Outstanding items are chargeable items (e.g. invoices and interest charges) that require payments.
Use the Manage Outstanding Items window to view a list of a customer’s outstanding items. Additionally, you can edit the interest settings for each item, if needed. For example, if an invoice is no longer editable but its chargeable date or interest rate needs to be changed.
To view and edit interest on an outstanding item
to Accounts Receivable > Customer
Accounts. Or click the Customer Account
toolbar button.
The Find Customer window opens.
Find the customer using the various search criteria.
the Customer List, enter the customer
who has outstanding items that you want to view and/or edit and then
click Use Selection.
The Customer Account Information window
Manage Outstanding Items.
The Manage Outstanding Items window opens
and all outstanding items for the customer are listed.
Invoices & Interest Owing displays the total amount of money the customer owes for all outstanding items. Unapplied Credits displays the total amount of unapplied credits the customer has.
the Outstanding Items list, review all
outstanding items for the customer that were charged.
The reference number, date, due date, current balance, and charge date
are displayed in the list for each item. The list also shows the items
that are being charged interest and their interest rates. You can
edit the interest for each item.
the Outstanding Items list, select the item that contains interest
settings to edit and then click Edit Interest
The Modify Interest Settings window opens.
the Charge interest on this item check
box to charge interest on the selected item.
The Charge interest on this item check
box is selected by default.
- or -
If you do not want to charge interest on the selected item,
clear the Charge interest on this item
check box. The rest of the information on the window is hidden.
In the Interest Rate box, change the interest rate percentage to charge on the item.
In the Chargeable Date box, change the date that the item starts accruing interest.
The Modify Interest Settings window closes
and the updated interest charge appears in the list on the Manage
Outstanding Items window.
To view a detailed report for an outstanding item, select the item from the list and then click View Item.
You cannot save on the Manage Outstanding Items
window since it is for viewing purposes only.