Editing Blends

You can edit a blend for a customer by opening an existing work order, loadout ticket, or invoice containing the blend. Edits cannot be made to the Blend Setup tab, and some blends cannot be recalculated.


You cannot edit or retrieve blends that have no customer specified (since a customer would have been required to save a blend).


Editing a blend is different from Retrieving a blend. Editing a blend modifies an existing blend; Retrieving a blend makes a new copy of the blend that can be edited.

To edit a blend

Edit the work order, loadout ticket, or invoice belonging to the customer whose blend you want to edit.

In the Product list, select the blend to edit and then click Edit Row.
The Make a Blend window opens.

Edit the data on the six tabs (Blend Setup, Calculation, Additional Products, Blend Notes, Price Sheet, Batch Sheet) as needed.:


If you added an inventory item as an additional product to the blend and saved, you cannot change it to a non-inventory item. Conversely, if you added a non-inventory item as an additional product to the blend and saved, you cannot change it to an inventory item. You must remove the row and add a new row.

Click Save.
The Make a Blend window closes and the updated blend appears in the Product list on the Edit Work Order, Edit Loadout Ticket, or Edit Invoice window.

Click Save.