Managing Delivery Points

Managing Delivery Points (a.k.a. FOB) is where you organize Delivery Points and Pricing Points on Purchase Contracts and Sales Contracts.

What you'll find:


Adding Delivery Points

To add a new delivery point:
* indicates a required field (other fields are optional)

Navigate to Grain > Manage > Delivery Points.
The Manage Delivery Points window opens.

Click Add.
The Add Delivery Point window opens.

Type a Code*.
The Code must be unique.

Press TAB (or click Active) to activate the new Delivery Point.

Type a Description* .
The Description must be unique.

Select a Location.
(used for FOB reporting)

Choose a Contract Type: Sales or Purchases.
The default is Sales as there are usally more of them.

Check FOB Farm if applicable.
(e.g. to indicate terminal is responsible for Freight)

Click Save to save the Delivery Point.
The Add Delivery Points window closes

Click Exit to close the Manage Delivery Points window.
The Manage Delivery Points window closes.

Editing Delivery Points

To edit a delivery point

Navigate to Grain > Manage > Delivery Points.
The Manage Delivery Points window opens.

Select the Delivery Point you want to change and click Edit.
The Edit Delivery Point window opens.

Make changes as needed.

Click Save.
The Edit Delivery Points window closes.

Deactivating Delivery Points

If there's a Delivery Point you no longer need but has been used so it can't be removed, you can deactivate it. After a Delivery Point has been deactivated it can still be used with sales contracts that already have that Delivery Point but you would not be able to select it as a new Delivery Point on any other sales contracts.

To deactivate a delivery point

Navigate to Grain > Manage > Delivery Points.
The Manage Delivery Points window opens.

Select the Delivery Point you want to deactivate and click Edit.
The Edit Delivery Point window opens.

Uncheck the Active checkbox.

Click Save.
The Edit Delivery Points window closes.

Removing Delivery Points

Removing a Delivery Point removes it from the database. A Delivery Point can be removed only if it has not been associated with any grain activity - but you can deactivate it if you no longer want to use it.

To remove an delivery point

Navigate to Grain > Manage > Delivery Points.
The Manage Delivery Pointswindow opens.

Select a Delivery Point and click Delete.
The Confirm Row Removal window opens.

Select Yes to remove the Delivery Point.
Select No to cancel the removal.