Managing Commodities

Commodities are purchased and sold through Purchase Contracts or Sales Contracts.

What you'll find:


Adding Commodities

Before you can start adding contracts, agrē needs to know what commodities you'll be buying and selling.

To add new commodities:
* indicates a required field (other fields are optional)

Navigate to Grain > Manage > Commodities.
The Manage Commodities window opens.

Click Add.
The Add Commodity window opens.

Type a Code*.
The Code must be unique.

Press TAB (or click Active) to activate the new commodity.
New commodities are active by default.

Type a Description* (e.g. canola, corn, barley).
The Description must be unique.

Select the Standard Units* from the dropdown list.

Type in the number of BUS per MT* .
It can be different for each commodity.

Check Hedgeable if applicable to the commodity.
Once the commodity has been used, the status cannot be changed.

Commodity Levy

Selected Levies will be added automatically to Settlements when importing Receipts.

Check Include next to all applicable Levies.
You can use the Select All and Deselect All shortcut buttons.

Optionally change the Rate.

Check Apply GST to the calculated levy amount if applicable.

Check Omit Discount if applicable.
When checked, the Levy is calculated on the Base Price and Quantity (instead of Net Price and Quantity).

Click Save to save the commodity.
The Add Commodity window closes

Grades, Grading Factors, and Grading Factor Discounts

Once a commodity has been created, you need to associate it with one or more Grades, then setup any Grading Factors and Grading Factor Discounts.

Editing Commodities

You can edit any of your existing commodities at any time.

To edit a commodity

Navigate to Grain > Manage > Commodities.
The Manage Commodities window opens.

Select a commodity and click Edit.
The Edit Commodity window opens.

Make your changes as needed.
The status of Hedgeable cannot be changed if the commodity has been used.

Click Save.
The Edit Commodity window closes.

Deactivating Commodities

If there's a commodity you no longer need but has been used so it can't be deleted, you can deactivate it. After a commodity has been deactivated it can still be used with transactions that already have that commodity but you would not be able to add it as a new commodity to any other transactions.

To deactivate a commodity

Navigate to Grain > Manage > Commodities.
The Manage Commodities window opens.

Select a commodity and click Edit.
The Edit Commodity window opens.

Uncheck the Active checkbox.

Click Save.
The Edit Commodity window closes.

Deleting Commodities

Deleting a commodity deletes it from the database. A commodity can be deleted only if it has not been associated with any grain activity - but you can deactivate it if you no longer want to use it.

A commodity also cannot be deleted if a grade has been added to the commodity. In that case, the grade has to be removed first and then the commodity can be deleted.

To delete a commodity

Navigate to Grain > Manage > Commodities.
The Manage Commodities window opens.

Select a commodity and click Delete.
The Delete Commodity window opens.

Select Yes to delete the commodity.
Select No to cancel the deletion.