Printing Cheques

Use the Print Cheques window to print cheques for suppliers. You can print cheques for payments that meet the following three conditions:

The payment has been entered, processed, and recorded in agrē.

The payment was made from a “cheque” payment type that can print cheques.

The payment does not have a cheque already printed for it.

And if you are using the optional Payment Review Process there's another requirement:

The payment has been approved.

During the printing cheques process, you can reprint cheques that didn’t print correctly. However, if the cheque printing is marked as successful, but later you discover it needs to be reprinted, you can use the Reprint Cheques function.


Once a cheque has been flagged as printed, only the payment reference number and the prepay flag can be edited. You can still cancel the payment and re-enter it if other changes are needed.


What you'll find:

Printing Cheques

Reprinting Cheques

I want see how to fix Already Printed Cheques that Keep Appearing in the Print Cheques list (you'll need Adobe Acrobat to read it)

I want to learn about the AP Cheque/EFT Batch Review process (also known as the AP Payment Approval Process)

Printing Cheques

To print a cheque

On the Accounts Payable menu, click Print Cheques.
The Print Cheques window opens.

(Config U) In the Location box, enter the location that owns the payment and is printing the cheques.

In the Payment Type box, enter the method of payment that you want to use to print cheques.
Only payment types specified to print cheques are available.

In the Payments up to box, optionally change the date to the date that payments were made on or before this date.
Today’s date is selected by default.

In the Starting Cheque Number box, enter or change the first cheque number.
The payment type determines whether you enter the number (for manually produced cheques with pre-numbered cheque stock) or whether agrē automatically sets and prints the prefix and the number (to the next sequential number for that location and payment type). The same cheque number cannot be used more than once for a specific location and payment type. If the payment type is specified to not print cheque numbers, then the number defaults to the next sequential number based on the last cheque run.

Click Prepare Cheques.
The search results are shown in the Cheque list, and the cheques shown are ready to be printed.

In the Print column, select the Print check boxes for the cheques that you want to print.


To quickly select and clear all the items in the list, click Select All and Deselect All.


When you click Print, agrē displays a preview of the information to be printed on the cheques rather than printing the cheques automatically.

Click Print.
The Print Cheque report opens, and it displays the information exactly as it will be printed on the cheques. Review the cheques and stubs for accuracy before printing.


agrē will display a message if the starting cheque number is a duplicate.

To find the duplicate, use the AP Supplier Payments report.
If the message indicates the duplicate is an AR refund cheque, use the AR Payment Activity report.

If the default starting cheque number is incorrect, edit the AP Payment Type and change the Next Cheque Number.

Click Print.
A message appears confirming your printing settings. If needed, change the settings.

Click OK.
The cheques are printed.

Click Exit.
The Print Cheque report closes. A message containing instructions appears.

Click OK.
The Print Cheques window is available.


On the Print Cheques window, the Print column is changed to Printed? and the check boxes for each cheque that was to be printed are selected.

In the Printed? column, clear the Printed? check boxes for the cheques that did not print successfully.
Clearing the check box for a cheque removes the cheque number and allows you to print the cheque again on the Print Cheques window. Click Save and then repeat the printing cheques process. If you indicate that a cheque printed correctly, but then need to print it again later, you can use the Reprint Cheques function.

Click Save.
The selected cheques are recorded as having printed successfully, and the cheque numbers are updated accordingly.

Reprinting Cheques

Use the Reprint Cheques window to reprint cheques that were marked as successfully printed but need to be printed again. You can reprint cheques as many times as needed. When reprinting cheques, you are always given the option of entering a new starting cheque number regardless of how your payment type is set up.

Cheques with manually entered tracking numbers are displayed for reprinting. Leading zeroes on cheque numbers are dropped when agrē checks for duplicates.

To reprint a cheque

On the Accounts Payable menu, click Reprint Cheques.
The Reprint Cheques window opens.

Under Search for Cheques, enter and change your search criteria as needed to narrow the list of cheques.


All the criteria is used for searching, unless you enter a cheque number, in which case, all other criteria are unavailable.

The Location and Payment Type boxes are always mandatory, even if a cheque number is entered.

You must select a Payment Type before you click Find Cheques. If you forget, you'll need to Start Over before you can pick one.

Click Find Cheques.
The search results are shown in the list. If no results are found, the list is blank and the message “No Cheques found” appears in the bottom left corner.

In the Reprint column, select the Reprint check boxes for the cheques you want to reprint.


The cheques will reprint in Date order (oldest to newest). You can choose a different sort order by clicking a column header e.g. Supplier. Click the sorting triangle to change from ascending to descending sort order.

To quickly select and clear all the items in the list, click Select All and Deselect All.

Click Reprint Cheque(s).
The Reprint Cheques-Cheque Numbers window opens. If you want new numbers for the cheques, select Use New Cheque Number(s) and enter the Starting Cheque Number.
If you want to use the original cheque numbers, select Use Original Cheque Numbers.
If you change your mind, click Cancel.
Click OK. The Print Cheque report opens, and it displays the information exactly as it will be printed on the cheques. Review the cheques and stubs for accuracy before printing.

Click Print.
A message appears confirming your printing settings. If needed, change the settings then click Print.

Click Exit to close the print preview window.
You are returned to the Reprint Cheques window with the list of reprinted cheques displayed.

Click Exit.
The Reprint Cheques window closes.