Purchase Contracts

What you'll find:

Purchase Contract Overview

A Purchase Contract records a trading agreement between a Producer and a Grain Company (Retailer). A Producer agrees to deliver a specific quality and quantity of a specified commodity.

Each Purchase Contract has a Status that is used to indicate the stage of the contract. A purchase contract can be:

Open Unfilled - nothing has been delivered against the contract

Open Received - grain has been delivered against the contract

Closed - contract has been filled (or manually closed)
(contract will close automatically when quantity ordered has been fully received (priced or unpriced) AND contract has been fully priced and price rows have been fully received)

Each purchase contract has a Contract Type that indicates how the contract will be priced.

A Fixed Price contract indicates an agreed upon fixed dollar amount.

A Basis contract has a fixed Basis and uses futures price from a specified Futures Month/Year.
Basis contracts are used only for hedgeable commodities, and can lock in quantities at different prices.

An HTA contract (Hedge To Arrive) has a fixed Futures price and uses a Basis from a specified Futures Month/Year.
HTA contracts are used only for hedgeable commodities, and can lock in quantities at different prices.

A Target Contract is like a quote for the Producer. Target Contracts do not affect inventory position, cannot be Authorized or have pricing rows, and grain receipts cannot be linked to them. Target Contracts can be converted later into actual Purchase Contracts, but actual Purchase Contracts cannot be converted to Targets.

(Config C) You may not be able to set Pricing until a Purchase Contract has been Authorized (this generally happens when the producer signs the contract).

A contract can have one or more discounts applied to it. Discounts include Grading Factor discounts, Grade discounts, and Adjustments which apply at time of delivery unless the Purchase Contract overrides it.

when adding a Grade discount that is for the same grade as the purchase contract, the rate must be $0.00

(Config C) Total quantity received may be limited to the purchase contract quantity.

Delivery Dates affect the Grain Inventory Position Report. Quantity to be delivered can be distributed over several months (non-target contracts only).

Grain purchase contracts can be printed and signed by the producer, displayed and eSigned on-screen (with eSignature), or emailed and signed electronically - with the option to attach the electronic version of the signed copy. Grain purchase contracts are normally printed and signed by the producer.

Documents (e.g. a scanned copy of the contract) can be attached.

Purchase Contracts can be in home or foreign currency, depending on the Grain Payables account of the Producer.
Foreign currency grain contracts can be valued using a specific exchange rate/hedge rate or the contract date's spot rate. 
All pricing is in the producer's currency (e.g. in US$ for US producers, default discounts are converted to US$ automatically).

I want to read the white paper (with lots of screenshots) on Multicurrency.


If you'll be using auto-generated reference numbers, before creating grain Purchase Contracts please setup your Grain Reference Numbers.

Adding Grain Purchase Contracts

Purchase Contracts can be added only for customers who are Grain Producers.

To add a purchase contract
* indicates a required field


Navigate to Grain > Purchase Contracts.
The Purchase Contracts home form window opens and all purchase contracts created today are listed by default.

Click Add.
The Add Purchase Contract window opens.

Each purchase contract requires a unique Contract No*.
If the Generate Contract No Automatically check box is selected, agrē assigns the next sequential purchase contract reference number to this purchase contract.
To enter a specific reference number, clear the Generate Contract No Automatically check box and type a number in the Contract No box.

In the Customer* box, enter the producer's/customer’s name.
Only customers with a Grain [GL] Account on their customer account can be selected. The customer can be changed as long as the contract is not authorized and has no receipts linked.

In the Contract Date * box, optionally change the effective date of the purchase contract.
Today’s date is selected by default. You can change this date to a past date, but future dates are not permitted.

The Status of new purchase contracts defaults to Open Unfilled.
The status will change automatically as receipts are linked.

When applicable, check Authorized and enter the Authorization# (this usually happens when the producer signs the contract).
(Config C) You may be restricted from adding price rows until the contract is authorized.
Authorized cannot be checked if Target Contract is checked.

(Config U) In the Location* box, enter the location that owns the purchase contract (this can also be set as a default).
A condo is not a valid location.

(Config C) Type the Crop Year.
(defaults to blank, current year, or company Crop Year but can be changed; may be mandatory)

Type an Exchange Rate (a.k.a. hedge rate) to calcluate all transactions with a fixed foreign exchange rate instead of using the spot rate (which can fluctuate day to day).
(foreign currency contracts only, spot rate based on contract date)

Customer & Notes tab

Check the customer's Billing Address and Phone Number for accuracy.
Click Manage Customer to change any information.

(config C) Add (or select a different from defaultSales Rep.

Add any Comments pertaining to this contract.

Add any Internal Notes.
(not printed anywhere - this is the only place you will see them)

Commodity & Pricing tab

From Contract Type* choose the type of purchase contract.
(will filter the Commodity dropdown)

Check the Target Contract box if this is a target price.

Targets have their own authorization checkbox, so when applicable check the Authorized box and enter the Expiry Date.
(the Authorized box in the header cannot be checked when the Target Contract box is checked)

Select a Commodity*.
(dropdown is filtered by Contract Type)
Once discounts have been added, the Contract Type cannot be changed.

Select a Grade*.


Purchase Contracts reference a Commodity and Grade combination, not a specific product.
Head over to Grade to associate an agrē product with a Commodity/Grade combination.

Type the contract Quantity* in MT (max 3 decimal places).

(config C) Type an Overfill Qty in MT (e.g. 4.000) if applicable.

Depending on the Contract Type selected, different fields may be required*.

Fixed Price

Fixed Price (in either MT or BUS) is required
agrē will calculate the other unit price

for hedgeable commodities, a Fixed Price, Futures, and Futures Month/Year are required

a price row is added automatically in the table, additional price rows can be added


used only for hedgeable commodities

Basis is required and locked in (e.g. 10 or 20 under)

Futures Month/Year is required

Add Row must be clicked to generate a price row

Date Priced is required (defaults to today)

each price row requires a Quantity


used only for hedgeable commodities

Basis and Futures Month/Year are required

Add Row must be clicked to generate a price row

Date Priced is required (defaults to today)

each price row requires a Basis and a Quantity

you can have multiple "futures" locked in with multiple price rows

Adding Price Rows
(Config C) You may be restricted from adding price rows until the contract is authorized.

Click Add Row.

Select the Date Priced (defaults to today but can be changed).

If applicable to the contract type, the Basis and Futures, and Futures Month/Year default to values entered above but can be changed.

Discounts tab

Discounts and Adjustments will carry over to Receipts when Linked to Contract.

Grading Factors
There are two ways to enter Grading Factor Discounts

Discount Schedule Copy
from the Discount Schedule dropdown, select any applicable Grade Discount Schedule
click the Copy button to copy the grade discount schedule row(s) into the Grading Factor grid

click Remove Discount to remove any rows not required

Rates can be changed

Grading Factor manual entry
in the Grading Factor grid, select a grading factor
specify Min, Max, and Increment values, and a Rate  (for % and lbs/bus)
or Grade and Rate (for grade)

Adjustments must be entered manually.

In the Adjustment grid, select applicable adjustments and optionally change the default Rate for each
Calc Method default cannot be changed

Terms tab

Set the Delivery Date Range details.

Select Delivery Start* and Delivery End* dates.

Select Delivery Distribution to distribute a contract over multiple months (delivery can span up to 5 calendar months e.g. October to February).
The Delivery Distribution window opens.

Next to each Month, type the Percentage or Quantity to be delivered.

Update to save your changes.
The Delivery Distribution window closes and Delivery Distribution turns red.

Clearing Delivery Distribution:
Selecting Target Contract or Clear Distribution will remove Delivery Distribution.

Select the Origin and Destination Delivery Points.

Type the Delivery Point Adjustment (value per MT representing freight cost, affects gain/loss on open contract reports).
Enter enter as foreign currency on a foreign currency contract.

Select a Pricing Point (a.k.a. FOB).

There are two ways to enter the Contract Terms.
Select a Contract Term from the drop-down list, then click Include Term.
Multiple terms can be included. You can manually edit the terms on the fly.
- or -
Manually type the terms of the payment (max 300 characters)
Select Edit to open a larger window with more text visible.

Receipt Summary tab

The Receipt Summary will be updated automatically as receipts are linked to the contract.

Purchase Orders tab


Purchase Order security permissions are ignored.
Even users with no perrmission to add, edit, or view purchases orders can link one to a purchase contract.

To link to an AP Purchase Order, click Link to PO.
The Purchase Order Link window opens.

Select a Supplier.

The supplier's unlinked, ordered purchase orders are displayed.
Select the AP Puchase Order to which you want to link.
(the columns can be sorted and filtered)

Select Link Purchase Order.
The Purchase Order Link window closes and the PO Reference Number is displayed.

More than one PO can be linked.

Select Edit PO to made changes to the linked purchase order on the fly.

Select Unlink PO to remove the link to a puchase order.

Click Save to save the purchase contract.

Editing Purchase Contracts

Customer and Location must still be active

You can always add more/increase purchase contract quantity

Closing and Reopening Purchase Contracts

Purchase Contracts can be manually Closed if needed before all grain has been received. They are closed automatically when the quantity received equals or exceeds the quantity on the contract.

They can be Reopened and edited by increasing quantities. New price rows can be added once there is additional quantity to price.

Deleting Purchase Contracts

Purchase Contracts cannot be deleted once they have been linked to a receipt. You will be prompted to provide a reason for the deletion.


The delete details are available from the Deleted Purchase Contracts data export.