Adding Manufacturers

You can add the manufacturers associated with the products your company sells, and then optionally associate them with an EMR manufacturer that Tronia Systems has reporting agreements with (for example, AgCollect manufacturers).

To add a manufacturer:

Navigate to Inventory > Manage > Manufacturers.
The Manage Manufacturers window opens.

In the Manufacturer column, type the manufacture’s name (e.g., Univar).
Maximum is 50 characters.

Ensure the Active check box is selected.
Active is selected by default after the manufacturer has been entered.

(optional) For AgCollect (AgData): in the EMR Manufacturer column, select the associated EMR manufacturer if sales for this manufacturer are reported to AgCollect (AgData).
Only EMR manufacturers that have reporting agreements with Tronia Systems are available. You cannot add to or make changes to the items in the EMR manufacturer dropdown list.

(optional) For FMC: in the FMC column, check the box if sales for this manufacturer are reported to FMC Canada.

(optional) For TKXS: in the TKXS column, check the box if sales/orders for this manufacturer are reported to TKXS.

(optional) For Kenna: in the Kenna column, check the box if sales for this manufacturer are reported to Kenna Communications.


You can select one/some/none of the reporting partners.

Add all manufacturers before clicking Save as saving also closes the window.

Click Save.

If you opted to associate a manufacturer with an EMR, or you removed an EMR from a manufacturer, a message will appear:
Continue with Save? You have added a link from a Manufacturer to be used as an EMR Manufacturer - do you wish to continue to save?


This message is a reminder to double-check the EMR mapping.
Making changes here affects AgCollect reporting so proceed carefully.

Select OK to continue with the mapping as-is.
Select Cancel to return to the Manage Manufacturers window and make changes.