postings are never actually deleted).

Cancelled grain payments cannot be deleted.

Grain Payments can be deleted when:

the payment is in an open accounting period

the customer is still active

the payment is not included in a Grain EFT Batch

the payment is not included in a bank reconciliation (pending or completed)

a reason is provided

To delete a grain payment
* indicates a required field

Navigate to Grain > Payments.
The Payments home form window opens and all payments created today are listed by default.
(grain payments can also be deleted - but not cancelled - from the Grain Producer Centre)


If the payment you want to delete does not appear in the list, click New Search and change the criteria.

Select the payment and click Delete.
The Delete Grain Payment window opens.

Type the reason* for the deletion.

Click OK to delete the payment.
The Delete Grain Payment window closes and the grain payment is deleted immediately.

Click Cancel to stop the deletion.
The Delete Grain Payment window closes.

Grain EFT Payments/Payment Batches

Refer to: Grain EFT Payments.

Grain Payment Business Rules

Payments must include at least one selected Settlement

Location and Payment Type are required