Chemical Rates

Some chemicals are added to blends as Additional Products using 'generic rates' (such as heavy, medium, or light). Any chemical that you wish to refer to this way when making a blend must first have the chemical rates defined.

Adding Chemical Rates

To add a chemical rate

Navigate to Inventory > Manage > Chemical Rates.
The Product Search window opens.

Find the product you wish to specify rates for using the various search criteria.
The search results are shown in the Manage Chemical Rates window.


If the product that requires chemical rates does not appear in the list, click New Search and change your search criteria.

In the Product list, select the product that requires chemical rates and then click Edit.
The Edit Chemical Rates window opens.

In the Chem Rate Code column, enter a unique code for the chemical rate.
For example, the code could be heavy, medium, or light.

In the Units per Acre column, enter the number of main units to apply per acre.
This value specifies how to add the chemical to the blend.
For example, enter 0.5 if 1 jug covers 2 acres.

In the Acres per Unit column, enter the number of acres that can be covered per unit of product.
This value specifies how to add the chemical to the blend.
For example, enter 2 if 1 just covers 2 acres.

In the Default? column, select the Default? check box if this chemical rate is also the default.
Only one chemical rate can be the default.


Click Remove Chem Rate to remove a chemical rate from the table.

Click Save.