Splitting Loadout Tickets

Splitting a loadout ticket allows a customer to ‘share’ a load with other customers in their group(s) so each group member is eventually invoiced for what they received. Normally loads are split between family members or business partners, but you can set up any type of group partnership for split loadout tickets.

Loadout tickets can be split at the time they are added, or they can be edited later and split any time before they are billed.

What you'll find:

Business Rules for Split Loadout Tickets

Splitting a Loadout Ticket

I want to read the white paper (with lots of screenshots) on Split Billing.


Related Topics

Setting Up Customer Groups

Adding Loadout Tickets

Splitting Invoices


Business Rules For Split Loadout Tickets:

Reference number is automatically generated using the next available number

default Split Percentage is ignored if the customer is in more than one customer group

Loadout ticket Date is the same as the original loadout ticket

Ship To address is the default address of the customer on the LOT

Operator and Equipment are the same as the original loadout ticket

Lot Numbers are split to match quantity

e.g. original loadout ticket: 1 product row, 3 cases, 3 different Lot#s

split equally with 2 other customers

each has 1 product row, 1 case total, 1/3 case of 3 different Lot#s 

I want to read the white paper on Split Billing (with examples of splitting Lot Numbers).

Products don’t map to farm fields (on the split-off LOTs).

Loadout tickets that have been billed (even 1 row, including Bill & Hold) cannot be split

Split loadout tickets can be AutoBilled


To split a loadout ticket

Add or Edit a loadout ticket for a customer as you normally would.

Instead of saving, click the down arrow next to the save button and select Save and Split.
The Loadout Ticket Split window opens.


If you change your mind and no longer want to split the loadout ticket at all, click Exit on the Loadout Ticket Split window.

While you're splitting, you can click Remove Split at any time to remove a row.

(Config C) If you have already linked product to work orders and want to retain those links on the split-off LOTs, leave Keep Work Order Links for Split Loadout Tickets checked.

From here you can choose to split the entire load or split individual product rows.

to split the entire load

Split Entire Load is the default split method - no need to select it.

Check Force Equal Splits if the load is also being split equally between all selected group members.
This allows agrē to recalculate the percentages for you as you add more customers.

The name of the customer on the loadout ticket is automatically added to the Customer list (and cannot be removed) and initially gets 100% of the load.

Click the down-arrow next to the empty Customer row to select who to split the load with (you can also type the name if you know it).
All customers in their group(s) are listed.


Straight products can be split between as many customers as required.

Blends can be split between two customers only, but can be split multiple times.
(Customer A's loadout ticket can be split with Customer B. Then the original Customer A loadout ticket can be split again with Customer C, and so on)

If Force Equal Splits is not checked, indicate the percentage each customer is getting.
The percentages must total 100%, and each must get more than 0%.

to split product rows

Click Split Loadout Ticket Lines.

Select the row you want to split and click Split Line (or double-click it).
The Split Loadout Ticket Line window opens.

Check Force Equal Splits if the line is being split equally between all selected group members.
This allows agrē to recalculate the percentages/quantities for you as you add more customers.

The name of the customer on the loadout ticket is automatically added to the Customer list (and cannot be removed) and initially gets 100% of the line.

Click the down-arrow next to the empty Customer row to select who to split the line with (you can also type the name if you know it).
All customers in their group(s) are listed.

If Force Equal Splits is not checked, indicate the percentage or the quantity (agrē will calculate the other value when you press TAB) each customer is getting.
The percentages must total 100%, and each must get more than 0%.

Click Update to split the line.

Repeat until all lines required are split.

Click Save to save and split the loadout ticket.
The reference number of split loadout tickets will display an "S" to identity them.

(Config C, L, U)  If you have requested to be prompted to print, you'll be prompted for as many loadout tickets as are created.

