Product Permits

In order to purchase certain products, you may want to specify that customers require specific permits. Setting up permits is optional, but it can help you keep of who has permits like TUAs and LTAs, or pesticide application permits.

There are three steps required to make full use of permits:

Add new permits to agrē

Specify which permits are needed to purchase which products

Specify which customers have the required permits
When you sell a product that requires a permit to a customer who doesn't have it, a warning message will appear but agrē will not prevent the sale.

Use the Manage Permits window to add, edit, and remove product permits.

What you'll find:

Adding Product Permits

Editing Product Permits

Removing Product Permits


Add or Edit all permits before clicking Save since saving also closes the window.

Adding Product Permits

You can add product permits that customers require in order to purchase certain products.

To add a product permit

Navigate to Inventory > Manage > Permits.
The Manage Permits window opens.

In the Description column, enter a unique description for the product permit (e.g., dangerous goods transportation).

Click Save.

Editing Product Permits

You can edit any of your existing product permits at any time by changing their descriptions.

To edit a product permit

Navigate to Inventory > Manage > Permits.
The Manage Permits window opens.

In the Description column, change the description of the product permit.

Click Save.

Removing Product Permits

Removing product permits deletes them from the database. Once you delete a product permit, it cannot be undone.

To remove a product permit

Navigate to Inventory > Manage > Permits.
The Manage Permits window opens.

In the Description column, select the product permit to remove.

Click Remove Permit.


If the Remove Permit button is not available, the permit you selected is in use and cannot be removed.

Click Yes to confirm the removal.
The product permit is removed.

Click Save.