Editing Default Interest Settings

Use the Manage Interest Settings window to edit any set default interest settings. Additionally, you can also edit default interest rates and due/chargeable dates for groups of customers, or for specific customers, or make one-time changes on individual invoices.

If an invoice is no longer available to edit or you want to change the interest rate on an interest charge, you can do so by managing outstanding items.

To edit a default interest setting

Navigate to Accounts Receivable > Interest Charges > Manage Interest Settings.
The Manage Interest Settings window opens.

(Config U) In the Location box, enter the location that you want to edit its interest settings.


If you had specified default interest settings at the <Company> level (all locations use the same interest settings), select <Company> to change the interest settings for all locations. If you only have one location, <Company> is hidden.

Click Retrieve Interest Settings.
The rest of the window is available for use.

Edit the data, and add date ranges to the Date Ranges for Invoice Due Dates and Chargeable Dates list as needed.

To edit items in the list, select the date range to edit and then click Edit Row.

When you are finished making changes, click Update.
The Add Interest Dates Row window closes and the updated date range appears in the list on the Manage Interest Settings window.


If you have date ranges specified, agrē uses those default date ranges first. If no date ranges are specified at the location or company levels, agrē uses the defaults specified in the If no date range exists, set due date/chargeable date to invoice date plus boxes for the location selected.

Click Save.

Setting Interest on Individual Invoices

Although you may have interest rates set up as defaults, they can be changed or deleted directly on invoices. Any charges that you have already calculated are not affected.

To set interest on an invoice

Navigate to Accounts Receivable > Invoices. Or click the Invoices toolbar button.
The Invoices window opens and all invoices created today are listed.

Click Add.
- or -
In the Invoice list, select the invoice to edit and then click Edit.
The Add Invoice or Edit Invoice window opens.

Ensure the mandatory information (and any optional information, if needed) is completed on the invoice.

Add, edit, import, or link to products, services, or blends as needed.


If the invoice you want to edit does not appear in the list, click New Search and change the criteria.

Click the Totals tab.

Under Interest, select the Charge interest on this invoice check box to charge interest on the invoice.
- or -
Clear the Charge interest on this invoice check box to not charge interest on the invoice.

In the Interest Rate box, enter the interest rate percentage to charge on the invoice.

In the Chargeable Date box, enter the date that the invoice starts accruing interest.

Click Save.

(Config U, L,C) If you created a new invoice, a message appears: “Would you like to preview this invoice?”
Click Yes to save, preview, and optionally print the Invoice report.
Click No to finish saving without viewing the Invoice.